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Looksmaxxing is kinda Gay and here's why

broo ur delts and ur glutes ahhhhahaaah
so firm and round and big bro
bro do lat spread whoaa monster back
ambatukum wow bro nice forearms

and bunch of old dudes are gazing at oiled, tanned naked men on stage
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  • #6
broo ur delts and ur glutes ahhhhahaaah
so firm and round and big bro
bro do lat spread whoaa monster back
ambatukum wow bro nice forearms

and bunch of old dudes are gazing at oiled, tanned naked men on stage
yes the competitions are gay, but lifting itself and getting big isnt
There's the cope social media bodybuilding too. But I like to think of "bodybuilding" as just the act of working to build up your body to its max potential
social media people are on roids
also u don't need more muscle
u r already big enough to maximize ur attractiveness by muscles
getting any bigger wont make u more attractive (could possibly decrease appeal and make u ogre)
If we are worshipping male aesthetics, convincing ourselves that's peak attraction, and getting obsessed over male models that's kinda gay right? I mean we rate other men outta 10
I’m ngl if I found a dude I was takkknb to using a looksmaxing forum I would get the ick like wdym you eating other men
ive always thought this bc why are we making thirst trap edits of other men

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