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mewing while talking

is it possible to be able to mew and talk at the same time? i’ve tried with little success struggling using words where your tongue is necessary to say them. anyway i can learn how to?
Mewing is the natural position of your tongue that you achieve by breathing through your nose. You cant and you don't need to mew while talking or eating. Nose breathing it's enough to have a good skull development since you would mew automatically. Don't push your tongue with force, it has to rest gently on the roof of your mouth without touching your teeth. Also if you do wrestling and cardio don't be afraid of mouth breathing when your heartbeat is high because you need oxygen. Just make sure that you mouth breath on key minutes of exercise and nose breath the other 23 hours of the day.
when you open your mouth the pressure changes either way so if you mew with an open mouth you will not get any results
and your tongue is pressed against your palate you will have many difficulties speaking this way and look autistic

only problem is u will sound like this
mewing doesn't fucking work bhai holy tiktokcell
Just "mew" aka fucking breathing normally any other time
I apologize for being blunt, but this question could have been solved from a simple google search or just looking at a diagram of how people mew/breathe @1280x1080
Mewing is the natural position of your tongue that you achieve by breathing through your nose. You cant and you don't need to mew while talking or eating. Nose breathing it's enough to have a good skull development since you would mew automatically. Don't push your tongue with force, it has to rest gently on the roof of your mouth without touching your teeth. Also if you do wrestling and cardio don't be afraid of mouth breathing when your heartbeat is high because you need oxygen. Just make sure that you mouth breath on key minutes of exercise and nose breath the other 23 hours of the day.
Nose breathing doesnt make u mew automatically. Low iq
I dont mouth breathe. Never did my white life. Ur low iq. Also mouth breathing doesnt cause recession, its not the root cause, you should research.
Then you are just retarded. And mouth breathing + bad posture it's the cause of most of the things that makes u ugly