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JFL Me and Kaligulas boxing ring don’t join thread if you don’t want spam

your prime consisted of you spamming other autists to bump your annoying thread even in your peak it’s over for u
Will you bump

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #20
Frfr bro you see now even @RAJ GHRANDHICK bumped this shit thread why can t you
schizo ramblings, if he did he only did so out of pity
Frfr bro you see now even @RAJ GHRANDHICK bumped this shit thread why can t you
why did u even make an alt bro
its against the rules
ofc ur gonna get banned
why did u even make an alt bro
its against the rules
ofc ur gonna get banned
Bro it was for testing my shit scripts that autoposts chatgpt post every 120 seconds it was for fucking school project couse it works on every phbbs (forgot name) based forum and then n***a @NumbThePain banned me
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #28
Bro it was for testing my shit scripts that autoposts chatgpt post every 120 seconds it was for fucking school project couse it works on every phbbs (forgot name) based forum and then n***a @NumbThePain banned me
deserved tbh we got fed up of your gigatism

numbthepain is based for that ngl
Bro it was for testing my shit scripts that autoposts chatgpt post every 120 seconds it was for fucking school project couse it works on every phbbs (forgot name) based forum and then n***a @NumbThePain banned me
should have tested on something else
why did u think doing that on .org was a good idea
but u can write python programs ?

i think ur just stupid despite not being low iq
Over for me tbh n***a numb permad me I can t even look at the fucking forum. Even alexanderr that responded said there is no hope

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #44
Over for me tbh n***a numb permad me I can t even look at the fucking forum. Even alexanderr that responded said there is no hope

I mean you game ended yourself especially when you asked for self ban I can’t lie to you kek
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