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JFL Me and Kaligula aren’t friends anymore

Don’t spread lies about kali , he is the god of death and rebirth .
You will bring kaliyuga if you slander his name.
the mighty king will never fall.
Not glazing just stating facts, kali is the greatest.
Look at my kali
Fuck you n****r i m tired of your schizo ramblings on here. Itd fucking over for me on .org and you didn t even try to fuvking help n****r.

At least try f****t

jfljfl schizo n*****s on .com kys
Brutal if I were a scrot I would have helped you, brotherhood doesn’t exist ig.
You have no power over me anymore I promised Texhno I’d be on my best behaviour so the bird arc is over
So the birds have come to an end, such a sad ending.
Ig everything great comes to an end one day.
I can’t bear this sadness, this is the msot saddest shit ever.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #30
So the birds have come to an end, such a sad ending.
Ig everything great comes to an end one day.
I can’t bear this sadness, this is the msot saddest shit ever.
Yeah I didn’t want it to come to this but it’s over

Goth is the real enemy he betrayed the both of us and made us fight
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #31
Yeah I didn’t want it to come to this but it’s over

Goth is the real enemy he betrayed the both of us and made us fight
Idk who is goth but I hope he gets karma for what he did.
Goth , you shall pay for your sins.
Yeah he started the whole bird thing and then he started talking bad stuff about us behind our backs yet Kali is mad at me
Shame on that goth guy, how dare he do this foid type gossip shit.
I didn’t know scrots did shit like this .
Yeah he started the whole bird thing and then he started talking bad stuff about us behind our backs yet Kali is mad at me
Tbh fuck you at this point i just wanna kms. Over for kaligula s legacy bump my thread while i put the rope around my neck bhai
true but the .org bhais there

plus they stopped caring about you and your threads too kek
Just saw this shit acctualy wtf is this n***a talking about***a-whisky-for-kaligular.1167869/

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