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Info Looksmaxxing as an instrument


Well-known member
Established ★
Jan 29, 2024
Schopenhauer shows that reason serves the purposes of the will, which is always animalistic. Thus, no animal is 100% rational, because if it were, it would have no motivation.

Thus, in the evolutionary context, different animals have variations in their desires and instincts, and this translates to human beings, with humans having different instincts and preferences between other humans, for wherever reason.

However, allegedly Nick Land proposes that if at first intelligences may have different preferences and focuses, with each one prioritizing something (strength, appearance, having a home...), there is a stage of evolution in which one of these individuals prioritizes their own intelligence in a search for new strategies or technologies that end up giving that individual an extreme advantage over the others.
Thus, over time, all individuals who did not prioritize the development of intelligence research and its application end up succumbing to being exterminated or enslaved by the individuals who did prioritize it and who also had a drive to conquer others. Thus, the only individuals free from being dominated would be those who also developed their research into technology and intelligence but did not necessarily focus on conquering others but at least defending themselves.

So, from an evolutionary perspective, looksmaxxing should be an accessory, a strategy, to achieve your goal and not the end in itself of your life.
Your main goal, if you were to use that evolutionary point of view, to ´´sucess``, would be to priorize the study of power itself and how to apply it to, at least, be abble to defend yourself.

In this perspective, looksmaxxing is a hack acquired through intelligent research on the social battlefield - but also full of bullshit.
Focusing all your resources, sacrificing various aspects of life, just for your appearance is not the main strategy. Its purpose is to give you symbolic/social capital, a mere tool and not the end in itself.

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