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men of the forum, which is more important

Female attention or male respect?

  • Female attention

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • Male respect

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
Male respect you can slay all year round but if you have no male respect its over your gonna get beat up

Just part of the male nature to be competitive

Pretty boy slayer can get all the girls he want but it's useless still gonna get curb stomped at 4:30 after school
I'm gonna have to say female attention. The only reason for that is because I don't care about respect. Respect is something that's earned, and for most people in this world they aren't really gonna have the chance to get to know me long enough to develop any respect for me. I don't have any friends. Now that being said, if anybody shows me disrespect they're gonna have a problem. Courtesy is all I expect to have from people.

Female attention is good. I've always had that and I'd be lying if I were to say it didn't make me feel good. It's not something I need, but it is nice to have.
Males respect is a byproduct of the female attention you get
Male respect is more important in my opinion. It can make or break you, especially in a competitive world like todays. Female attention matters as well, but when a man gains respect from his male peers, it most of the time leads to respect and attention from women as well, since respect is seen as a marker of status, strength, and competence.
Depends on your enviroment where you live.
The most ideal ratio is 50-50

Female: Prettyboyish hair, colored eyes, tanned / glowing skin, lean physique

Adds to both: Good facial structures, height, wide frame, strong neck, being muscular

Male: Facial hair (beard especially), short hairstyle, being 20%< bf% / 100+ kg while having muscle mass

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