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Story My friends can be boring.

MTB imo, you look like a girl I would find on Wizz who is desperate for white LTN-MTNs and has a dad who raised in a white neighborhood.
whatt 😭. Why does everyone think black girls are obsessed with white men.
whatt 😭. Why does everyone think black girls are obsessed with white men.
No, it’s just the way you look, you look extra feminine. I notice that feminine black girls often go for white guysπŸ™Œ
No, it’s just the way you look, you look extra feminine. I notice that feminine black girls often go for white guysπŸ™Œ
ya that's understandable
this is so true
it's literally the complete opposite as well. Black women are the number one demographic to date within their own race while black men are most likely to date out
it's literally the complete opposite as well. Black women are the number one demographic to date within their own race while black men are most likely to date out
they think we secretly want white guys but r forced to date black guys/r only desired by black guys 😭
I miss my frnds from my previous school but i feel like they weren't really my friends
New school is super shit subhuman also in a underdeveloped area i hate everyone
they think we secretly want white guys but r forced to date black guys/r only desired by black guys 😭
I couldn't care less about race, but the new school I'm in is like 97% white. Like I'm one of 3 black people in my year of 260. It's crazy
i find it hard being in majority yt areas
Black sheep in a white flock
I did too before I moved here, where I lived before had a relatively good amount of black people, not a lot but still a good amount.
Here there are practically none and it's actually better because all the white people don't have an established view of black people in their heads. The black people that do live here are quiet and keep to themselves and the teachers don't really have biases because they've interacted with "ghetto" black people.

Certain white people will interact with one ghetto black person and think all black people are like that. I think the majority of minorities get on well here.