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my status halo is insane rn

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  • #10
idk really might as well ask @Dean
Off topic,
But what do u think sum of the halos are which are foundation and hugely elevate one status it difficult to explain let me give sum examples (sum I personal think are foremost in line)

1- Highly educated or nerds/professionals
thier etiquette, body language, how they talk and react release sum sort of charm which attract other to listen and appreciate them

2- physique/facial rating
Just blackpill

3- Old sages
Old geezer (not senile ones)n***a who have seen shii even tho they don't have Physique, face they are not prodigy or nerds
But they have one thing f*****g Experience they know solution, know what they doing and u can learn so much from them, they will show u practical won't confine themselves In theories
They have seen so much in life thier advice are solid n precise humane I say

4- aristocrats/old money/high upbringing ppl
I always say
Birth and Initial Environment Predetermine Success
Their upbringing so strong which make good foundation to learn and absorb diff topic I mean if ur surrounded by above three type of people since ur childhood even if they are shii head bad at everything thier way react to diff things and pov will be world apart from normal people

5- legit high iq ppl & talented ppl or genius
They will just amaze u by thier speech how quick they are with theirs word and lead, how fast they react to stimulus, they make hard think reasonable
Or man sum n***a are just built diff. see 8 year old messi clips fucker have technique and skill set of 30 year old man like he was born to play this particular game

All of them just create sum sort of charm that attract ppl towards them and give them respect beforehand basically high trust
yep, I wrote whatever came to my mind rn that why so low effort but give it sum thought and tell me ur opinion anyway (overlook grammer mistake too I don't have strength to check )
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  • #17
Off topic,
But what do u think sum of the halos are which are foundation and hugely elevate one status it difficult to explain let me give sum examples (sum I personal think are foremost in line)

1- Highly educated or nerds/professionals
thier etiquette, body language, how they talk and react release sum sort of charm which attract other to listen and appreciate them

2- physique/facial rating
Just blackpill

3- Old sages
Old geezer (not senile ones)n***a who have seen shii even tho they don't have Physique, face they are not prodigy or nerds
But they have one thing f*****g Experience they know solution, know what they doing and u can learn so much from them, they will show u practical won't confine themselves In theories
They have seen so much in life thier advice are solid n precise humane I say

4- aristocrats/old money/high upbringing ppl
I always say
Birth and Initial Environment Predetermine Success
Their upbringing so strong which make good foundation to learn and absorb diff topic I mean if ur surrounded by above three type of people since ur childhood even if they are shii head bad at everything thier way react to diff things and pov will be world apart from normal people

5- legit high iq ppl & talented ppl or genius
They will just amaze u by thier speech how quick they are with theirs word and lead, how fast they react to stimulus, they make hard think reasonable
Or man sum n***a are just built diff. see 8 year old messi clips fucker have technique and skill set of 30 year old man like he was born to play this particular game

All of them just create sum sort of charm that attract ppl towards them and give them respect beforehand basically high trust
yep, I wrote whatever came to my mind rn that why so low effort but give it sum thought and tell me ur opinion anyway (overlook grammer mistake too I don't have strength to check )

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