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Guide Maximum Ascension


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
I realized what will cause Maximum Ascension in society.

DNA analysis. Algorithms to analyze DNA and determine the best offspring probabilities. You input what you are looking for in an offspring: strength, health, iq, beauty etc. giving a priority to each. The Algorithm matches u with the ideal genetic partner from anywhere in the world, giving priority to less distance.

This would help improve the genetics of the human species. Each generation would have better and better genes. And this would fix inceldom completely. No more randomly walking around like a bunch of drunk ogres, with no guide or direction in life, getting random dates and maybe getting someone pregnant as a roll of the dice.

If the algorithm cannot find a suitable match to achieve offspring within a certain threshold of parameters, then the incel is given estrogen and can be bi or lesbian.

There are some flaws and I don't see this happening for a while. You cannot trust silicon valley capitalists or entrust current governments with an Algorithm such as this. The algorithm would have to become tamper-proof, free from meddling politicians or corporations. For example, in the current society, some CEO could just botch the Algorithm and make it give no matches to somebody they don't like. So you would first need better governments and a more utopian society, not the current governments that have bribable politicians, etc.
This would be interesting
Will never happen though because of conservatives
will never happen, because everyone imagines their version of an ideal society for their scenarios, but it is never the case that the world will be this way
also, somewhat disagreed. this algorithm is very difficult. it is unknown what certain gene combos will make. for example, multiple genes will make one pheno. (this is called polygenic traits) everyone in the world is unique, so you will never know. in the chart below, you can see that different skin gene color combos can result in the same color. also, one gene can have multiple phenos (pleiotropy).
secondly, you should avoid reducing gene pool diversity. in times of adversity and selective pressure, if a population has similar alleles, then we're cooked. thus diversity is valuable and promotes survival. additionally, certain genes could have uses that we previosly were not aware of, like producing a certain protein.
society will also dictate a shifting beauty standard so those genes will survive even though they are not necessarily helpful.
what i do think is good is reducing inheritable disorders from the bloodline. genetic risk of cancer (oncogenes), cystic fybrosis, huntingtons disease, can all be eliminated prezygoticly.
the last part you said is true. people will tamper and manipulate it for bad. that will always happen since society is not perfect. you can never expect the conditions to be right.
I realized what will cause Maximum Ascension in society.

DNA analysis. Algorithms to analyze DNA and determine the best offspring probabilities. You input what you are looking for in an offspring: strength, health, iq, beauty etc. giving a priority to each. The Algorithm matches u with the ideal genetic partner from anywhere in the world, giving priority to less distance.

This would help improve the genetics of the human species. Each generation would have better and better genes. And this would fix inceldom completely. No more randomly walking around like a bunch of drunk ogres, with no guide or direction in life, getting random dates and maybe getting someone pregnant as a roll of the dice.

If the algorithm cannot find a suitable match to achieve offspring within a certain threshold of parameters, then the incel is given estrogen and can be bi or lesbian.

There are some flaws and I don't see this happening for a while. You cannot trust silicon valley capitalists or entrust current governments with an Algorithm such as this. The algorithm would have to become tamper-proof, free from meddling politicians or corporations. For example, in the current society, some CEO could just botch the Algorithm and make it give no matches to somebody they don't like. So you would first need better governments and a more utopian society, not the current governments that have bribable politicians, etc.

You mean eugenics??
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will never happen, because everyone imagines their version of an ideal society for their scenarios, but it is never the case that the world will be this way
also, somewhat disagreed. this algorithm is very difficult. it is unknown what certain gene combos will make. for example, multiple genes will make one pheno. (this is called polygenic traits) everyone in the world is unique, so you will never know. in the chart below, you can see that different skin gene color combos can result in the same color. also, one gene can have multiple phenos (pleiotropy).
View attachment 29600
if its non computable then this plan cannot fruition

secondly, you should avoid reducing gene pool diversity. in times of adversity and selective pressure, if a population has similar alleles, then we're cooked. thus diversity is valuable and promotes survival. additionally, certain genes could have uses that we previosly were not aware of, like producing a certain protein.
society will also dictate a shifting beauty standard so those genes will survive even though they are not necessarily helpful.
what i do think is good is reducing inheritable disorders from the bloodline. genetic risk of cancer (oncogenes), cystic fybrosis, huntingtons disease, can all be eliminated prezygoticly.
the last part you said is true. people will tamper and manipulate it for bad. that will always happen since society is not perfect. you can never expect the conditions to be right.
no idea what any of that is, im promoting you to Minister in my society
if its non computable then this plan cannot fruition
it could technically be computable, but it would take a very long time to simulate every single little combination or variance combined with environmental effects (as in a very, very long time of research and computing, so we will need scientists to study effects and put it into a quantum computer, which will take decades to combine the research into the computer). also, the rise of new mutations, since mutations happen all the time, will have to be calculated as well.
no idea what any of that is
basically you need genetic diversity or everyone is cooked
im promoting you to Minister in my society
will never happen, because everyone imagines their version of an ideal society for their scenarios, but it is never the case that the world will be this way
also, somewhat disagreed. this algorithm is very difficult. it is unknown what certain gene combos will make. for example, multiple genes will make one pheno. (this is called polygenic traits) everyone in the world is unique, so you will never know. in the chart below, you can see that different skin gene color combos can result in the same color. also, one gene can have multiple phenos (pleiotropy).
View attachment 29600
secondly, you should avoid reducing gene pool diversity. in times of adversity and selective pressure, if a population has similar alleles, then we're cooked. thus diversity is valuable and promotes survival. additionally, certain genes could have uses that we previosly were not aware of, like producing a certain protein.
society will also dictate a shifting beauty standard so those genes will survive even though they are not necessarily helpful.
what i do think is good is reducing inheritable disorders from the bloodline. genetic risk of cancer (oncogenes), cystic fybrosis, huntingtons disease, can all be eliminated prezygoticly.
the last part you said is true. people will tamper and manipulate it for bad. that will always happen since society is not perfect. you can never expect the conditions to be right.
you either are very high iq or have studied too much

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