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Discussion my latest heightmaxxing plan


if you can’t join them, rise above them
Established Member
Dec 21, 2023
first off, I am a firm believer in an optimal lifestyle:

1. Sleep
I sleep 9+ hours each night. I am currently building a circadian rhythm and focusing on getting quality sleep. I’ll be supplementing magnesium glycinate for a variety of reasons but mostly the sleep benefits. Other supplements I’m taking with sleep benefits are ashwaganda and l-arginine, and occasionally melatonin though I try not to use it too often.

2. Diet and Nutrition
I eat a clean diet consistent of whole foods. I eat plenty of protein including greek yogurt, lean meats, eggs, fish, etc. I take a multivitamin, vitamin d3, zinc, magnesium, omega 3s, and pantothenic acid each day. I will take beef liver, collagen, l-arginine, and creatine.

3. Natural heightmaxxing
Sprinting for the hgh release benefits. Stretching, including hanging and banded sleeping. Some more theoretical methods are meditation on the pituitary gland and the law of attraction.

4. AI
I’ll probably just take aromasin 6.25 mg

5. HGH boosting
HGH won’t logistically work for me, if I could get it I would. Mk-677 seems like the risks outweigh the reward. I’ll just keep taking l-arginine in high doses and maintaining a good lifestyle I guess.

6. T4 protocol
I will take T4 alongside zinc and selenium (for optimal conversion into the active form, T3)

I have most of the money and will have all of the money by next month. I have plans on how to recieve all of this (ship it to a trusted friend’s house). I have sources for everything except the T4, but I can find a source.

My question is, is there anything I am missing/being naive about? I am ready to go on this stack and I want to know your opinions
I heard jumping was good too, but I’m not so sure about that one. Solid list though you should reach full height potential
Will you get in sugar and dairy too? I heard that can be good for heightmaxxing sometimes
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  • #8
Sounds like a good plan
i’m going to buy the extra supplements next week, and i’ll buy the aromasin next month but I’ll do more research on t4 in the meantime
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  • #9
Will you get in sugar and dairy too? I heard that can be good for heightmaxxing sometimes
I consume plenty of dairy, as for the sugar thing it is controversial, technically it increases IGF 1 but it’s bad for you in many ways and can be a conflict of interest, plus being fat is a major height min so I’d rather just minimize added sugar intake. I still eat a good amount of fruit and stuff
I consume plenty of dairy, as for the sugar thing it is controversial, technically it increases IGF 1 but it’s bad for you in many ways and can be a conflict of interest, plus being fat is a major height min so I’d rather just minimize added sugar intake. I still eat a good amount of fruit and stuff
I personally consume sugar quite a bit but I understand the concern of straying away from it
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  • #11
I personally consume sugar quite a bit but I understand the concern of straying away from it
it makes my face break out and bloat

are you still growing what’s your age group
Some more theoretical methods are meditation on the pituitary gland and the law of attraction.
naive lowiqcels fall for that shit, im sorry bro get out of that shit before its too late

T4 does not have a lot of studies on it for healthy individuals and will likely not be significant but you can still try, be wary of risks tho
another thing is consistency, its easy to makes plans and start, but its hard to maintain them
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  • #14
naive lowiqcels fall for that shit, im sorry bro get out of that shit before its too late

T4 does not have a lot of studies on it for healthy individuals and will likely not be significant but you can still try, be wary of risks tho
another thing is consistency, its easy to makes plans and start, but its hard to maintain them
i’ve been following the natural heightmaxxing protocol for a few months now, i’m obsessed with height and think about it a lot so it isn’t hard for me to keep it up
Progessively overload the aromasin just don't go too far ( anything over 25mg ED) , I've seen that 6.25 mg is too little and I bumped it up to 12.5
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  • #16
Progessively overload the aromasin just don't go too far ( anything over 25mg ED) , I've seen that 6.25 mg is too little and I bumped it up to 12.5
i’m gonna get my bloodwork done before I start, I think I have low baseline E2 because i’m lean but if it’s high i’ll definitely progressively overload it. I’d prefer to be more cautious because I don’t want to crash my estrogen
i’m gonna get my bloodwork done before I start, I think I have low baseline E2 because i’m lean but if it’s high i’ll definitely progressively overload it. I’d prefer to be more cautious because I don’t want to crash my estrogen

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