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Do you think you will ever make a new account or are you done with it?
I said here that I'll make a new account on org in 3 months since that's the time u have to wait to make a new account but I'm done with that site so I won't make a new account
It's been 3 months now though and the mods I knew previously didn't bother me about it
they're mods sometimes f**k up I knew a person with like 5 accounts and another with 3 alts
i didnt even use vpn to hide it, recently one of the mods commented my old profile picture on my profile posts. I feel like most people get away with it, but occassionally its detected
i didnt even use vpn to hide it, recently one of the mods commented my old profile picture on my profile posts. I feel like most people get away with it, but occassionally its detected
yeah I tried to make 2 alts and got banned for like 3 days and they said I made 7 alts which I didnt