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My ex gf now has a kid with an extremely ugly guy


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2024
lmao idk why this is so funny to me but it just is. she now has a kid and the guy who she had the kid with is a genuine trucel. hes ugly as fuck literal 1/10 mutant who gets mogged by everyone
Some women settle down with bruh guys for safety unless he is good in bed

Can be money (betabuxxing) and/or the fact he can't have sidechicks. A lot of women want to bang Chads and ideally got his offsprings, but the most majority can't deal with the attention they got from women. Doesn't mean she will love, respect, and fuck with the ugly dude either unless for being pregnant
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Some women settle down with bruh guys for safety unless he is good in bed

Can be money (betabuxxing) and/or the fact he can't have sidechicks. A lot of women want to bang Chads and ideally got his offsprings, but the most majority can't deal with the attention they got from women. Doesn't mean she will love, respect, and fuck with the ugly dude either unless for being pregnant
cant be betabux i dont live in a rich area. i think it just comes down to some women having zero standards. its common where i am, plenty of ugly guys slay here but this guy im talking about is terribly ugly hes beyond subhuman which is why i posted this
cant be betabux i dont live in a rich area. i think it just comes down to some women having zero standards. its common where i am, plenty of ugly guys slay here but this guy im talking about is terribly ugly hes beyond subhuman which is why i posted this
So it's more a lack of options than having poor standards

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