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no to all makeup right? What do you see as acceptable usage? also why that opinion?
People can wear makeup if they want to, its their choice and it does work in covering up imperfections and frauding
But personally i dont like it, natural is beautiful and often times makeup is unappealing to me
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  • #6
People can wear makeup if they want to, its their choice and it does work in covering up imperfections and frauding
But personally i dont like it, natural is beautiful and often times makeup is unappealing to me
pretty agreeable,unless good at makeup it can make someone look worst
lovee makeup but it kind of decreases my motivation to looksmaxx when i can just wear it and cover
looks amazing on special occasions tho i feel like a baddie
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  • #18
makeup is copemax for females they all feel like they are 10s and than they reject their lookmatch male

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