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Discussion Looksmatch in 2024

I dont see any of that sort irl tbh. Most couples are looksmatched irl tbh. All that shit is only on tiktok.
Rly? So your saying a high tier Chadlight could pull a high tier Stacy?
yes bro, htn could pull a stacy/stacylight i see it all the time, i mean just take adrianna limas husband for ex
I feel like that’s lowk a stretch
no its not i swear, there is this girl at my school who is the baddest girl ive ever seen and shes dating a high mtn at best..shits sad
no its not i swear, there is this girl at my school who is the baddest girl ive ever seen and shes dating a high mtn at best..shits sad
I have seen a girl (arrogant and stupid) humiliating a subhuman guy (he was chill and never caused trouble) without any reason and nobody saw the problem. A friend of that guy ended up simping for her a year after.
I have seen a girl (arrogant and stupid) humiliating a subhuman guy (he was chill and never caused trouble) without any reason and nobody saw the problem. A friend of that guy ended up simping for her a year after.
L foid and L freind what the flip
L foid and L freind what the flip
It was in high-school/middle school idk how to translate it basically between 12-17 we go school in my country.
Same school, a racist guy (tall pretty boy chadlite) had a lot of leftist girls (mtn) orbitating around him even when he had a girlfriend.
It was in high-school/middle school idk how to translate it basically between 12-17 we go school in my country.
Same school, a racist guy (tall pretty boy chadlite) had a lot of leftist girls (mtn) orbitating around him even when he had a girlfriend.
avg blue hair foid behavoir
Like I understand sometimes looksmatch is crazy but that only happens if one of those sides is under body dismorphia or likes to manipulate the ugly guy that it's dating.
Most of the times pretty people (women may need to be less prettier) can do whatever they want.
I have seen a girl (arrogant and stupid) humiliating a subhuman guy (he was chill and never caused trouble) without any reason and nobody saw the problem. A friend of that guy ended up simping for her a year after.
Treating someone like shit based off looks needs to flayed infront of the school and give her parents front seats

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