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JFL Most of you don't know what it feels like


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
To be so lonely and undesired by the rest of society.


For doing nothing, people wish hurt upon me, even though I've been nothing but nice and kind to everyone I've ever met

You guys are disgusting for inflicting so much pain on someone who doesn't deserve it. I never leave my room nor talk to people these days because no matter what I do, people just want me to fucking kill myself it seems.
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  • #2
Maybe my face is low trust, after spending a few years worth of salary would my parents and peers love me?
you have to live for yourself man. a lot of people dont like seeing my face, they audibly groan and express that they wish not to see my ugly face. idk. philosophy really helped me. i felt like i was in a hole for a really long time, only digging down. philosophy and learning to live for myself was like looking up to the sky. im not out of the hole yet, ive got so far to go, but saying it is what it is and idc helped a lot. even though at first you dont believe it, over time with repetition you accept it as true. these strangers in your life wont last.
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  • #4
you have to live for yourself man. a lot of people dont like seeing my face, they audibly groan and express that they wish not to see my ugly face. idk. philosophy really helped me. i felt like i was in a hole for a really long time, only digging down. philosophy and learning to live for myself was like looking up to the sky. im not out of the hole yet, ive got so far to go, but saying it is what it is and idc helped a lot. even though at first you dont believe it, over time with repetition you accept it as true. these strangers in your life wont last.
I know this

I am fine with being alone

I am not fine with people antagonizing me

She is making it sound like I was a bully and called her slurs etc.

I would never ever do anything like that.

I have the chat logs to prove it
To be so lonely and undesired by the rest of society.

View attachment 34100

For doing nothing, people wish hurt upon me, even though I've been nothing but nice and kind to everyone I've ever met

You guys are disgusting for inflicting so much pain on someone who doesn't deserve it. I never leave my room nor talk to people these days because no matter what I do, people just want me to f*****g kill myself it seems.
This is life man. Things will try to knock you down and make you stay down, all you have to do is endure and accept that its OK to fall, its OK to get ON THE GROUND BUT, its never okay to STAY ON THE GROUND. Your life is YOURS and youve been dealt cards that you HAVE to play with. Deal with reality and strive for improvement not for the sake of others, not for the sake of ego, but for the sake of yourself, future children, future wife, parents for the sake to make this life WORTH LIVING. You can make reality hell, or it can be beautiful, but thats on YOU bro.
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  • #6
This is life man. Things will try to knock you down and make you stay down, all you have to do is endure and accept that its OK to fall, its OK to get ON THE GROUND BUT, its never okay to STAY ON THE GROUND. Your life is YOURS and youve been dealt cards that you HAVE to play with. Deal with reality and strive for improvement not for the sake of others, not for the sake of ego, but for the sake of yourself, future children, future wife, parents for the sake to make this life WORTH LIVING. You can make reality hell, or it can be beautiful, but thats on YOU bro.
Thank you 6ft+ European chad for advice never before heard.

No offence, its just that you genuinely don't understand what it's like to be someone like me.

I have nothing against you.
Maybe my face is low trust, after spending a few years worth of salary would my parents and peers love me?
Yes, people are monkeys who live in the first layer of mental condition: impressions.

All they think about the world is based on their emotional instinctive impressions.

If you control your art - the way you sound, look and smell - you control the impression that they have over you.

And so the monkeys are controlled.

The good thing, however, about being ugly is that you dont receive as much social validation and that makes you question yourself more, helping you to become more reflexive and less self ashure/ arrogant then you would be if pretty.
Thank you 6ft+ European chad for advice never before heard.

No offence, its just that you genuinely don't understand what it's like to be someone like me.

I have nothing against you.
We need to be verry friendly, public help the group and dress to send the signal of ´´we are good, you gain shit because us and i must be treated well ``. Even then, it is necessary to stay away from stupidity
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  • #9
It's almost midnight, I can't sleep

The memories have been replaying and I just keep crying

My pillowcase is wet and my parents might check on me and it'll be embarrassing asf grown 17 year old male crying to sleep
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  • #10
I'm going to bed
That's sad society sucks it's better to live in the mountains or away from people seriously man don't end it
Thank you 6ft+ European chad for advice never before heard.

No offence, its just that you genuinely don't understand what it's like to be someone like me.

I have nothing against you.
This is not abt how you look bro. This is purely your mindset, you can improve yes to a certain extent. But you are downplaying your human potential. Most people that COULD be born, will never be born. Appreciate life, not for what you dont have, but for what you DO have. Your situation might be shit for all ikn but it could be worse, you could have 1 arm, 1 eye, lose a parent, in an area of war. Stop playing the victim or feeling sorry for yourself cus this is life and its beautiful no matter what you look like. You have to create YOURSELF bro.
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  • #13
This is not abt how you look bro. This is purely your mindset, you can improve yes to a certain extent. But you are downplaying your human potential. Most people that COULD be born, will never be born. Appreciate life, not for what you dont have, but for what you DO have. Your situation might be shit for all ikn but it could be worse, you could have 1 arm, 1 eye, lose a parent, in an area of war. Stop playing the victim or feeling sorry for yourself cus this is life and its beautiful no matter what you look like. You have to create YOURSELF bro.
You are spreading a good message but "purely your mindset"...

The fact that you don't believe in the concept of predetermined to a certain extent about someone's QOL shows how privileged you are.
You are spreading a good message but "purely your mindset"...

The fact that you don't believe in the concept of predetermined to a certain extent about someone's QOL shows how privileged you are.
I am not saying that that isnt a thing and isnt real. What I AM saying is simply that even though life isnt equal and isnt fair and even though you maybe have been dealt a bad hand, that shit couldve been way worse and there are ppl out there who would kill to have whatchu got. I am saying that regardless of QOL you have a duty to live life regardless of others, regardless of outside events. Build yourself, build your body, build your character, build your skills, build your communication. If you cannot become more handsome or become attractive, there are other skills which will not only fulfill you but also make you more desirable, more competent, wiser, smarter, stronger, more efficient, more optimistic, better with emotion etc. Life is beautiful only if you look at it that way and thats hard. Life is hard, yet simple
Maybe my face is low trust, after spending a few years worth of salary would my parents and peers love me?
The real low trust

The ugly low trust

Like you
To be so lonely and undesired by the rest of society.

View attachment 34100

For doing nothing, people wish hurt upon me, even though I've been nothing but nice and kind to everyone I've ever met

You guys are disgusting for inflicting so much pain on someone who doesn't deserve it. I never leave my room nor talk to people these days because no matter what I do, people just want me to f*****g kill myself it seems.
I feel bad for you bhai

But don't pay attention to haters

And keep grinding 😉
