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I actually despise those kids who found out about mewing before they enter teenage.
Because even 1 year of mewing can potentially turn them into a chad, bone structure wise.
I actually despise those kids who found out about mewing before they enter teenage.
Because even 1 year of mewing can potentially turn them into a chad, bone structure wise.
I don't know if this guy benefied from mewing or chewing specifically, but look what it made out of him... In just 1 year

I actually despise those kids who found out about mewing before they enter teenage.
Because even 1 year of mewing can potentially turn them into a chad, bone structure wise.
Im seeing it all over tiktok, people subtly or indirectly talking about it, its getting too mainstream, its over.
Whatever you start before puberty = significant results anyways

whether it's most useless shit like mewing to somewhat beneficial like injecting hgh. Transformation is about chewing all along though
Whatever you start before puberty = significant results anyways

whether it's most useless shit like mewing to somewhat beneficial like injecting hgh. Transformation is about chewing all along though
Correct, Femboys look the best when they take the rainbow pills before and during the puberty. 😼
Correct, Femboys look the best when they take the rainbow pills before and during the puberty. 😼
If I ever get a son he will be the prettiest princess in this smol world with little innocent tombois hiding everywhere 🤗
If I ever get a son he will be the prettiest princess in this smol world with little innocent tombois hiding everywhere 🤗
Make sure to teach him the correct way of mewing. Hard dick pushing against his mouth rooftop will be sufficient. 🤭 🤭
Hard dick pushing against his mouth rooftop will be sufficient. 🤭
Indeed I doubt his mother would have consented to me impregnating her and making her birth the smol boi 🤭🤫
So he'd be raised solely by me... Instead of sucking on nipples he'll be sucking my weiner 🤭😓
Indeed I doubt his mother would have consented to me impregnating her and making her birth the smol boi 🤭🤫
If the jews could brainwash her, then you could too. One good kidnapping will make even the most stubborn woman to the breeding machine. 😼
So he'd be raised solely by me... Instead of sucking on nipples he'll be sucking my weiner 🤭😓
Some men aren't fit to grow as a men, weiner mouth exercises will make them a brave girls. 🤭
Some men, don't belong in either camp, they simply belong six feet under to avoid ruining anyone's day by showing themselves.
If they an hero, then my pizza won't come itself to my doorstep.
who cares, it literally doesn't work anyways
Lets go found it when I was 13! Bout to be a chad
thx shrek imma get you some chicks too if u want
Mewing is soon to be mainstream, lol its over now
Mewing is soon to be mainstream, lol its over now
It doesn't do anything if you don't start from birth, but indeed this will lead to more ppl discovering PSL forums, sad shit tbh, even more braindead fags to bully off now...

Just a group of normies learning about mewing...fuuuuuurck
Lol, they're free to keep themselves busy with a cope, I don't mind.
Its not gonna be a cope when it becomes more mainstream and soon lead to children implementing mewing
I'd say 1 in 10 young people know about mewing but there's a difference between knowing about something and actually integrating it into your routine and seeing tangible results

Most people have no follow-through

That's why idgaf about people finding out about the blackpill
I'd say 1 in 10 young people know about mewing but there's a difference between knowing about something and actually integrating it into your routine and seeing tangible results

Most people have no follow-through

That's why idgaf about people finding out about the blackpill
It's just a question of admitting the Blackpill, it's already ingrained in our minds.