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My T is too High

im 16 and my T is too high, my dad has unnatural levels even though he doesn't take anything, and I think I inherited that, we both have crazy body hair, have had a beard since 12, hairline receding, both have anger issues and lift crazy strong
A lot of body hair doesn't necessarily mean you're high T. It just means you got a genetic factor that responds to the T you do have turned on. Any amount of testosterone will make you have a lot of body hair if this genetic component is positive.
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This doesnt necessarily indicate high T, might be imbalance of hormones
true High T = good bones
I don't know what you mean by good bones, my doctor says I have strong dense bones and I get checkups because I do mma, i've never broken a bone, but I also dont have a super wide jawline or that skull skull

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