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My goal in looksmaxxing


New member
Sep 23, 2024
United States
My goal is to get at least around an 8 otut of 10 I know Ill probably never be psl level and I don't even know if an 8 is releastic but My goal is to looksmax what I can first like skin and diet then go onto upper eye lid surgery chin implant and rhinoplasty like I've stated before I've been mewing and I'm still going to because its a good habit but I feel like I wanna save up my money from myself. Im not doing this for anyone else but myself I want to feel confident in my own skin.

let me know based on the photo (resting face) if I need surgery or I should keep trying natural methods.


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yeah maybe a 6 if I fix my teeth I guesss 8 might require extrem surgery of some kind and there's even a ton of risk to that
My goal is to get at least around an 8 otut of 10 I know Ill probably never be psl level and I don't even know if an 8 is releastic but My goal is to looksmax what I can first like skin and diet then go onto upper eye lid surgery chin implant and rhinoplasty like I've stated before I've been mewing and I'm still going to because its a good habit but I feel like I wanna save up my money from myself. Im not doing this for anyone else but myself I want to feel confident in my own skin.

let me know based on the photo (resting face) if I need surgery or I should keep trying natural methods.
You want to be a fucking 8? Dude, some consider de poot to be 7.15. You gotta have to hardmaxxx everything to get there
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  • #15
like I said before I just want to do upper eye lid exposure and a jaw implant

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