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Lens Distortion


Jan 5, 2025
I swear I have the worst lens distortion ever because I look nothing like how I do on phone vs in the mirror. It literally changes my face shape, makes my forehead bigger, nose bigger, and lips smaller. At first, I thought I was tricking myself into believing that, but I took a picture of myself and put it next to my face while looking in the mirror. I wasn't tricking anything I just look completely different on a phone camera. I don't want to hear lens distortion isn't a thing because it def is.
A good way to actually tell is take a mirror Pic then look in the mirror and compare them
yea obviously its a thing
still click photos from like 3-8 feet away
Nah bro I steel look like shit. I always look my best in the bathroom mirror (mostly because of the lighting my phone can't capture, and the camera isn't the best either) and in my shit laptop HP True Vision HD Camera (idk why it works only in settings app and records in black-white coloring).
Nah bro I steel look like shit. I always look my best in the bathroom mirror (mostly because of the lighting my phone can't capture, and the camera isn't the best either) and in my shit laptop HP True Vision HD Camera (idk why it works only in settings app and records in black-white coloring).
just click mirror pics then
pics are necessary to notice any changes in your face and body
I swear I have the worst lens distortion ever because I look nothing like how I do on phone vs in the mirror. It literally changes my face shape, makes my forehead bigger, nose bigger, and lips smaller. At first, I thought I was tricking myself into believing that, but I took a picture of myself and put it next to my face while looking in the mirror. I wasn't tricking anything I just look completely different on a phone camera. I don't want to hear lens distortion isn't a thing because it def is.
everyone has the "worst lens distortion ever". Thats just how iphone cameras work.