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Mouth Biting= Asymmetrical Jaw? Braces? Overbite?


Aug 11, 2024
I've been biting the skin inside my mouth pretty much the whole area inside it since I was like 7 years old, because of stress and ocd. I'm not gonna get into to much detail about it because it's not important and might be gross too people, anyways. I've been doing this for years and these sessions where I bite can either last for 10 min or 1-2 hours which make my teeth hurt, and my jaw numb. Now my question is, can this cause an asymmetrical jaw, overbite or messed up teeth? Because I don't want my jaw becoming recessed or asymmetrical because of this 💀. The only thing I have noticed is I have a slight overbite. The dentist have said my teeth are perfect but they haven't said anything about the overbite. But that was a year ago and when I close my mouth I feel as if my teeth are in an uncomfortable resting position. So I've made an appointment with the dentist and I'm gonna ask if I need braces. And if I do get braces, will that affect my jaw shape or anything?
i bit the inside of my cheeks when i was younger due to ocd as well but i learned to stop
and also the metal in my braces causes it to bleed all the time
the inside of my cheeks has bumpy and thick white tissue bc of this
it is not good and you should stop. i recommend you use a mouth guard. for me, my ocd habits ended up changing and i started doing other bad habits instead of cheekbiting. still i recommend you use a mouth guard instead
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i bit the inside of my cheeks when i was younger due to ocd as well but i learned to stop
and also the metal in my braces causes it to bleed all the time
the inside of my cheeks has bumpy and thick white tissue bc of this
it is not good and you should stop. i recommend you use a mouth guard. for me, my ocd habits ended up changing and i started doing other bad habits instead of cheekbiting. still i recommend you use a mouth guard instead
Yeah I completely forgot that when I get braces I won't be able to bite at all. Usually when it gets that bad I just shove my shirt in my mouth but I'll check out the mouth guard.
I started biting the insides of my cheeks years ago when I was trying to figure out mewing, I did it softly, but I’ve noticed that it does shift your jawline depending on which side I hit down harder on, I could reverse the results simply by biting on the opposite cheek or chewing gum on the opposite side of my mouth but overall I regret doing it in the first place.
I started biting the insides of my cheeks years ago when I was trying to figure out mewing, I did it softly, but I’ve noticed that it does shift your jawline depending on which side I hit down harder on, I could reverse the results simply by biting on the opposite cheek or chewing gum on the opposite side of my mouth but overall I regret doing it in the first place.
dont bite let it heal

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