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Info My Yaps [MEGA THREAD]

why is it so hard to get to 500 posts here
its cope

regardless its not about time frame but location
pastoral society where they ate lots of meat and milk and got some sun but not too much was probably when they looked best, Germans looked pretty good during roman times prob
there is a study
status is very important for male reproduction in nonindustrial societies
polygyny=lower offspring mortality
monogamy=better wife quality
we aren’t meant to know if it’s simulation or reality
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  • #108
what happens if two tornadoes meet like do they merge into a super tornado or have a fight and cancel each other out
Indians would mog more if they stopped consuming toxins
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  • #112
if aliens exist and they look nothing like us do you think they’d find humans ugly or exotic
what happens if two tornadoes meet like do they merge into a super tornado or have a fight and cancel each other out
the stronger one absorbs one of them and the overall strength increases
no scales of attractiveness just scale of saturated fat consumption
Why am I enslaved
What do I have to do to become elite
Or are they just never happy deep down
Why do people love women unconditionally but not men
I love Frax Fable and especially rainbowdash
why did charlie brown have a oneitis in the peanuts movie (2015)
Who’s that one manchild in Charlie brown
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