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[lifefeul] i cant wait for the weekend to begin

i say this every time it hits Wednesday but I mean it
Monday-friday is always ass with friday being less horrible then most of the week

how was yall weeks so far tho
mine was alright bc I got to stay at home bc I'm sick :dance::dance::dance:
Terrible week had to study alot, first exam of the season is comming up next monday :pepehands:
i say this every time it hits Wednesday but I mean it
Monday-friday is always ass with friday being less horrible then most of the week

how was yall weeks so far tho
mine was alright bc I got to stay at home bc I'm sick :dance::dance::dance:
My weekend Starts on Wednesday evening and ends on Monday morning. I work 12 hours a day 3 days a week.
i'm really really good at this time because my school starts on September 17th. I wish I could freeze time, I want to do many things before it comes to inundate me.

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