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Discussion Molars need to touch for mewing to work.

The use of the masseter muscles to clench ur jaw will decrease the lengthening of ur face and stop you from getting a mouthbreather appearance
The use of the masseter muscles to clench ur jaw will decrease the lengthening of ur face and stop you from getting a mouthbreather appearance
But you should not clench hard right. Just enough for the molars to touch
Yeah course, mewings more about the posture of the tongue, it should always be touching the roof of the mouth, but yes the molars should touch too to align jaw properly, hope this helps
Yeah course, mewings more about the posture of the tongue, it should always be touching the roof of the mouth, but yes the molars should touch too to align jaw properly, hope this helps
When i told r/mewing about this they all disagreed with me saying slight gap between molars is the way to go
No i think you’re right, they should touch. Its how the jaw and tongue should sit