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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

Megathread of Questions n' stuff


Aug 17, 2024
Somewhere on the East Coast
Okay this is going to be a long one so, I'll break it up into readable chunks.

I'm looking to exercise via calisthenics. A few people handed off a bunch of really helpful videos, which I appreciate. But I had a few more questions to further break it down. I'm going to be making a routine for everything and anything that will improve what I'm working with, so, I want to know what's actually worth my time. A few of you have said 3 times a week is good, so, I'll likely plan 3 days of 3 different groups. (Mon, Wed, Fri)
  • What groups should I pair together?
    • ex: On Monday, if my goal is arms, what should I include with that? I want to make sure I'm properly spacing out the groups I'm training so I don't overwork myself.
  • What calisthenic exercises are worth my time?
    • Are there some I should avoid? Which ones are the most vital for foundation?
  • For 'rest days' (Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun) what kinds of stretches should I be doing?
    • Which ones are the most impactful? I don't want to be totally inactive on these days, so stretching is my plan of attack there.
  • EDIT: what the fuck is chewing, is it like gum? special gum? ??
  • Along-side eye pulling, what are other practices I can pair to enhance parts of my face?
    • How frequently should I do them? What actually works?
  • When would you say are the best times to use minoxidil? How many times a day is really better?
    • I currently have the foam ver, and don't want to spend more on the oral. Not sure what the oral one is anyway. I'm using it for eyebrows and facial hair.
  • Does bone smashing work? Should I bother? If yes, how can I do it safely?
  • Recommended supplements?
  • Recommended soap & deo brands?
  • What are some skin care/hygeine products you'd recommend? [Includes entire body not just face.]
  • Go-to healthy snacks?
  • What are some decent frozen options for harder days?
    • I have an air fryer and sometimes it's a real life saver. What are the best kinds of like, chicken tenders/fish sticks/that kind of stuff, that I should have? Is there a brand better than others? ex: is Tyson healthier than perdue, vice versa? I can't always afford ingredients and sometimes its hard to bring myself to make a full meal. Meal prep isn't for me, as, I've struggled to keep up with it too many times.
  • Good low-sod food recommendations? Some recipes you'd suggest for when I can afford them?
  • What supplement would be best for insomnia?
    • Melatonin does not really help me. I get about 4-5 hours of sleep at night, and then I can't make myself sleep any more. I want to sleep 7-9 hours.
  • What should I do with my jaw recession for the time being? Surgery is realistically a few years away.
  • Anything else I should take into consideration?
I'm new to this community, I haven't been on any kind of site/forum like this before, so I'm not familiar with any of the lingo/terms used. If you could explain it like you would to an outsider, I'd really appreciate it. Any images/vids/sources are highly encouraged too, as visuals help me understand a lot better. I'd appreciate it if your replies were on the more serious end, as, I'm really trying to make a routine to follow here. I'm not great with sticking to them as it is, and I want to make sure I'm not overcomplicating anything, while also meeting all the marks I should be. --There is a post w/ pics of me on my profile for reference if need. Thank you!
Last edited:
I better get the knowledgeable tag on my profile after this shit @sigma
What groups should I pair together?
Day one- chest n tris

Incline bench 4x10
Dips 4x10
Cable crossover 4x10
Dumbell bench 4x10

Rope pull-down 4x10
Overhead tricep extension 4x10
Bar pull-down 4x10
Single arm cable pull-down 4x till failures each arm

Day two- arms, shoulders n traps

Cable lateral raise 4x10
Cable rear delt fly 4x10
Shoulder press 4x10
Facepulls 4x10


Heavy shrugs (can be machine or free weight) 4x till failure


Hammer curls 4x10
Strict curls 4x10
Reverse grip curls 4x10
2 sets of cable bar curls till failure (optional)

Day three-legs and back

LEGS (you’ll prolly skip this)

Bulgarian split squat 4x10
Lying hamstring curls 4x10
Leg extension 4x till failure each set
Single leg hamstring curl 4x10
Hip abductor 4x10
Hack squat 4x20 low weight high reps
Weighted lunges 2x till failure

Pull-ups 4x10
Lat pull-down 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
Lower back extension 4x10 (can be switched for another exercise if need be)

Day 4- “rest”

Light cardio 1-2 mile run 8 min pace
Neck workouts (videos can be found online)

Then repeat the process, so it’s 6 times a week, if you can’t go 6 times a week I would just take an extra rest day. Building muscle primarily comes down to intensity of the training so remember that.
  • For 'rest days' (Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun) what kinds of stretches should I be doing?
idk what you mean by strecthes but just do cardio n shit on your off days

what the f**k is chewing, is it like gum? special gum? ??
chewing mastic gum/ falim gum for hours until your jaw becomes very tired
its just like hard gum essentially
you can buy 100 pieces on amazon for $15
tip for all my poorcels: chew 2 pieces and then when you're done put them in the fridge
then once you chew them again they will stay hard

Does bone smashing work? Should I bother? If yes, how can I do it safely?
it might work?
I've seen results for my chin
which you need
keep your head sturdy (i like to rest my head against the edge of my room (where the 2 walls meet) so it doesnt move around
if you bonesmash without planting your heads you will cause brain damage lol

Recommended supplements?
depends on what your goals are
Recommended soap & deo brands?
get the expensive shit
like go to whole foods or sum expensive white people store
and ensure there are as few ingredients as possible, and no sulfates n shit like that
Go-to healthy snacks?
On a cut: watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, rice cakes

What supplement would be best for insomnia?
try magnesium or L-theanine
these should do the trick
Anything else I should take into consideration?
your main priority needs to be losing weight
track your calories
avoid shit foods
ignore everybody who will tell you otherwise
you got this man
Do 5 minutes of warmup. Then do dynamic stretching for 5 minutes before the workout. After the workout do 5 minutes of static stretching.
Monday: Push (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps)
Wednesday: Pull (Back, Biceps)
Friday: Legs and Abs
Any other day you can do some light cardio and stretching.
Good Calisthentic Exercises:
Plank, pushups, pullups, leg raises, russian twists (meh), dips, chin ups, shoulder press, squats, calf raises, and other variations to target certain muscles.
Avoid: Situps and crunches. (causes back pain)
Make sure to have proper form.
For chewing, you can chew gum.
Eyelid pulling is cope, doesn't work. If you want to decrease UEE there are other methods.
Apply minoxidil morning and evening.
Bonesmashing doesn't work. It causes temporary swelling which may make it seem like bone, but it goes away after time. You can also damage yourself and have pain. In general it's cope.
For supplements, I'd recommend something to boost testosterone. Like testosterone itself. Also Vitamin C, Vitamin D (since you are agoraphobic), omega 3 fatty acids, pathothentic acid, biotin, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B, collagen and K.
Look for brands with natural products.
Get a cleanser, exfoliator, moisturizer, and SPF.
Also have body wash, shampoo, and conditioner.
Healthy to go snacks:
-Fruit, eggs, yogurt, low sodium jerky, trail mix/granola
I don't know anything about frozen options so I can't say.
To avoid sodium, don't eat processed foods and don't add salt to your meals.
Reliance on supplements for sleep is bad, your body might atrophy its hormonal glands in response to their lack of usage. Instead try to avoid electronics before bed, sleep in a dark cool room, be comfortable. You will also be exercising more often so now your body will be tired. You can also read books before bed.
For jaw recession, you can try to mew and increase testosterone for bone mass, but it likely won't help much. Speak with an orthodontist as well.

As for the lingo, here is a full guide:

You can also read BOTB guides on .org and Must Reads here. But take them with a grain of salt, they might contain false information.

Good luck!
1/ Full Body Calisthenics. 3x per week with some focus on attractive muscles.
I recommend buying high parallettes, a weighted (kensui type) vest and rings
Example : Monday = Full Body
Deficit incline push-ups 4 sets
Supinated grip Chin-ups 4 sets
Pike push-ups 4 sets
Ring curls 4 sets
Ring triceps extensions 4 sets
Hindu Squats 4 sets
Any type of abs/core/obliques exercise you like 4 sets

Walk 10 to 20k steps on rest days instead of stretching
Add inverted rows, diamond push-ups, hill sprints, jump squats, hindu push-ups, deficit push-ups etc etc. The key is going weighted at some point.

Chewing is using Chisell or Jawliner type of gum, but you can find simillar, even same products on Aliexpress

2/ Bone smashing doesn't works imo. Minox is better to apply at night, 1 hour before sleep. Minox doesn't like the sun. Oral is useless until you need it for scalp hair growth.
Supplements : Probiotics, Vitamin D, Activated charcoal and curcumin first. And then adding creatine, l-citrulline. Every thing else is found in real whole food.
Soaps : Any Irish spring or Dial bar soap is enough, a roll on deodorant should be enough (like the dial ones). Fragrance choice will be more important, but staying clean is important
Skincare : Any based sallicylic acid based face wash, alongside few key ingredients like Retinal, hyaluronic acid, UV blocker, glycerin etc. Amazonbasics sold things like that

3/ Unpopular but pop-corn, low calories at lot of volume. But i talk about the natural one, wiyhout any salt or sugar
Life and time saver is the cheap whole bread, low sugar jelly, whey and 100% peanut butter sandwich. Or eating a can of sardines.
Potassium Chloride is the only salt substitute for your food
For sleep : get away from phone/pc 1 hour before sleep, read a book, use red light and magnesium/fish oil

4/ Fixing overbite by nosebreathing at night, wearing a myobrace clone device and proper mewing 24/7
I better get the knowledgeable tag on my profile after this shit @sigma

Day one- chest n tris

Incline bench 4x10
Dips 4x10
Cable crossover 4x10
Dumbell bench 4x10

Rope pull-down 4x10
Overhead tricep extension 4x10
Bar pull-down 4x10
Single arm cable pull-down 4x till failures each arm

Day two- arms, shoulders n traps

Cable lateral raise 4x10
Cable rear delt fly 4x10
Shoulder press 4x10
Facepulls 4x10


Heavy shrugs (can be machine or free weight) 4x till failure


Hammer curls 4x10
Strict curls 4x10
Reverse grip curls 4x10
2 sets of cable bar curls till failure (optional)

Day three-legs and back

LEGS (you’ll prolly skip this)

Bulgarian split squat 4x10
Lying hamstring curls 4x10
Leg extension 4x till failure each set
Single leg hamstring curl 4x10
Hip abductor 4x10
Hack squat 4x20 low weight high reps
Weighted lunges 2x till failure

Pull-ups 4x10
Lat pull-down 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
Lower back extension 4x10 (can be switched for another exercise if need be)

Day 4- “rest”

Light cardio 1-2 mile run 8 min pace
Neck workouts (videos can be found online)

Then repeat the process, so it’s 6 times a week, if you can’t go 6 times a week I would just take an extra rest day. Building muscle primarily comes down to intensity of the training so remember that.

idk what you mean by strecthes but just do cardio n shit on your off days

chewing mastic gum/ falim gum for hours until your jaw becomes very tired
its just like hard gum essentially
you can buy 100 pieces on amazon for $15
tip for all my poorcels: chew 2 pieces and then when you're done put them in the fridge
then once you chew them again they will stay hard

it might work?
I've seen results for my chin
which you need
keep your head sturdy (i like to rest my head against the edge of my room (where the 2 walls meet) so it doesnt move around
if you bonesmash without planting your heads you will cause brain damage lol

depends on what your goals are

get the expensive shit
like go to whole foods or sum expensive white people store
and ensure there are as few ingredients as possible, and no sulfates n shit like that

On a cut: watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, rice cakes

try magnesium or L-theanine
these should do the trick

your main priority needs to be losing weight
track your calories
avoid shit foods
ignore everybody who will tell you otherwise
you got this man
not enough for knowledgeable badge
this shit basic 500 posts knowledge

also only dean can give knowledgeable id he is in a good mood he will give u the badge
I better get the knowledgeable tag on my profile after this shit @sigma

Day one- chest n tris

Incline bench 4x10
Dips 4x10
Cable crossover 4x10
Dumbell bench 4x10

Rope pull-down 4x10
Overhead tricep extension 4x10
Bar pull-down 4x10
Single arm cable pull-down 4x till failures each arm

Day two- arms, shoulders n traps

Cable lateral raise 4x10
Cable rear delt fly 4x10
Shoulder press 4x10
Facepulls 4x10


Heavy shrugs (can be machine or free weight) 4x till failure


Hammer curls 4x10
Strict curls 4x10
Reverse grip curls 4x10
2 sets of cable bar curls till failure (optional)

Day three-legs and back

LEGS (you’ll prolly skip this)

Bulgarian split squat 4x10
Lying hamstring curls 4x10
Leg extension 4x till failure each set
Single leg hamstring curl 4x10
Hip abductor 4x10
Hack squat 4x20 low weight high reps
Weighted lunges 2x till failure

Pull-ups 4x10
Lat pull-down 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
Lower back extension 4x10 (can be switched for another exercise if need be)

Day 4- “rest”

Light cardio 1-2 mile run 8 min pace
Neck workouts (videos can be found online)

Then repeat the process, so it’s 6 times a week, if you can’t go 6 times a week I would just take an extra rest day. Building muscle primarily comes down to intensity of the training so remember that.

idk what you mean by strecthes but just do cardio n shit on your off days

chewing mastic gum/ falim gum for hours until your jaw becomes very tired
its just like hard gum essentially
you can buy 100 pieces on amazon for $15
tip for all my poorcels: chew 2 pieces and then when you're done put them in the fridge
then once you chew them again they will stay hard

it might work?
I've seen results for my chin
which you need
keep your head sturdy (i like to rest my head against the edge of my room (where the 2 walls meet) so it doesnt move around
if you bonesmash without planting your heads you will cause brain damage lol

depends on what your goals are

get the expensive shit
like go to whole foods or sum expensive white people store
and ensure there are as few ingredients as possible, and no sulfates n shit like that

On a cut: watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, rice cakes

try magnesium or L-theanine
these should do the trick

your main priority needs to be losing weight
track your calories
avoid shit foods
ignore everybody who will tell you otherwise
you got this man
too many sets
bro for working out watch yt don't ask here for gym advice
ask more advanced things that u can't find on yt
I better get the knowledgeable tag on my profile after this shit @sigma

Day one- chest n tris

Incline bench 4x10
Dips 4x10
Cable crossover 4x10
Dumbell bench 4x10

Rope pull-down 4x10
Overhead tricep extension 4x10
Bar pull-down 4x10
Single arm cable pull-down 4x till failures each arm

Day two- arms, shoulders n traps

Cable lateral raise 4x10
Cable rear delt fly 4x10
Shoulder press 4x10
Facepulls 4x10


Heavy shrugs (can be machine or free weight) 4x till failure


Hammer curls 4x10
Strict curls 4x10
Reverse grip curls 4x10
2 sets of cable bar curls till failure (optional)

Day three-legs and back

LEGS (you’ll prolly skip this)

Bulgarian split squat 4x10
Lying hamstring curls 4x10
Leg extension 4x till failure each set
Single leg hamstring curl 4x10
Hip abductor 4x10
Hack squat 4x20 low weight high reps
Weighted lunges 2x till failure

Pull-ups 4x10
Lat pull-down 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
Lower back extension 4x10 (can be switched for another exercise if need be)

Day 4- “rest”

Light cardio 1-2 mile run 8 min pace
Neck workouts (videos can be found online)

Then repeat the process, so it’s 6 times a week, if you can’t go 6 times a week I would just take an extra rest day. Building muscle primarily comes down to intensity of the training so remember that.

idk what you mean by strecthes but just do cardio n shit on your off days

chewing mastic gum/ falim gum for hours until your jaw becomes very tired
its just like hard gum essentially
you can buy 100 pieces on amazon for $15
tip for all my poorcels: chew 2 pieces and then when you're done put them in the fridge
then once you chew them again they will stay hard

it might work?
I've seen results for my chin
which you need
keep your head sturdy (i like to rest my head against the edge of my room (where the 2 walls meet) so it doesnt move around
if you bonesmash without planting your heads you will cause brain damage lol

depends on what your goals are

get the expensive shit
like go to whole foods or sum expensive white people store
and ensure there are as few ingredients as possible, and no sulfates n shit like that

On a cut: watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, rice cakes

try magnesium or L-theanine
these should do the trick

your main priority needs to be losing weight
track your calories
avoid shit foods
ignore everybody who will tell you otherwise
you got this man
now that i read this ur workout guide is shit

and this guy does calisthenics
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
I better get the knowledgeable tag on my profile after this shit @sigma

Day one- chest n tris

Incline bench 4x10
Dips 4x10
Cable crossover 4x10
Dumbell bench 4x10

Rope pull-down 4x10
Overhead tricep extension 4x10
Bar pull-down 4x10
Single arm cable pull-down 4x till failures each arm

Day two- arms, shoulders n traps

Cable lateral raise 4x10
Cable rear delt fly 4x10
Shoulder press 4x10
Facepulls 4x10


Heavy shrugs (can be machine or free weight) 4x till failure


Hammer curls 4x10
Strict curls 4x10
Reverse grip curls 4x10
2 sets of cable bar curls till failure (optional)

Day three-legs and back

LEGS (you’ll prolly skip this)

Bulgarian split squat 4x10
Lying hamstring curls 4x10
Leg extension 4x till failure each set
Single leg hamstring curl 4x10
Hip abductor 4x10
Hack squat 4x20 low weight high reps
Weighted lunges 2x till failure

Pull-ups 4x10
Lat pull-down 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
Lower back extension 4x10 (can be switched for another exercise if need be)

Day 4- “rest”

Light cardio 1-2 mile run 8 min pace
Neck workouts (videos can be found online)

Then repeat the process, so it’s 6 times a week, if you can’t go 6 times a week I would just take an extra rest day. Building muscle primarily comes down to intensity of the training so remember that.

idk what you mean by strecthes but just do cardio n shit on your off days

chewing mastic gum/ falim gum for hours until your jaw becomes very tired
its just like hard gum essentially
you can buy 100 pieces on amazon for $15
tip for all my poorcels: chew 2 pieces and then when you're done put them in the fridge
then once you chew them again they will stay hard

it might work?
I've seen results for my chin
which you need
keep your head sturdy (i like to rest my head against the edge of my room (where the 2 walls meet) so it doesnt move around
if you bonesmash without planting your heads you will cause brain damage lol

depends on what your goals are

get the expensive shit
like go to whole foods or sum expensive white people store
and ensure there are as few ingredients as possible, and no sulfates n shit like that

On a cut: watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, rice cakes

try magnesium or L-theanine
these should do the trick

your main priority needs to be losing weight
track your calories
avoid shit foods
ignore everybody who will tell you otherwise
you got this man
Thanks man, I really appreciate this. I don't have access to a gym or gym equipment atm, but your words will not go dismissed. I'll write them down beside my 'at home' routine, so I can know wtf im doing once I get the budget to afford a gym. I don't have any free gyms near me, and even if I did, the people who go there usually aren't respectful, so. Yeah.

For the stuff that doesn't require equipment, I'll def add it to my routine. Gotta start somewhere!

Regarding food, I don't have the budget to splurge on expensive luxuries but ill see what I can find.

Ty for the heads up on bone smashing also.

I've had good success w/ tracking cals and ratios so. I think I'll be alright there too. I'll take a look int magnesium, though I heard you have to be careful with that one right? Does L-theanine also have risks?

I'll def also take a look into that gum.
Thanks man, I really appreciate this. I don't have access to a gym or gym equipment atm, but your words will not go dismissed. I'll write them down beside my 'at home' routine, so I can know wtf im doing once I get the budget to afford a gym. I don't have any free gyms near me, and even if I did, the people who go there usually aren't respectful, so. Yeah.

For the stuff that doesn't require equipment, I'll def add it to my routine. Gotta start somewhere!

Regarding food, I don't have the budget to splurge on expensive luxuries but ill see what I can find.

Ty for the heads up on bone smashing also.

I've had good success w/ tracking cals and ratios so. I think I'll be alright there too. I'll take a look int magnesium, though I heard you have to be careful with that one right? Does L-theanine also have risks?

I'll def also take a look into that gum.
well if you have dumbells and a pullup bar at home, thats all you need tbh
L-theanine doesnt seem to have too many risks, obviously dont overdose on it lol
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #18
Do 5 minutes of warmup. Then do dynamic stretching for 5 minutes before the workout. After the workout do 5 minutes of static stretching.
Monday: Push (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps)
Wednesday: Pull (Back, Biceps)
Friday: Legs and Abs
Any other day you can do some light cardio and stretching.
Good Calisthentic Exercises:
Plank, pushups, pullups, leg raises, russian twists (meh), dips, chin ups, shoulder press, squats, calf raises, and other variations to target certain muscles.
Avoid: Situps and crunches. (causes back pain)
Make sure to have proper form.
For chewing, you can chew gum.
Eyelid pulling is cope, doesn't work. If you want to decrease UEE there are other methods.
Apply minoxidil morning and evening.
Bonesmashing doesn't work. It causes temporary swelling which may make it seem like bone, but it goes away after time. You can also damage yourself and have pain. In general it's cope.
For supplements, I'd recommend something to boost testosterone. Like testosterone itself. Also Vitamin C, Vitamin D (since you are agoraphobic), omega 3 fatty acids, pathothentic acid, biotin, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B, collagen and K.
Look for brands with natural products.
Get a cleanser, exfoliator, moisturizer, and SPF.
Also have body wash, shampoo, and conditioner.
Healthy to go snacks:
-Fruit, eggs, yogurt, low sodium jerky, trail mix/granola
I don't know anything about frozen options so I can't say.
To avoid sodium, don't eat processed foods and don't add salt to your meals.
Reliance on supplements for sleep is bad, your body might atrophy its hormonal glands in response to their lack of usage. Instead try to avoid electronics before bed, sleep in a dark cool room, be comfortable. You will also be exercising more often so now your body will be tired. You can also read books before bed.
For jaw recession, you can try to mew and increase testosterone for bone mass, but it likely won't help much. Speak with an orthodontist as well.

As for the lingo, here is a full guide:

You can also read BOTB guides on .org and Must Reads here. But take them with a grain of salt, they might contain false information.

Good luck!
View attachment 36604
Thanks man, I really appreciate the dedication you put into your replies. They're super helpful. I also really admire/appreciate how you remembered I was agoraphobic and considered that into your advice.

A shame about the eye-pulling, but whateva we ball. Bone smashing seems to be hit or miss I guess. Also unfortunate because the theory doesn't seem that far off from what it could be. Oh well!

For shampoo, I have prose which is custom, but I ONLY get the shampoo and I get it only when I need a new one bc it can be a little pricey. I use a good shampoo from CVS though, and I try to stay away from "detergent-like" body washes. I also avoid those pretentious ones that claim to be all natural + work, bc they never work lol.

Exfoliator wise, the 'korean italy towels' are like a life saver. You have to like, either soak in a bath for 20min with hot water (not too hot) or take a steam shower w/ just hot water for 20 min. NO SOAP YET. After allowing your skin to soften/pores open, man.... These towels can be a little small, but they're not to be used like a huge ass scrub or whatever.

You're supposed to get it wet, and use it in a circular motion on your skin. NO SOAP YET!!!! your dead skin will come off like you've never seen before. DON'T PUSH TOO HARD ALSO you shouldn't have to like cheese-grate your arms or face. A little bit of pressure is more than enough, and it's not that painful unless maybe if you have sensitive skin, then I'd say be gentle, and most importantly take your time. To do your entire body, it might take 20 minutes but its 100% worth it. Your skin will thank you, and your pores too. I noticed after shaving, then using these towels, the hair grows back much better and healthier. I guess it stimulates the pores or whatever.

AFTER getting all your dead skin off, then you can shower as normal with soap and stuff, that way you're actually clean. It makes no sense to shower w/ soap then scrub that layer of dead skin off, then you just wasted soap.

I'll take a look into those T-boosters

I also really appreciate the snack recommendations, snacking is easier for me than eating full on meals. I usually don't finish them, or don't feel encouraged to eat if it's too much. No idea why. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE chicken & rice, sometimes with cabbage or other greens. Though, sometimes my stomach just isn't up to it. I wouldn't say I'm against eating, thats not how I think.

I've heard mixed opinions of .org, and idk I think ill stay away. I don't want to affiliate too much with forgien territory more than I already am. I like it here, it doesn't seem to be too chaotic, and you guys seem to actually stand for what this concept is, instead of just shredding other people and not being helpful.

I'll also take some time to view that glossary, Thank you again!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #19
1/ Full Body Calisthenics. 3x per week with some focus on attractive muscles.
I recommend buying high parallettes, a weighted (kensui type) vest and rings
Example : Monday = Full Body
Deficit incline push-ups 4 sets
Supinated grip Chin-ups 4 sets
Pike push-ups 4 sets
Ring curls 4 sets
Ring triceps extensions 4 sets
Hindu Squats 4 sets
Any type of abs/core/obliques exercise you like 4 sets

Walk 10 to 20k steps on rest days instead of stretching
Add inverted rows, diamond push-ups, hill sprints, jump squats, hindu push-ups, deficit push-ups etc etc. The key is going weighted at some point.

Chewing is using Chisell or Jawliner type of gum, but you can find simillar, even same products on Aliexpress

2/ Bone smashing doesn't works imo. Minox is better to apply at night, 1 hour before sleep. Minox doesn't like the sun. Oral is useless until you need it for scalp hair growth.
Supplements : Probiotics, Vitamin D, Activated charcoal and curcumin first. And then adding creatine, l-citrulline. Every thing else is found in real whole food.
Soaps : Any Irish spring or Dial bar soap is enough, a roll on deodorant should be enough (like the dial ones). Fragrance choice will be more important, but staying clean is important
Skincare : Any based sallicylic acid based face wash, alongside few key ingredients like Retinal, hyaluronic acid, UV blocker, glycerin etc. Amazonbasics sold things like that

3/ Unpopular but pop-corn, low calories at lot of volume. But i talk about the natural one, wiyhout any salt or sugar
Life and time saver is the cheap whole bread, low sugar jelly, whey and 100% peanut butter sandwich. Or eating a can of sardines.
Potassium Chloride is the only salt substitute for your food
For sleep : get away from phone/pc 1 hour before sleep, read a book, use red light and magnesium/fish oil

4/ Fixing overbite by nosebreathing at night, wearing a myobrace clone device and proper mewing 24/7
I really appreciate the advice man, Along with everyone else's. I'm glad there seems to be consistency between all the different voices, it's reassuring.

I'll probably avoid bone smashing due to it's iffiness. I guess it depends on the person, maybe their bone density or whatever. I'm not a doc or a scientist!

I love dial gold, I use that on the daily, along side a little bit of old spice timber just for fragrence in certain areas. I try not to over-do it though because idk people have mixed views and it seems to be one of those detergent-like soaps. Whateva!

I think I have unsalted/low cal popcorn actualy so, win. Huge fan of whey also. So, I'll see what I can do there. I don't like sardines all that much but I do have a bunch of tuna cans, I guess thats good enough?

Also ill take a look into that brace. I always nose breathe when I sleep, I don't drool, nor do I snore, so I should be comfortable with it in my mouth or whatever. ( My GF confirmed all these things abt my sleep habits btw. ) I'll have to get a better understanding of mewing. I've done it a few times, but I always question if I'm doing it right or not.

For the walking part, I'll see what I can do about that too, since I don't have much of a yard/outside property and my living quarters aren't all that large. It's good enough I guess.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #20
bro for working out watch yt don't ask here for gym advice
ask more advanced things that u can't find on yt
I plan on viewing a bunch of online sources too, I mainly asked here to get a feel out for what people actually do/believe works; So I don't waste my time with like for ex, crunches or twists since they seem to be inconclusive.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
well if you have dumbells and a pullup bar at home, thats all you need tbh
L-theanine doesnt seem to have too many risks, obviously dont overdose on it lol
I'm not much of an abuser for stuff like roids or related shit. So, I don't think ill overdose on it. I'll see what I can find!

I have to get a pair of dumbells, as the ones I had were underwater in a flood a few times and they were all rusty and nasty. I didn't want tetanus so I departed w/ them. --I'll look into getting a bar as well. I have a few doorways that it would be perfect in.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #24
the advice i provided was based on info that he gave in dms
raj, i agree that for the vast majority of gym goes, 4 sets is too many but not in this case
and training your traps is inevitable
Are you restarted bro training traps make your shoulders looked sloped
I'm not really ALL that well-versed in like gym stuff as, a lot of the things I've been taught with weights or exercise was from my father, and he didn't really use the terms everyone else uses. He had legitimate advice, he's great, sturdy, healthy and pretty fit for his 50s.

But my goal is to essentially build my overall muscle mass, not to be huge or particularly ripped. I want to build muscle to feel better 1st, mentally and physically. I don't see myself ever wanting to be one of those guys who impresses people with like how much they can lift. I want to just look more defined and have a better ratio of body leanness. I rather be thinner and have muscle than be huge and bulky.

I'm already decently strong. I wouldn't consider myself weak. I have a strong core without a doubt, my legs are pretty solid and my arms could use a little bit more work, but aren't terrible. I'm strong enough to do push-ups up to like 40-50 maybe? (one sitting) I do need to build my back and my shoulders though, my neck too. Mainly to support myself better because I have the worst back/neck pain. My posture isn't bad, I just don't train those muscles as much as the others doing basic tasks ig? They get real stiff after a while.

I'm strong enough to lift my girl and hold her without struggling regardless if I'm fireman carrying her, just picking her up, piggyback, or like a bride. Strength isn't my goal ig? It's a benefit. I want to just look more masculine instead of rounded and like a kid. More mature? Idk how else to describe it.

But cage is right I do need to work on my traps lmfao. I also don't think im capable of putting on muscle that would disfigure me without roids or something anyway.

I'm looking for this kind of progress:
(not me)
I'm not really ALL that well-versed in like gym stuff as, a lot of the things I've been taught with weights or exercise was from my father, and he didn't really use the terms everyone else uses. He had legitimate advice, he's great, sturdy, healthy and pretty fit for his 50s.

But my goal is to essentially build my overall muscle mass, not to be huge or particularly ripped. I want to build muscle to feel better 1st, mentally and physically. I don't see myself ever wanting to be one of those guys who impresses people with like how much they can lift. I want to just look more defined and have a better ratio of body leanness. I rather be thinner and have muscle than be huge and bulky.

I'm already decently strong. I wouldn't consider myself weak. I have a strong core without a doubt, my legs are pretty solid and my arms could use a little bit more work, but aren't terrible. I'm strong enough to do push-ups up to like 40-50 maybe? (one sitting) I do need to build my back and my shoulders though, my neck too. Mainly to support myself better because I have the worst back/neck pain. My posture isn't bad, I just don't train those muscles as much as the others doing basic tasks ig? They get real stiff after a while.

I'm strong enough to lift my girl and hold her without struggling regardless if I'm fireman carrying her, just picking her up, piggyback, or like a bride. Strength isn't my goal ig? It's a benefit. I want to just look more masculine instead of rounded and like a kid. More mature? Idk how else to describe it.

But cage is right I do need to work on my traps lmfao. I also don't think im capable of putting on muscle that would disfigure me without roids or something anyway.

I'm looking for this kind of progress:
(not me)
View attachment 36630
So like a body recomp?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #29
if you sleep at a normal time and are woken naturally then you shouldnt want more sleep
I suffer from chronic insomnia & have really unpleasant dreams. I have a hard time reaching REM, and because of that, I don't get REAL sleep. REM sleep is when the body heals, regenerates cells, etc. Going weeks and weeks without getting the right amount of REM is really miserable. I've tried natural remedies, I've been medicated for it, I've taken melatonin, I've taken whatever other sleeping pill they offer over the counter. Tried stuff w/ ashwaganda, etc. My psychiatrist had me on tranqs for awhile but, my body started rebelling against them, and I would be in this awful state of half-awake, half-asleep for hours. It's like wearing drunk goggles and being 10ft under water. (horrible)

For a normal person, yeah, that would be good advice, but not for me :(. I've tried warm milk, reading, tried water, tried literally everything. I was at a real low point earlier this year and started abusing DXM. I havent touched DXM in a long time and I don't think I should ever touch it again. Maybe there's just no hope for me and im destined to always be sleep deprived.

I asked the question abt sleep, just in case someone had a method I haven't heard before
I suffer from chronic insomnia & have really unpleasant dreams. I have a hard time reaching REM, and because of that, I don't get REAL sleep. REM sleep is when the body heals, regenerates cells, etc. Going weeks and weeks without getting the right amount of REM is really miserable. I've tried natural remedies, I've been medicated for it, I've taken melatonin, I've taken whatever other sleeping pill they offer over the counter. Tried stuff w/ ashwaganda, etc. My psychiatrist had me on tranqs for awhile but, my body started rebelling against them, and I would be in this awful state of half-awake, half-asleep for hours. It's like wearing drunk goggles and being 10ft under water. (horrible)

For a normal person, yeah, that would be good advice, but not for me :(. I've tried warm milk, reading, tried water, tried literally everything. I was at a real low point earlier this year and started abusing DXM. I havent touched DXM in a long time and I don't think I should ever touch it again. Maybe there's just no hope for me and im destined to always be sleep deprived.

I asked the question abt sleep, just in case someone had a method I haven't heard before
Have you tried not looking at devices (or as minimal as possible) and putting all devices, wifi, laptop, anything at least 50-100 feet away from you while sleepling?
for diet i recommend animal based diet with fruit as well
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #32
Have you tried not looking at devices (or as minimal as possible) and putting all devices, wifi, laptop, anything at least 50-100 feet away from you while sleepling?
I sleep in pitch darkness, and nothing is on. I tried having music on but it was no better. Tried white noise, no noise, everything. My router also isn't in my room.
I sleep in pitch darkness, and nothing is on. I tried having music on but it was no better. Tried white noise, no noise, everything. My router also isn't in my room.
All devices are out of the room?
This is best split fr
Monday Chest and Triceps
Tuesday Back and Biceps
Wednesday Shoulders and Abs
Thursday Legs
Friday Shoulders, Abs and Lats
Sat and Sun Rest

Just adjust the days to your needs
I really appreciate the advice man, Along with everyone else's. I'm glad there seems to be consistency between all the different voices, it's reassuring.

I'll probably avoid bone smashing due to it's iffiness. I guess it depends on the person, maybe their bone density or whatever. I'm not a doc or a scientist!

I love dial gold, I use that on the daily, along side a little bit of old spice timber just for fragrence in certain areas. I try not to over-do it though because idk people have mixed views and it seems to be one of those detergent-like soaps. Whateva!

I think I have unsalted/low cal popcorn actualy so, win. Huge fan of whey also. So, I'll see what I can do there. I don't like sardines all that much but I do have a bunch of tuna cans, I guess thats good enough?

Also ill take a look into that brace. I always nose breathe when I sleep, I don't drool, nor do I snore, so I should be comfortable with it in my mouth or whatever. ( My GF confirmed all these things abt my sleep habits btw. ) I'll have to get a better understanding of mewing. I've done it a few times, but I always question if I'm doing it right or not.

For the walking part, I'll see what I can do about that too, since I don't have much of a yard/outside property and my living quarters aren't all that large. It's good enough I guess.
- I like irish-sping classic and Dial Spring Water & Moutain fresh. Same range of fragrance for my roll-on deodorants. Don't think it's made for being a detergent but classic bodywashes are made of 99% water + more chemicals than bar soap so. But there are another bar soap alternatives like coast, dove, zest, ivory, olay, palmolive, tom's of maine etc etc. It's does the same job as bodywashes minus the price and far better longevity.

- Personally i buy the raw corn made for popcorn and use a popcorn machine. I add herbs, spices and potassium chloride as salt substitute.
I didn't recommending eating Tuna often, because of mercury exposition. Instead eat boiled eggs

- Buy a brace clone through Aliexpress. Didn't spend 80$ for a real myobrace. The clones are good enough. Plus the brace has a mewing device so it's cool

- If you have the place and the budget, you can buy a walking treadmill. So you watch your series while hitting your 10 to 20k steps
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