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JFL Me and Kaligula aren’t friends anymore

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  • #52
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  • #56
Wtf n***a i ask you for 1 fucking bump and this shit happenes
You were getting anal in my pms calling me racial slurs all because of that

plus you said multiple times that the favours were the’last time’ yet you still ask me for them

The birds are done it’s over
You were getting anal in my pms calling me racial slurs all because of that

plus you said multiple times that the favours were the’last time’ yet you still ask me for them

The birds are done it’s over
Bro last time but you still didn t do your job
You were getting anal in my pms calling me racial slurs all because of that

plus you said multiple times that the favours were the’last time’ yet you still ask me for them

The birds are done it’s over
It can’t be over like that.
I can’t believe the birds are breaking apart like this.
This can’t be happening, no this shouldn’t happen.
The birds shall not break apart.
Fucking niggger i will dox you all faggots for fucking my shit on .org

Make the fucking schizo ramblings stop or i will r**e @rain n****r

Jfljfl jfl at this f****t @Incognito
I will be the mediator between you 2. first i need the story of both sides then I will judge.
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  • #73
“I got banned on .org which was obvious to come now I blame everyone to cope with the brain damage I got” *sniffs and cries* -Kaligula
yeah the abuse im taking from this man is brutal

i got banned cuz of him yet im still loyal yet this is how he treats me
Brutal, you take all those Jew pills.
I feel bad for you now.
Here is everything i take

honestly its for the best

i know it sucks but hopefully it will push you away from rotting on the internet and make you do something with your life
Yeah i wish you the best tbh keep roting on .org bhai
even irl all relationships are fleeting and everyone is self-serving. You’re crazy if you expect online relationships between insecure teens to be anything of substance.

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