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Love is the most important thing, sex is cope


May 5, 2024
What i want in a relationship?

A best friend I can hug and talk to about vidya and anime all day. Someone I can be with forever through thick and thin, like we're glued together at the hip. Also, going on night walks while holding her hand like you mentioned, going to different places, having fun, laughing. Someone I can grow old with and always be with until the very end. I'll probably mourn her death every single day of my life until I also die. I'll keep her pictures in my bedroom and look at them every time I wake up. Hopefully, by the time we're both old, life extension has come along and we can live more... I don't know. Maybe we'll be able to upload our consciousness or something and I'll be with her forever. Maybe we can even have completely robotical bodies and our minds are uploaded into them. What's beautiful about that is we might not have the same identical physical forms we used to have, but even like this, I'll still love her for who she is beneath the skin (or metal). It's like her essence is still in the machine even though our physical vehicles have long passed away and deteriorated before that, sort of like the "Reincarnation Romance" trope, where the lovers are born again and again as different people, but they are so intrinsically linked by the universe that they keep meeting each other and falling in love. Even though we don't have physical bodies, the love does not fade.

Arguably, the most romantic thing is to die with your lover in an impoverished state. I remember I saw a video where a woman was hit by a car and was dying, but her boyfriend or husband was trying to crawl to her as his guts spilled out (he was hit too) and he died before he reached her. Of course, something less gruesome would be ideal—like dying in the cold holding each other (what's interesting is with low temperatures, you'll actually get mummification, so you might be stuck in that position for eternity [like the dead Mt. Everest climbers] until someone decides to take your bodies out of there).

Here is a the teenage love, a pure love, i lost the train for that.
Sex is nothing, temporary pleasure. An animalistic and primitive thing, empty .

give me a girl like this asxuaal anyday
Its like the graphics vs gameplay argument, both are important. Its not graphics vs gameplay, its graphics*gameplay

If you play a game that has horrible graphics and good gameplay then you are a cuck.

And I feel that retro low-polygon gfx are good, so when people say some rubbish such as "retro games have bad gfx" its because they don't know what they are talking about.
What i want in a relationship?

A best friend I can hug and talk to about vidya and anime all day. Someone I can be with forever through thick and thin, like we're glued together at the hip. Also, going on night walks while holding her hand like you mentioned, going to different places, having fun, laughing. Someone I can grow old with and always be with until the very end. I'll probably mourn her death every single day of my life until I also die. I'll keep her pictures in my bedroom and look at them every time I wake up. Hopefully, by the time we're both old, life extension has come along and we can live more... I don't know. Maybe we'll be able to upload our consciousness or something and I'll be with her forever.
Completely cucked shit, stopped reading after that.

The point of this is to ESCAPE the simulation not go deeper into more simulations.

Why not date an incel man and make them happy, if sex is unimportant to you, I'm sure they would be happy to discuss anime and videogames with you.
What i want in a relationship?

A best friend I can hug and talk to about vidya and anime all day. Someone I can be with forever through thick and thin, like we're glued together at the hip. Also, going on night walks while holding her hand like you mentioned, going to different places, having fun, laughing. Someone I can grow old with and always be with until the very end. I'll probably mourn her death every single day of my life until I also die. I'll keep her pictures in my bedroom and look at them every time I wake up. Hopefully, by the time we're both old, life extension has come along and we can live more... I don't know. Maybe we'll be able to upload our consciousness or something and I'll be with her forever. Maybe we can even have completely robotical bodies and our minds are uploaded into them. What's beautiful about that is we might not have the same identical physical forms we used to have, but even like this, I'll still love her for who she is beneath the skin (or metal). It's like her essence is still in the machine even though our physical vehicles have long passed away and deteriorated before that, sort of like the "Reincarnation Romance" trope, where the lovers are born again and again as different people, but they are so intrinsically linked by the universe that they keep meeting each other and falling in love. Even though we don't have physical bodies, the love does not fade.

Arguably, the most romantic thing is to die with your lover in an impoverished state. I remember I saw a video where a woman was hit by a car and was dying, but her boyfriend or husband was trying to crawl to her as his guts spilled out (he was hit too) and he died before he reached her. Of course, something less gruesome would be ideal—like dying in the cold holding each other (what's interesting is with low temperatures, you'll actually get mummification, so you might be stuck in that position for eternity [like the dead Mt. Everest climbers] until someone decides to take your bodies out of there).

Here is a the teenage love, a pure love, i lost the train for that.
Sex is nothing, temporary pleasure. An animalistic and primitive thing, empty .

give me a girl like this asxuaal anyday
love is a deep feeling, sex is just a necessity of our animal side
love is a deep feeling, sex is just a necessity of our animal side

sex is argueable the best way to “bond” with your partner
With someone you love, it’s euphoric

You cant compare a hookup to sex with a girl you like

sex is argueable the best way to “bond” with your partner
With someone you love, it’s euphoric

You cant compare a hookup to sex with a girl you like
We have sex because it is a necessity for reproduction
Doesnt matter the reason, my point still stands
No your point doesnt stand shit, if you partner loves you after having sex its because she feels safer and theres some animal instinctual shit going on, its not deep and true love, get it?
No your point doesnt stand shit, if you partner loves you after having sex its because she feels safer and theres some animal instinctual shit going on, its not deep and true love, get it?
There’s a reason when you ask any sexhaver they always say hookups compare NOTHING to someone you love

Even on org
Both are good sounds like you are coping
We have sex because it is a necessity for reproduction
my theory is sexual motivation is mostly non-reproductive

evolutionarily, whatever lifeform happened to enjoy sex first then reproduced more than any other lifeform, therefore the evolution was from enjoyment of sex not the reproductive aspect (reproduction was just a side-effect of the evolution).
No your point doesnt stand shit, if you partner loves you after having sex its because she feels safer and theres some animal instinctual shit going on, its not deep and true love, get it?
its not true love unless u can cum while lookin in her eyes and stay inside her for several minutes after
my theory is sexual motivation is mostly non-reproductive

evolutionarily, whatever lifeform happened to enjoy sex first then reproduced more than any other lifeform, therefore the evolution was from enjoyment of sex not the reproductive aspect (reproduction was just a side-effect of the evolution).
no. the reason why mutations survive is because 1. it is beneficial 2. it is neutral 3. it is negative but the organism can survive long enough to reproduce and have it transferred to the next generation
reproduction came before pleasure. pleasure was a good motivator for reproduction. all organisms today are due to reproduction. pleasurable sex helps boost offspring and those inherit the pleasure sensations, so they are more likely to want to do it and therefore more successful, until eventually most sexual life forms that can feel things can feel pleasure
my theory is sexual motivation is mostly non-reproductive

evolutionarily, whatever lifeform happened to enjoy sex first then reproduced more than any other lifeform, therefore the evolution was from enjoyment of sex not the reproductive aspect (reproduction was just a side-effect of the evolution).
Enjoyment is caused by hormones generated while having sex, those hormomes lead to pleasure, when those hormomes get generated the most the being mires to having sex a lot
no. the reason why mutations survive is because 1. it is beneficial 2. it is neutral 3. it is negative but the organism can survive long enough to reproduce and have it transferred to the next generation
reproduction came before pleasure. pleasure was a good motivator for reproduction. all organisms today are due to reproduction. pleasurable sex helps boost offspring and those inherit the pleasure sensations, so they are more likely to want to do it and therefore more successful, until eventually most sexual life forms that can feel things can feel pleasure
thats no different than what i said
thats no different than what i said
what i mean is that sex and pleasures comes for reproductive reasons, but socially we might have sex for non reproductive reasons. but we still all have sex due to the fact that pleasure was a huger motivator, not because it is a side effect. many people would not be willing to have sex if it was not pleasurable; in fact it could be painful and very sweaty
what i mean is that sex and pleasures comes for reproductive reasons, but socially we might have sex for non reproductive reasons. but we still all have sex due to the fact that pleasure was a huger motivator, not because it is a side effect. many people would not be willing to have sex if it was not pleasurable; in fact it could be painful and very sweaty
thats exactly what i said

the primary motivator is pleasure, reproduction is a side effect. the organisms that cared more about reproduction than pleasure died off. no organism says "the main reason to have sex is because im going to have to reproduce" except some modern female humans that date ben shapiro and have difficulty orgasming. and some trad males that are virgins.
thats exactly what i said

the primary motivator is pleasure, reproduction is a side effect. the organisms that cared more about reproduction than pleasure died off. no organism says "the main reason to have sex is because im going to have to reproduce" except some modern female humans that date ben shapiro and have difficulty orgasming. and some trad males that are virgins.
no, reproduction came first and pleasure is both the side effect and motivator, it helps boost reproduction.
and human society + culture affects how we perceive child bearing
What i want in a relationship?

A best friend I can hug and talk to about vidya and anime all day. Someone I can be with forever through thick and thin, like we're glued together at the hip. Also, going on night walks while holding her hand like you mentioned, going to different places, having fun, laughing. Someone I can grow old with and always be with until the very end. I'll probably mourn her death every single day of my life until I also die. I'll keep her pictures in my bedroom and look at them every time I wake up. Hopefully, by the time we're both old, life extension has come along and we can live more... I don't know. Maybe we'll be able to upload our consciousness or something and I'll be with her forever. Maybe we can even have completely robotical bodies and our minds are uploaded into them. What's beautiful about that is we might not have the same identical physical forms we used to have, but even like this, I'll still love her for who she is beneath the skin (or metal). It's like her essence is still in the machine even though our physical vehicles have long passed away and deteriorated before that, sort of like the "Reincarnation Romance" trope, where the lovers are born again and again as different people, but they are so intrinsically linked by the universe that they keep meeting each other and falling in love. Even though we don't have physical bodies, the love does not fade.

Arguably, the most romantic thing is to die with your lover in an impoverished state. I remember I saw a video where a woman was hit by a car and was dying, but her boyfriend or husband was trying to crawl to her as his guts spilled out (he was hit too) and he died before he reached her. Of course, something less gruesome would be ideal—like dying in the cold holding each other (what's interesting is with low temperatures, you'll actually get mummification, so you might be stuck in that position for eternity [like the dead Mt. Everest climbers] until someone decides to take your bodies out of there).

Here is a the teenage love, a pure love, i lost the train for that.
Sex is nothing, temporary pleasure. An animalistic and primitive thing, empty .

give me a girl like this asxuaal anyday
A non sexual typa love is the most pure thing a guy can experience
A non sexual typa love is the most pure thing a guy can experience

otherwise all males would be bi and gay

if u enjoy kissing fat ugly wrinkly women on the lips ur impure

pure if u enjoy kissing youthful beauty on the lips
Completely cucked shit, stopped reading after that.

The point of this is to ESCAPE the simulation not go deeper into more simulations.

Why not date an incel man and make them happy, if sex is unimportant to you, I'm sure they would be happy to discuss anime and videogames with you.
Completely cucked shit, stopped reading after that.

The point of this is to ESCAPE the simulation not go deeper into more simulations.

Why not date an incel man and make them happy, if sex is unimportant to you, I'm sure they would be happy to discuss anime and videogames with you.
Being asexual doesn’t make you an incel, an incel is involuntarily celibate, meaning you don’t choose to abstain from sex. Also, nothing is wrong with anime and video games, most chads do that shit on the low. For me, I like the idea of sex. But, if it’s not with someone I love or going to be with forever, then I don’t want it.
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what does my post have to do with chads?
So you’re telling me, if you were a girl, you would prefer a normie fucking hoes 24/7. Wouldn’t that make you a cuck? Listen, I know you’re not a cuck, but it just doesn’t make sense to me.
So you’re telling me, if you were a girl, you would prefer a normie f*****g hoes 24/7. Wouldn’t that make you a cuck?
oh. my post wasnt about chads but if u want to make it about chads

the reason most males are not bi and gay. hypergamy, men approach women, women do not approach men. hypergamy means most men are not as attractive as the average woman. so if women arent thirsting for most men then most men are not going to be thirsting for most men.
oh. my post wasnt about chads but if u want to make it about chads

the reason most males are not bi and gay. hypergamy, men approach women, women do not approach men. hypergamy means most men are not as attractive as the average woman. so if women arent thirsting for most men then most men are not going to be thirsting for most men.
shit got philosophical, but you’re right
oh. my post wasnt about chads but if u want to make it about chads

the reason most males are not bi and gay. hypergamy, men approach women, women do not approach men. hypergamy means most men are not as attractive as the average woman. so if women arent thirsting for most men then most men are not going to be thirsting for most men.
What happens when women approach you? 8/10 times my relationships happen because a women came to me. Not saying I don't prefer to come first but equally as such women have paid for my plane tickets. My food. My hotel. Is this a fluke? My current girl I pay for her needs and living becuase I care for her. But before that it was always the women doing the most for me and I just sorta....exist
What i want in a relationship?

A best friend I can hug and talk to about vidya and anime all day. Someone I can be with forever through thick and thin, like we're glued together at the hip. Also, going on night walks while holding her hand like you mentioned, going to different places, having fun, laughing. Someone I can grow old with and always be with until the very end. I'll probably mourn her death every single day of my life until I also die. I'll keep her pictures in my bedroom and look at them every time I wake up. Hopefully, by the time we're both old, life extension has come along and we can live more... I don't know. Maybe we'll be able to upload our consciousness or something and I'll be with her forever. Maybe we can even have completely robotical bodies and our minds are uploaded into them. What's beautiful about that is we might not have the same identical physical forms we used to have, but even like this, I'll still love her for who she is beneath the skin (or metal). It's like her essence is still in the machine even though our physical vehicles have long passed away and deteriorated before that, sort of like the "Reincarnation Romance" trope, where the lovers are born again and again as different people, but they are so intrinsically linked by the universe that they keep meeting each other and falling in love. Even though we don't have physical bodies, the love does not fade.

Arguably, the most romantic thing is to die with your lover in an impoverished state. I remember I saw a video where a woman was hit by a car and was dying, but her boyfriend or husband was trying to crawl to her as his guts spilled out (he was hit too) and he died before he reached her. Of course, something less gruesome would be ideal—like dying in the cold holding each other (what's interesting is with low temperatures, you'll actually get mummification, so you might be stuck in that position for eternity [like the dead Mt. Everest climbers] until someone decides to take your bodies out of there).

Here is a the teenage love, a pure love, i lost the train for that.
Sex is nothing, temporary pleasure. An animalistic and primitive thing, empty .

give me a girl like this asxuaal anyday
I love being primitive. Jk i get this thread but sometimes people need to know when their only use is getting each others rocks off.(not trying to sound like a playboy) but srsly. Not saying u should fuck someone you don't love(with them thinking u do) Just saying that sometimes platonic and loveless sex isnt bad. Just not ideal
What i want in a relationship?

A best friend I can hug and talk to about vidya and anime all day. Someone I can be with forever through thick and thin, like we're glued together at the hip. Also, going on night walks while holding her hand like you mentioned, going to different places, having fun, laughing. Someone I can grow old with and always be with until the very end. I'll probably mourn her death every single day of my life until I also die. I'll keep her pictures in my bedroom and look at them every time I wake up. Hopefully, by the time we're both old, life extension has come along and we can live more... I don't know. Maybe we'll be able to upload our consciousness or something and I'll be with her forever. Maybe we can even have completely robotical bodies and our minds are uploaded into them. What's beautiful about that is we might not have the same identical physical forms we used to have, but even like this, I'll still love her for who she is beneath the skin (or metal). It's like her essence is still in the machine even though our physical vehicles have long passed away and deteriorated before that, sort of like the "Reincarnation Romance" trope, where the lovers are born again and again as different people, but they are so intrinsically linked by the universe that they keep meeting each other and falling in love. Even though we don't have physical bodies, the love does not fade.

Arguably, the most romantic thing is to die with your lover in an impoverished state. I remember I saw a video where a woman was hit by a car and was dying, but her boyfriend or husband was trying to crawl to her as his guts spilled out (he was hit too) and he died before he reached her. Of course, something less gruesome would be ideal—like dying in the cold holding each other (what's interesting is with low temperatures, you'll actually get mummification, so you might be stuck in that position for eternity [like the dead Mt. Everest climbers] until someone decides to take your bodies out of there).

Here is a the teenage love, a pure love, i lost the train for that.
Sex is nothing, temporary pleasure. An animalistic and primitive thing, empty .

give me a girl like this asxuaal anyday
real af
Love cant be found. IT DOES NOT EXIST. As a girlfriend once said, ´´there is only Neediness and envy``. Give up on traditional DISNEY LOVE, it is not real, specially for people like us. Only superficiality is real. Die inside and reborn adapted to the psychopathic place that is this planet.

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