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My fellow looksmaxxers in hgih school


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
How do girls dress? And also, girls and other dudes who are or aren’t in high school can answer. Just prefer people who are in it right now because I know there’s some ancient MFs on this forum.
Just like describe, like crop tops and stuff or nah? Also how long you been homeschooled for?
Only a handful of girls would wear crop tops because our school mostly didn't allow them unless it was very hot most of the girls wore baggy pants like looked vintage with some rapper t shirt or wore a pastel color jackets and white airforces
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  • #7
Only a handful of girls would wear crop tops because our school mostly didn't allow them unless it was very hot most of the girls wore baggy pants like looked vintage with some rapper t shirt or wore a pastel color jackets and white airforces
Wow, at my school it’s entirely different. Practically every other girl is half naked and every other other girl is semi naked.
I wont make a generalized statement, but the vast majority of girls will dress rather indecently in a normal setting, or when given the opportunity. I go to a high school that requires wearing a uniform, yet even still, some find a way to push the envelope.
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  • #14
TikTok clothes
Stop saying tiktok clothes, can someone explain what tiktok clothes mean?
Yep. Outside of school, in a normal public setting or on civvies days, this is the case with my the girls at my school as well.
crop tops even when theyre fat and lots of cleavage showing
they wear many different pants idk but ive seen some short shorts
usually lots of skin showing
Fatherless or just seeking attention?
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  • #24
She wearing a Dodgers jersey, but 99% chance she doesn’t know who Mookie Betts or Shohei Ohtani is lol.
i dont know i dont talk to them
but probs attention seeking
Serious question though, what are you supposed to do when this is legit every girl at your school and other schools?

And man yeah I’ve had my share talking to a few of these type of girls and every single one of them is a snotty bitch. They’re going to hell no doubt, awful human beings and to top it off, they either only go for thugmaxxers who bully the special ed students or go for chads only. I hate them, I hate it, I. hate it all. Even if I do ascend, I’d be left with the stuck up bratty whores.
She wearing a Dodgers jersey, but 99% chance she doesn’t know who Mookie Betts or Shohei Ohtani is lol.

Serious question though, what are you supposed to do when this is legit every girl at your school and other schools?

And man yeah I’ve had my share talking to a few of these type of girls and every single one of them is a snotty b***h. They’re going to hell no doubt, awful human beings and to top it off, they either only go for thugmaxxers who bully the special ed students or go for chads only. I hate them, I hate it, I. hate it all. Even if I do ascend, I’d be left with the stuck up bratty whores.
Holy shit, you just described my thoughts exactly.
She wearing a Dodgers jersey, but 99% chance she doesn’t know who Mookie Betts or Shohei Ohtani is lol.

Serious question though, what are you supposed to do when this is legit every girl at your school and other schools?

And man yeah I’ve had my share talking to a few of these type of girls and every single one of them is a snotty b***h. They’re going to hell no doubt, awful human beings and to top it off, they either only go for thugmaxxers who bully the special ed students or go for chads only. I hate them, I hate it, I. hate it all. Even if I do ascend, I’d be left with the stuck up bratty whores.
It shitty because it will only get worse because of music,soical media,social standards

Even chad will only have 5 iq loud makeup maxed retards left
She wearing a Dodgers jersey, but 99% chance she doesn’t know who Mookie Betts or Shohei Ohtani is lol.

Serious question though, what are you supposed to do when this is legit every girl at your school and other schools?

And man yeah I’ve had my share talking to a few of these type of girls and every single one of them is a snotty b***h. They’re going to hell no doubt, awful human beings and to top it off, they either only go for thugmaxxers who bully the special ed students or go for chads only. I hate them, I hate it, I. hate it all. Even if I do ascend, I’d be left with the stuck up bratty whores.
It is the EXACT same thing for me.
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  • #28
Holy shit, you just described my thoughts exactly.
They’re so rude and disrespectful and for legit no reason at all. I’ve had experiences with girls who dress like that, and they would harass me for no reason. I think the worst one was in 8th grade when a former “friend” of mine (he’s thugmaxxed and popular in the school, good looking too) walked up with a girl like that. She had a crop top on showing so much skin, and they started spitting on me and calling me a fat pig. They told me to get up and run because I would die if I didn’t get exercise. They then sat next to me and I had my head down and they just pointed at me and laughed. They even took pictures of me and I’m 99% sure they uploaded on a school page of ours that makes fun of ugly kids (couldn’t tell if it was me but it looked like me). I texted my mom telling her I loved her and I feel so bad because I love my mom so much and she treats me so well and does anything for me. If she found out how people truly treated me she would die, and for that I am thankful that she is someone. Someone in my life who cares that wants me here, way better than nothing.

@sigma @Cage @Whitepill
They’re so rude and disrespectful and for legit no reason at all. I’ve had experiences with girls who dress like that, and they would harass me for no reason. I think the worst one was in 8th grade when a former “friend” of mine (he’s thugmaxxed and popular in the school, good looking too) walked up with a girl like that. She had a crop top on showing so much skin, and they started spitting on me and calling me a fat pig. They told me to get up and run because I would die if I didn’t get exercise. They then sat next to me and I had my head down and they just pointed at me and laughed. They even took pictures of me and I’m 99% sure they uploaded on a school page of ours that makes fun of ugly kids (couldn’t tell if it was me but it looked like me). I texted my mom telling her I loved her and I feel so bad because I love my mom so much and she treats me so well and does anything for me. If she found out how people truly treated me she would die, and for that I am thankful that she is someone. Someone in my life who cares that wants me here, way better than nothing.

@sigma @Cage @Whitepill
That’s so fucking bullshit for them to do, sounds about right though for how people treat other fellow humans
They’re so rude and disrespectful and for legit no reason at all. I’ve had experiences with girls who dress like that, and they would harass me for no reason. I think the worst one was in 8th grade when a former “friend” of mine (he’s thugmaxxed and popular in the school, good looking too) walked up with a girl like that. She had a crop top on showing so much skin, and they started spitting on me and calling me a fat pig. They told me to get up and run because I would die if I didn’t get exercise. They then sat next to me and I had my head down and they just pointed at me and laughed. They even took pictures of me and I’m 99% sure they uploaded on a school page of ours that makes fun of ugly kids (couldn’t tell if it was me but it looked like me). I texted my mom telling her I loved her and I feel so bad because I love my mom so much and she treats me so well and does anything for me. If she found out how people truly treated me she would die, and for that I am thankful that she is someone. Someone in my life who cares that wants me here, way better than nothing.

@sigma @Cage @Whitepill
Stupid bitches need their skull caved in its so dehumanizing how these ltbs act calling you a fat pig? and taking photos of you? I'm sorry man that happened to you
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  • #31
That’s so f*****g bullshit for them to do, sounds about right though for how people treat other fellow humans
Yeah man, if the people know what words could do to another human being then they wouldn’t be invested and mouthing such sayings. I was just a little kid trying to fit in, I should also mention it happend because the school evacuated to a field since there was a gas leak or something and guess what I was doing? Sitting by myself, all alone. I hate human beings and I’m under the belief that every human being is born evil with the intent of doing bad things. The only issue is that it tends to be those stubborn hoes who act out on their true intentions, atleast other humans have the audacity to keep it to themselves.
They’re so rude and disrespectful and for legit no reason at all. I’ve had experiences with girls who dress like that, and they would harass me for no reason. I think the worst one was in 8th grade when a former “friend” of mine (he’s thugmaxxed and popular in the school, good looking too) walked up with a girl like that. She had a crop top on showing so much skin, and they started spitting on me and calling me a fat pig. They told me to get up and run because I would die if I didn’t get exercise. They then sat next to me and I had my head down and they just pointed at me and laughed. They even took pictures of me and I’m 99% sure they uploaded on a school page of ours that makes fun of ugly kids (couldn’t tell if it was me but it looked like me). I texted my mom telling her I loved her and I feel so bad because I love my mom so much and she treats me so well and does anything for me. If she found out how people truly treated me she would die, and for that I am thankful that she is someone. Someone in my life who cares that wants me here, way better than nothing.

@sigma @Cage @Whitepill
I resonate with this heavily man. I was bullied when I was younger too. I was short, fat, weak, and was picked on frequently for my looks and lack of female interaction. I've been laughed at, beaten up, had pictures taken of me too just for laughs, and have had horrible experiences with the same types of girls you are talking about. You and I are in the same boat bud. It genuinely pisses me off.
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  • #33
Stupid bitches need their skull caved in it’s so dehumanizing how these ltbs act calling you a fat pig? and taking photos of you? I'm sorry man that happened to you
No worries dude and yeah she unironically is a fat LTB 😂 she was then, and still is now. It’s been 3 years since that and I don’t talk to any of those people, they seem to do well but I trust that God (hopefully Satan if anything) will punish them. Just gotta keep pushing through everyday.
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  • #34
I resonate with this heavily man. I was bullied when I was younger too. I was short, fat, weak, and was picked on frequently for my looks and lack of female interaction. I've been laughed at, beaten up, had pictures taken of me too just for laughs, and have had horrible experiences with the same types of girls you are talking about. You and I are in the same boat bud. It genuinely pisses me off.
If you don’t mind asking me, how old are you now and have you ascended your looks? Me personally, yes. People don’t recognize me from my photos from back then (back in 8th grade and before) but it doesn’t matter because I’m still a LTN. How’s your experience and journey been?
No worries dude and yeah she unironically is a fat LTB 😂 she was then, and still is now. It’s been 3 years since that and I don’t talk to any of those people, they seem to do well but I trust that God (hopefully Satan if anything) will punish them. Just gotta keep pushing through everyday.
Respect the mentality while your ascending she's rotting on tiktok
How do girls dress? And also, girls and other dudes who are or aren’t in high school can answer. Just prefer people who are in it right now because I know there’s some ancient MFs on this forum.
I go to online school and a lot of females wear very basic clothing, such as hoodies and streetwear. There is rarely any effort being brought forth to their dressing style but more onto their facial appearance [which is, of course, evident and bound to happen].
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  • #40
Respect the mentality while your ascending she's rotting on tiktok
Thank you dude, unfortunately she does pull a lot of good looking guys and is popular. And the guy himself is in the same boat. I hate seeing bad people win.
nike pros, mom jeans, sweatpants, crop tops, flannel pj pants, lululemon
Sounds about white
I go to online school and a lot of females wear very basic clothing, such as hoodies and streetwear. There is rarely any effort being brought forth to their dressing style but more onto their facial appearance [which is, of course, evident and bound to happen].
Do they mog you or no?
They’re so rude and disrespectful and for legit no reason at all. I’ve had experiences with girls who dress like that, and they would harass me for no reason. I think the worst one was in 8th grade when a former “friend” of mine (he’s thugmaxxed and popular in the school, good looking too) walked up with a girl like that. She had a crop top on showing so much skin, and they started spitting on me and calling me a fat pig. They told me to get up and run because I would die if I didn’t get exercise. They then sat next to me and I had my head down and they just pointed at me and laughed. They even took pictures of me and I’m 99% sure they uploaded on a school page of ours that makes fun of ugly kids (couldn’t tell if it was me but it looked like me). I texted my mom telling her I loved her and I feel so bad because I love my mom so much and she treats me so well and does anything for me. If she found out how people truly treated me she would die, and for that I am thankful that she is someone. Someone in my life who cares that wants me here, way better than nothing.

@sigma @Cage @Whitepill
What the literal heck..? What is wrong with people..? why would anyone think it is morally okay, if they are even mentally well, to spit on someone and call them a fat pig? I'm so sorry for that, like genuinely, absolutely nobody desires that type of behavior. The girl who did that is a monster.
Thank you dude, unfortunately she does pull a lot of good looking guys and is popular. And the guy himself is in the same boat. I hate seeing bad people win.

Sounds about white

Do they mog you or no?
Yes, painfully lol. Almost everyone is white, so it's perfectly evident that they will mog an ethnic like me.
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  • #45
Yes, painfully lol. Almost everyone is white, so it's perfectly evident that they will mog an ethnic like me.
Don’t worry, I’m 99% sure you’re overestimating how “bad” you actually look.
What the literal heck..? What is wrong with people..? why would anyone think it is morally okay, if they are even mentally well, to spit on someone and call them a fat pig? I'm so sorry for that, like genuinely, absolutely nobody desires that type of behavior. The girl who did that is a monster.
Wait until you found out that a good portion of guys and girls do the same thing and to other people. It’s happened to me all the time, I’ve ascended enough to be a normal human being and just be invisible rather than picked on.
If you don’t mind asking me, how old are you now and have you ascended your looks? Me personally, yes. People don’t recognize me from my photos from back then (back in 8th grade and before) but it doesn’t matter because I’m still a LTN. How’s your experience and journey been?
I'm 17. I have ascended my looks significantly since my lowest point (2020-2021) from subhuman to mtn. My journey was brutal and I made many mistakes along the way. The good thing is that I ascended my looks just enough to not get bullied in high school that much. unfortunately mtn does not suffice with the inflated standards of average and below average girls these days.
Don’t worry, I’m 99% sure you’re overestimating how “bad” you actually look.

Wait until you found out that a good portion of guys and girls do the same thing and to other people. It’s happened to me all the time, I’ve ascended enough to be a normal human being and just be invisible rather than picked on.
Why do every guy on this forum act like girls don't actually look horrible when they do..? lmfao, you guys would throw up if you see me. I have horrible eye bags, dark circles, brown skin, sort of prominent/buglike eyes, a slightly wide nose tip. It's brutal for me lol.

Personally, I think my best feature is how masculine my lower jaw is but it gets ruined by how neotenous my upper/midfacial area is.
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  • #48
I'm 17. I have ascended my looks significantly since my lowest point (2020-2021) from subhuman to mtn. My journey was brutal and I made many mistakes along the way. The good thing is that I ascended my looks just enough to not get bullied in high school that much. unfortunately mtn does not suffice with the inflated standards of average and below average girls these days.
Yeah I agree. It also depends on pheno, a pretty boy with a good white or puerto rican type pheno will be fine more likely. But a normal MTN looking dude who works at an office, probably not.
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  • #49
Why do every guy on this forum act like girls don't actually look horrible when they do..? lmfao, you guys would throw up if you see me. I have horrible eye bags, dark circles, brown skin, sort of prominent/buglike eyes, a slightly wide nose tip. It's brutal for me lol.

Personally, I think my best feature is how masculine my lower jaw is but it gets ruined by how neotenous my upper/midfacial area is.
Send face in PM?
I'm 17. I have ascended my looks significantly since my lowest point (2020-2021) from subhuman to mtn. My journey was brutal and I made many mistakes along the way. The good thing is that I ascended my looks just enough to not get bullied in high school that much. unfortunately mtn does not suffice with the inflated standards of average and below average girls these days.
Just curious. How did you ascend? What steps and actions did you think that really significantly improved your looks?

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