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Discussion My profile is now and in May. Are the changes good or not? I'm a girl

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  • #3
Is it me or pics angle but it looks like you have a sharper, more masculine face ? I was so close to send a "get a proper haircut dude" until i read you was a girl

The jawline is sharper anyways, don't know if it's good or bad for you, it depends of what you want
The angle is the same
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
Is it me or pics angle but it looks like you have a sharper, more masculine face ? I was so close to send a "get a proper haircut dude" until i read you was a girl

The jawline is sharper anyways, don't know if it's good or bad for you, it depends of what you want
My goal is to look like Jordan Barrett, at least in the female version.
Gonna have to hope and pray you begin to look like a female over the next couple years, or otherwise you definitely have to get some sort of facial feminization surgery
Gonna have to hope and pray you begin to look like a female over the next couple years, or otherwise you definitely have to get some sort of facial feminization surgery
i think a better haircut and and getting eyebrows done would be enough??
There have been no correlation between a couple beauty and their sons attractiveness, but there were to daughters.
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  • #40
I like your face! Women with sharper, masculine lower jawlines usually looks a lot better than those with more round, cutesy and slightly recessed jaws.

I would say the changes are good, but it might just be because I prefer more defined facial features on women in comparison to youthful and neotenous features.
Thank you very much, I am very pleased to hear that.

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