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My main reason of not having motivation is people being genetically blessed. They eat what they want and still have lean, defined faces.

she probably doesn't eat what she wants

and even if she does that just means she takes drugs to stay lean

i cant remember the name of it but theres this one PED that all the prettyboy ex-tiktok type of influencers take to stay shredded at 9-10 bf% year round and has basically no side effects, i can't remember the name of it for the life of me, but if they're taking it most celebs probably are too
she probably doesn't eat what she wants

and even if she does that just means she takes drugs to stay lean

i cant remember the name of it but theres this one PED that all the prettyboy ex-tiktok type of influencers take to stay shredded at 9-10 bf% year round and has basically no side effects, i can't remember the name of it for the life of me, but if they're taking it most celebs probably are too
Mounjaro, Ozempic and other fat loss drugs.
Jordan Barrett is hooked on Mounjaro prob
She has none of those
There are two reasons for fat face
Facial bloating:
Face fat:

To check which one you have, simply tilted ur head sideways to ur left or right
If u feel like something is moving inside ur cheeks, it’s facial bloating aka water retention
If you don’t feel anything moving then it’s face fat since fat is a structured component
Try this out and tell me the outcome, so that I can give u solution
Mounjaro, Ozempic and other fat loss drugs.
Jordan Barrett is hooked on Mounjaro prob
no its something else, those are glp1 agonists which calm your appetite

the thing i saw is more similar to dnp, but it straight up just burns fat, only downside is its super giga tera expensive
There are two reasons for fat face
Facial bloating:
Face fat:

To check which one you have, simply tilted ur head sideways to ur left or right
If u feel like something is moving inside ur cheeks, it’s facial bloating aka water retention
If you don’t feel anything moving then it’s face fat since fat is a structured component
Try this out and tell me the outcome, so that I can give u solution
Bloat I feel
I don't have such problems, but, the effects are to be considered in the long term. In addition there are foods that although not apparently harmful cause me a little discomfort.
Slightly worse skin quality, things like that