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look at my old posts compared to me now… been testosterone maxxing hard

Wow I looked at your earlier posts and you look a ton better. How did you do this without surgery, unless you did?
no, i looked at his older posts and his lower jaw was extremely narrow
they hardly look like the same person
I mean steroids do allow you to gain muscle very easily everywhere including masseters. But yeah probably too extreme to just be from chewing
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  • #13
damn, did you get a palate expander or implants?
i used this shitty rubber thing that i put in my mouth that put pressure on my palate for a while but the main thing was increasing my testosterone and then after that my jaw naturally filled out
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  • #15
Dude tell us how you did this? This is a top notch looksmaxxing transformation. And if you genuinely did not get surgery of any kind that's crazy
dm me bro
