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my introduction


Aug 28, 2024
hello everyone my name is tia & i am new here, i am 14 & 5’2 which i think is 157 cm? i honestly don’t rly know how much i weigh but i will update when i do find out ! i would like to improve my appearance but im not too sure on how to start , i constantly change the way i look and try out new things but im not too sure on what suits me best. or what what suits my features and how i can improve in general , i will be uploading more pictures of myself later on i js wanted to do a lil introduction here . thank you 😊
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  • #5
If it is you on your profile picture, i would say wait until puberty, only useful advice should be don't end up obese
yes it is me on my profile picture & thank you i hit puberty at like 9 but i also understand that i am still growing & ill work on maintaining a healthy weight aswell
hello everyone my name is tia & i am new here, i am 14 & 5’2 which i think is 157 cm? i honestly don’t rly know how much i weigh but i will update when i do find out ! i would like to improve my appearance but im not too sure on how to start , i constantly change the way i look and try out new things but im not too sure on what suits me best. or what what suits my features and how i can improve in general , i will be uploading more pictures of myself later on i js wanted to do a lil introduction here . thank you 😊
Hi there! It's nice to see more females joining. I can't really tell you how to improve your appearance though, if you don't really have any pictures uploaded but if you're the person in the pfp, i would say you are very beautiful for someone who is 14!
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  • #10
Hi there! It's nice to see more females joining. I can't really tell you how to improve your appearance though, if you don't really have any pictures uploaded but if you're the person in the pfp, i would say you are very beautiful for someone who is 14!
Hi yes thank you so much! the pfp is me , i will be uploading more later on, im js learning more for now, and soon i will post myself more . Thank you!!
hello everyone my name is tia & i am new here, i am 14 & 5’2 which i think is 157 cm? i honestly don’t rly know how much i weigh but i will update when i do find out ! i would like to improve my appearance but im not too sure on how to start , i constantly change the way i look and try out new things but im not too sure on what suits me best. or what what suits my features and how i can improve in general , i will be uploading more pictures of myself later on i js wanted to do a lil introduction here . thank you 😊
What a cute little introduction you did. I'll be waiting to hear more from the likes of you. I'll be watching. Tis an awesome thing to see. I'm James. Don't be intimidated because I'm not the stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.
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  • #12
What a cute little introduction you did. I'll be waiting to hear more from the likes of you. I'll be watching. Tis an awesome thing to see. I'm James. Don't be intimidated because I'm not the stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.
thank you so much!! ill try to be more active on the site and thank you for being so nice!!

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