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Mouth breathing


Aug 11, 2024
My question is what counts as mouth breathing. For example opening your mouth and inhaling and exhaling out of it is mouth breathing ofc but what if you just have your mouth open but breath through your nose? If someone were to breathe like that could it still lead to poor jaw development and allat shit? And how long does a person need to be actually mouth breathing to get side effects from it. Because me sometimes when I exercise in the end when I give maximum effort I mouth breath on accident for like 20-30 seconds. And after I did that I can already feel my jaw like pulling in and becoming like circle shaped (I'm jk obv) but yeah in general I nose breath always so I think I'm good
air will still passively enter your mouth even if you are not inhaling and it is open
either way youd look autistic with your mouth open, and you shouldnt do it
If someone were to breathe like that could it still lead to poor jaw development and allat shit?
And how long does a person need to be actually mouth breathing to get side effects from it.
a long time, most people breathe like that for years during development so they look shit
also some people dont know they do it like in their sleep
Because me sometimes when I exercise in the end when I give maximum effort I mouth breath on accident for like 20-30 seconds. And after I did that I can already feel my jaw like pulling in and becoming like circle shaped (I'm jk obv) but yeah in general I nose breath always so I think I'm good
ok dont worry then
try to avoid mouth breathing but if its intense exercise then its fine
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air will still passively enter your mouth even if you are not inhaling and it is open
either way youd look autistic with your mouth open, and you shouldnt do it


a long time, most people breathe like that for years during development so they look shit
also some people dont know they do it like in their sleep

ok dont worry then
try to avoid mouth breathing but if its intense exercise then its fine
Yeah I'm gonna order one of those mouth tape things when u sleep so I can breath through my nose and get better sleep
Open mouth breathing
My question is what counts as mouth breathing. For example opening your mouth and inhaling and exhaling out of it is mouth breathing ofc but what if you just have your mouth open but breath through your nose? If someone were to breathe like that could it still lead to poor jaw development and allat shit? And how long does a person need to be actually mouth breathing to get side effects from it. Because me sometimes when I exercise in the end when I give maximum effort I mouth breath on accident for like 20-30 seconds. And after I did that I can already feel my jaw like pulling in and becoming like circle shaped (I'm jk obv) but yeah in general I nose breath always so I think I'm good
Mouth breathing is when you predominantly use your mouth to breathe, there ARE exceptions, but if it’s like you’re mouth breathing while you sleep you def need to fix it.
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  • #6
Mouth breathing is when you predominantly use your mouth to breathe, there ARE exceptions, but if it’s like you’re mouth breathing while you sleep you def need to fix it.
I have mouth tape and nose tape n sleep on my back so dw
air will still passively enter your mouth even if you are not inhaling and it is open
either way youd look autistic with your mouth open, and you shouldnt do it


a long time, most people breathe like that for years during development so they look shit
also some people dont know they do it like in their sleep

ok dont worry then
try to avoid mouth breathing but if its intense exercise then its fine
Does it still look autistic if it’s like your jaw is closed but your lips are open so you don’t get that weird wrinkly chin my chin only looks good if I do that
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