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Jun 9, 2023

-Unless explicitely stated all of the pictures taken for this post were taken without any kind of pump any fancy angles or posing. At most I am barely flexing my abs in some pics.
-A lot of the gains I’ve made in the first cycle came from muscle memory, because I’ve lost a lot of muscle and put on a lot of fat before starting the cycle (compared to my most jacked self before taking roids).
-The bloat that I have on cycle make my body fat seem about 2-3% higher than what it actually is.
-I’ve been super consistent and well regimented with my training
-I’ve been training to failure or very close to failure (even past it for some exercises) throughout the entirety of the cycle
-I’ve been eating around 4000 calories a day (a lot of food) with a lot of protein and carbs throughout the entirety of the cycle.
-Sleep was as on point as possible. Most nights I would get 7h-8h of sleep.

These gains are representative of steroid use and my best efforts at putting on the maximum amount of muscle mass possible.

(For those who just want my before after here it is : before -> after -> )

My First Cycle:​

My best physique before starting roids:​

At the middle of a cut at 85kg
Arms were around 15.75 inches.

My physique before starting my first cycle:​

82-83kg at around 18% Body Fat

My Protocol:​

Cycle lasted 16 weeks and consisted of:
-250mg of test enanthate for 8 weeks and then 500mg of test enanthate for the rest of the cycle.
-125mcg of arimidex E3D of E4D (when I started to hold more water and feel high E2 symptoms)

Side Effects :​

When my estrogen would get too high I would have some excessive bloat, my nips would get a bit itchy, and my sex drive would decrease significantly, but everything would resume to normal after taking a bit of arimidex.
My BP stayed unchanged (Between 115/75 and 120/80). My BPM was around 70-75 at rest.

My Results :​

I’ve bulked up to 100kg (around 22-24% body fat), which means that I’ve put on around 18kg of mass.
Out of this mass I estimate at least 2 to 3kg to be pure water retention and I also think another 2 to 3kg to be glycogen retention induced by the roids (I pull these estimations out of my ass I don’t know for sure), and I estimate that I’ve also gained a few Kgs of fat.
That would amount to 8-10kg of muscle. Not bad for a 16 week cycle.
Take note that I am pretty fat in that picture (and also pretty bloated).
Here’s a picture :

My Second Cycle:​

Quick note : I made a 6 week minicut in between my first and second cycle and that's why I look a bit leaner at the end of the second cycle.

My Protocol:​

Cycle lasted 16 weeks and consisted of:
-500mg of test enanthate
-125mcg of arimidex E3D of E4D, towards the end of the cycle I did not need arimidex to manage E2 anymore (I don’t seem to be a high aromatizer when I’m under 20% body fat).

Side Effects :​

None. My BP stayed unchanged (Between 115/75 and 120/80). My BPM was around 70-75 at rest.

My Results :​

I’ve bulked up from 95kg to around 103kg (around 18-20% body fat), which means that I’ve put on around 7kg of mass
Out of these 7kg, maybe 3 to 3.5 was lean mass.
My arms are 16,5 inches.
Here are some pictures

My 9 week cut :​

After I ended my cycle I decided to go on a steep calorie deficit to lose as much fat as possible while being on a cruise dose of 125mg per week of test e.
At the end of the cut arms were still around 16.25 inches
I weighted 93-94kg
Here are my results
With a pump Feel free to rate my results/genetics or comment on my transformation, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible
It's extremely unhealthy to use AIs long-term. I take "steroids" too, and from all my research, I've learned it's always better to lower your dosage until your body doesn't produce excessive estrogen while still giving you the benefits you desire.

use primo that won't bind to the estrogen so to speak, but rather compete, so you're not bottomed out. I know you probably learned a lot from bro heads, .org users, or gym forums.

Just know a lot of cycle info is outdated through the grapevine logic. The current science on this subject triple backs up my claim that abusing AI alongside high dosage steroid cycles will shorten your life and give you worse cardiovascular health long-term.

Here's the science: A 2019 review in the Journal of Clinical Medicine states, "Estrogens exert protective effects on the cardiovascular system...complete estrogen deficiency may be detrimental to cardiovascular health". That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Estrogen is cardio protective and anti-aging. It's technically better to be on the upper end of the spectrum (where most bro heads would freak out because they think e = bad) than it is to be on the lower end or even lower.

A 2020 study in Frontiers in Endocrinology found that higher estradiol levels were associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in men using testosterone therapy. That's why I'm saying don't crush your E2.

Blood work will tell you the truth though. Only way to know what's going on is blood work always. Never trust symptoms as you're using AI to mask the symptoms . It can work but has long-term health complications.

Old bodybuilders of the past lived much longer than current due to one factor and one factor alone: Not having access to AIs. They weren't crushing their estrogen like guys do today.

Remember, this shit is serious. Don't just follow bro science. Look at the actual research and get your bloodwork done regularly. Your future self will thank you.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
It's extremely unhealthy to use AIs long-term. I take "steroids" too, and from all my research, I've learned it's always better to lower your dosage until your body doesn't produce excessive estrogen while still giving you the benefits you desire.

use primo that won't bind to the estrogen so to speak, but rather compete, so you're not bottomed out. I know you probably learned a lot from bro heads, .org users, or gym forums.

Just know a lot of cycle info is outdated through the grapevine logic. The current science on this subject triple backs up my claim that abusing AI alongside high dosage steroid cycles will shorten your life and give you worse cardiovascular health long-term.

Here's the science: A 2019 review in the Journal of Clinical Medicine states, "Estrogens exert protective effects on the cardiovascular system...complete estrogen deficiency may be detrimental to cardiovascular health". That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Estrogen is cardio protective and anti-aging. It's technically better to be on the upper end of the spectrum (where most bro heads would freak out because they think e = bad) than it is to be on the lower end or even lower.

A 2020 study in Frontiers in Endocrinology found that higher estradiol levels were associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in men using testosterone therapy. That's why I'm saying don't crush your E2.

Blood work will tell you the truth though. Only way to know what's going on is blood work always. Never trust symptoms as you're using AI to mask the symptoms . It can work but has long-term health complications.

Old bodybuilders of the past lived much longer than current due to one factor and one factor alone: Not having access to AIs. They weren't crushing their estrogen like guys do today.

Remember, this shit is serious. Don't just follow bro science. Look at the actual research and get your bloodwork done regularly. Your future self will thank you.
Thx for the info.
I know that estrogen is needed to protect from the damage of androgens.

That’s why I only used a micro dose of arimidex.

Also arimidex cannot bottom out your estrogen, because even at full dose arimidex will only inhibit half of your aromatize enzyme.

It’s has actually been debunked that AIs are bad for your health (if dosed correctly) and that adding in primo, mast or boldenone is necessary the way to go.

Also as a rule of thumb test is best until the dose is so high that it starts being not tolerable, then you add stuff on top
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
wow, this is very detailed. mirin effort
would you say it was worth it?
Thx. Yes it was worth it. I’m very strong (can deadlift close to 300kg already) and I want to see if after some time I can become a top 50 power lifter
Thx for the info.
I know that estrogen is needed to protect from the damage of androgens.

That’s why I only used a micro dose of arimidex.

Also arimidex cannot bottom out your estrogen, because even at full dose arimidex will only inhibit half of your aromatize enzyme.

It’s has actually been debunked that AIs are bad for your health (if dosed correctly) and that adding in primo, mast or boldenone is necessary the way to go.

Also as a rule of thumb test is best until the dose is so high that it starts being not tolerable, then you add stuff on top
It has not been debunked. Show studies for your claims please.
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  • #12
There are no studies on Supra physiological amounts of gear for performance enhancing purposes, but a lot of pros who run high amounts of gear (even the ones who take primo and mast) take a low dose of an AI if they need it.

Vigorous Steve has talked about many times about taking AI’s the proper way as a valid approach, so does Paul Barnett from anabolic bodybuilding, Kurt Havens etc.

As long as the bloodwork comes back good and you have in range estrogen AIs are ok.

All the studies that show that AI will have a negative impact health wise is mostly linked to the lack of sufficient estrogen as the culprit, and not to the inherent toxicity of AIs.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
Don't listen to pros. Most are fucking quacks. Vigorous Steve is vaild however I'll give you that. I don't care for those who been bodybuilding and won awards most get by sheer luck. Ai is still bad for you even if you stay within the normal range of estrogen. Why? It competes with the receptors in the heart. The veins have estrogen receptors that expect a freely um bound estrogen hormone to bind to it. Take an ai and it's reduced. The more T you take. The more E you need to counter act the damage the T is causing to your body

If you are taking a gram of Testosterone a week as some do. Crushing your high estrogen is causing more damage than Just letting the estrogen float up much higher. Lots don't know about the estrogen receptors in the veins and hearts. In fact there is alot of ignorance. I'm sure vigorous steeve at least is aware of it. He even taught me about using Castor oil in my own testosterone and that's why I chose to make my own. It's less inflammation and better for my body to avoid most of the UGL shit and even pharma. I use the least amount of BB and Ba that I can get away with. I also choose to use the least amount of gear as possible that still provides the anabolic effects I'm after and when I do choose to blast. I will keep it as brief as possible and use primo to counter the extremely high aromatiztion however I'll go purely based on how my body Reacts and not just the idea that estrogen Is bad.

The body makes estrogen in response to the inflammation and other health complications for a reason. Heck even being slightly overweight will cause high conversion to estrogen due to the fat having lots of receptors that convert to aromtaise. Its just a reaction to high androgen loads. Even having pre diabetes ( lots have this and are not even aware) will cause excessive aromatiztion.

If you are creating alot of estrogen during a blast. It's likely a hidden health complication that you need to get checked out.
Wow. Very interesting, I did not know about the veins stuff in the heart. I just thought if estrogen is too high, I’ll sprinkle an AI and everything will be in range and everything is good (prob cause it makes things easier).

I will defo have to look into it.
I agree, using as low gear as necessary is the way to go.

I also want to home brew my own gear but the info is very sparse around how to do it and where to find good raws

How long have you been taking gear and home brewing your stuff ?
Wow. Very interesting, I did not know about the veins stuff in the heart. I just thought if estrogen is too high, I’ll sprinkle an AI and everything will be in range and everything is good (prob cause it makes things easier).

I will defo have to look into it.
I agree, using as low gear as necessary is the way to go.

I also want to home brew my own gear but the info is very sparse around how to do it and where to find good raws

How long have you been taking gear and home brewing your stuff ?
Dm bro

-Unless explicitely stated all of the pictures taken for this post were taken without any kind of pump any fancy angles or posing. At most I am barely flexing my abs in some pics.
-A lot of the gains I’ve made in the first cycle came from muscle memory, because I’ve lost a lot of muscle and put on a lot of fat before starting the cycle (compared to my most jacked self before taking roids).
-The bloat that I have on cycle make my body fat seem about 2-3% higher than what it actually is.
-I’ve been super consistent and well regimented with my training
-I’ve been training to failure or very close to failure (even past it for some exercises) throughout the entirety of the cycle
-I’ve been eating around 4000 calories a day (a lot of food) with a lot of protein and carbs throughout the entirety of the cycle.
-Sleep was as on point as possible. Most nights I would get 7h-8h of sleep.

These gains are representative of steroid use and my best efforts at putting on the maximum amount of muscle mass possible.

(For those who just want my before after here it is : before -> after -> )

My First Cycle:​

My best physique before starting roids:​

At the middle of a cut at 85kg
Arms were around 15.75 inches.

My physique before starting my first cycle:​

82-83kg at around 18% Body Fat

My Protocol:​

Cycle lasted 16 weeks and consisted of:
-250mg of test enanthate for 8 weeks and then 500mg of test enanthate for the rest of the cycle.
-125mcg of arimidex E3D of E4D (when I started to hold more water and feel high E2 symptoms)

Side Effects :​

When my estrogen would get too high I would have some excessive bloat, my nips would get a bit itchy, and my sex drive would decrease significantly, but everything would resume to normal after taking a bit of arimidex.
My BP stayed unchanged (Between 115/75 and 120/80). My BPM was around 70-75 at rest.

My Results :​

I’ve bulked up to 100kg (around 22-24% body fat), which means that I’ve put on around 18kg of mass.
Out of this mass I estimate at least 2 to 3kg to be pure water retention and I also think another 2 to 3kg to be glycogen retention induced by the roids (I pull these estimations out of my ass I don’t know for sure), and I estimate that I’ve also gained a few Kgs of fat.
That would amount to 8-10kg of muscle. Not bad for a 16 week cycle.
Take note that I am pretty fat in that picture (and also pretty bloated).
Here’s a picture :

My Second Cycle:​

Quick note : I made a 6 week minicut in between my first and second cycle and that's why I look a bit leaner at the end of the second cycle.

My Protocol:​

Cycle lasted 16 weeks and consisted of:
-500mg of test enanthate
-125mcg of arimidex E3D of E4D, towards the end of the cycle I did not need arimidex to manage E2 anymore (I don’t seem to be a high aromatizer when I’m under 20% body fat).

Side Effects :​

None. My BP stayed unchanged (Between 115/75 and 120/80). My BPM was around 70-75 at rest.

My Results :​

I’ve bulked up from 95kg to around 103kg (around 18-20% body fat), which means that I’ve put on around 7kg of mass
Out of these 7kg, maybe 3 to 3.5 was lean mass.
My arms are 16,5 inches.
Here are some pictures

My 9 week cut :​

After I ended my cycle I decided to go on a steep calorie deficit to lose as much fat as possible while being on a cruise dose of 125mg per week of test e.
At the end of the cut arms were still around 16.25 inches
I weighted 93-94kg
Here are my results
With a pump Feel free to rate my results/genetics or comment on my transformation, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible
High effort post, thanks for sharing @Alex-GoodLookingAthlete

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