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mewing gave me headaches?


steroids and bloatpilled
Jun 12, 2024
began this whole looksmax thing in late 2022, been using mewing to cope until i hardmaxx, i have noticed major changes in my bite and my pallete is a decent bit wider, however since i have been mewing i have had the odd jaw pain and the odd headache, idk i may be clenching my teeth in my sleep im not sure doesnt really matter since bimax + genio will mog
began this whole looksmax thing in late 2022, been using mewing to cope until i hardmaxx, i have noticed major changes in my bite and my pallete is a decent bit wider, however since i have been mewing i have had the odd jaw pain and the odd headache, idk i may be clenching my teeth in my sleep im not sure doesnt really matter since bimax + genio will mog
Stop clenching in sleep that’s a bad habit
good plan I guess
You said it got wider, what is your age?
nah my teeth were crowded and pallette was narrow, also cheekbones are hella wide now idk if thats just pubertal develpment or the mewing
Did you get braces then?
I’m confused though it’s gotta be puberty effects
Alright bro, make sure the cycle is properly done and safe

Wait till 18-21 is my recommendation, so that even if you permanently mess up brain and physical development and, your penis and height would have already been fully developed or close.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #22
Alright bro, make sure the cycle is properly done and safe

Wait till 18-21 is my recommendation, so that even if you permanently mess up brain and physical development and, your penis and height would have already been fully developed or close.
of course, not planning on hopping on until at least 20, plus my cock isnt lacking in size so thats not really an issue
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #25
Alright bro, make sure the cycle is properly done and safe

Wait till 18-21 is my recommendation, so that even if you permanently mess up brain and physical development and, your penis and height would have already been fully developed or close.
wait i swear i know who this is :ROFLMAO:
began this whole looksmax thing in late 2022, been using mewing to cope until i hardmaxx, i have noticed major changes in my bite and my pallete is a decent bit wider, however since i have been mewing i have had the odd jaw pain and the odd headache, idk i may be clenching my teeth in my sleep im not sure doesnt really matter since bimax + genio will mog
my left tmj feels uncomfortable when i mew too i gotta go to an orthodontist
He did end up getting good frame but he looks slightly older than he should
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