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Discussion Natural Diet


Aug 2, 2024
I am in great support of the natural primal "diet", have done my share of research and dove into the idea thoroughly. I am 95% goatispilled (disagree on small things) but I am 17 years old, live with my parents, and don't make enough to sustainably maintain eating properly. My parents are set in their 80's nutritional information and think that raw meat is dangerous, same with raw milk. I try the best that I can, but the farthest I go is eating blue steaks, whole milk (raw is illegal in Canada), and some raw fish. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could best implement this diet into my life somewhat sustainably? Thanks in advance.
It's tough to say, man. I'm not really a fan of those diets myself, so I can't be of much help. But I'd suggest looking into organic and local farms or finding trusted butchers. You could also try Turkish or Greek shops, they might have kefir or pasteurized milk, or at least point you to reliable sources.
You still need fibers from fruits and vegetables but high quality meat and whole milk comes from the small farms. Raw milk is difficult to obtain and keep it freezed for a long time so unless you live in a rural area close to a farm...

Don't tell me your parents aren'ts boomer enough to believe that eggs are bad too ??
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  • #8
You still need fibers from fruits and vegetables but high quality meat and whole milk comes from the small farms. Raw milk is difficult to obtain and keep it freezed for a long time so unless you live in a rural area close to a farm...

Don't tell me your parents aren'ts boomer enough to believe that eggs are bad too ??
No, they understand that meat and eggs are healthy, but find it as only a small component of a proper diet. My dad does like to frequently mention the "high cholesterol" whenever I eat eggs though.
If I could find some based farmer who is willing to supply me with raw milk, or high quality meat cuts, I will convert to full natural diet. Yes, i know that some fruits are good to eat.
I am in great support of the natural primal "diet", have done my share of research and dove into the idea thoroughly. I am 95% goatispilled (disagree on small things) but I am 17 years old, live with my parents, and don't make enough to sustainably maintain eating properly. My parents are set in their 80's nutritional information and think that raw meat is dangerous, same with raw milk. I try the best that I can, but the farthest I go is eating blue steaks, whole milk (raw is illegal in Canada), and some raw fish. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could best implement this diet into my life somewhat sustainably? Thanks in advance.
goatis acid attack
goatis stab classmates
goatis try to burn his son
goatis joke about raping and killing woman but did not even cage
goatis eat squirrel in public without proving anythign
goatis claims hes jesus
goatis freaky schizo

anyways, why raw? what specifically are you eating raw (except for the milk and fish you mentioned)
for eggs, you should cook the whites since theyre difficult to digest. you can eat the yolks raw. your parents will see the pan and think you cooked the egg when you only half cookied it.
make sure to wash the eggs with water and soap. because if you eat raw, the shit stained dirty eggs will touch the inner egg liquid and contaminate it with salmonella. also try to get it from healthy chicken.
as for milk, id recommend to get it raw and then pasteurize. now, someone might call me a r****d cuz "the milk in stores is pasteurized dumbass". well, actually, in stores, its more than that, you can search up the exact step by step processing. they go through a shit ton of procedures, not to mention unhealthy steroid cows. minimum you need is pasteurization and healthy cows
once again, everything healthy and clean!!! i wont repeat this again as to not be annoying

try to cook meat to minimum safe temperature.
fire was invented to cook meat. because it is easier to chew, tastier, less disease, and easier to digest.
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  • #10
goatis acid attack
goatis stab classmates
goatis try to burn his son
goatis joke about raping and killing woman but did not even cage
goatis eat squirrel in public without proving anythign
goatis claims hes jesus
goatis freaky schizo

anyways, why raw? what specifically are you eating raw (except for the milk and fish you mentioned)
for eggs, you should cook the whites since theyre difficult to digest. you can eat the yolks raw. your parents will see the pan and think you cooked the egg when you only half cookied it.
make sure to wash the eggs with water and soap. because if you eat raw, the shit stained dirty eggs will touch the inner egg liquid and contaminate it with salmonella. also try to get it from healthy chicken.
as for milk, id recommend to get it raw and then pasteurize. now, someone might call me a r****d cuz "the milk in stores is pasteurized dumbass". well, actually, in stores, its more than that, you can search up the exact step by step processing. they go through a shit ton of procedures, not to mention unhealthy steroid cows. minimum you need is pasteurization and healthy cows
once again, everything healthy and clean!!! i wont repeat this again as to not be annoying

try to cook meat to minimum safe temperature.
fire was invented to cook meat. because it is easier to chew, tastier, less disease, and easier to digest.
Appreciate the post effort, thanks for the response. Aside from what I've mentioned, I really don't follow the diet but I want to implement it. Thanks for the egg idea, will try that out. I completely agree with having these products from clean and healthy animals, but wouldn't pasteurize my milk. As for your last point, fire wasn't invented for the cooking of meat, it does not make it easier to chew ( I can back this up anecdotally), it is not tastier, less disease is more than likely true, and not much different in digestion. Not to mention that when you cook the meat, you lose nearly all the water soluble vitamins present, destroy a lot of the protein, making it unabsorbable, and reduce its caloric value.
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Appreciate the post effort, thanks for the response. Aside from what I've mentioned, I really don't follow the diet but I want to implement it. Thanks for the egg idea, will try that out. I completely agree with having these products from clean and healthy animals, but wouldn't pasteurize my milk. As for your last point, fire wasn't invented for the cooking of meat, it does not make it easier to chew ( I can back this up anecdotally), it is not tastier, less disease is more than likely true, and not much different in digestion. Not to mention that when you cook the meat, you lose nearly all the water soluble vitamins present, destroy a lot of the protein, making it unabsorbable, and reduce its caloric value.
No problem.
This morning when I was eating, I remembered something important regarding fire and wanted to tell you once I hopped on.

There was a point in history, where homo sapiens could've gone down the route of either evolving their brains or evolving their stomach.
Not both. Why? Because both are extremely high energy to spend resources on. So it was either or.
With the advent of fire, our stomachs had easier times digesting (although I can see that you disagree with this).
Cooking food chemically breaks down parts of the meat. Our stomachs also chemically break down parts of the meat to digest. So if the fire does it for you, then your stomach has less work.
So, we did not need the evolutionary trait for a better stomach.
Instead, our resources went to our brain. That's how we are so smart.
Homo Erectus may have done fire before us, but we are not sure if it was for cooking. Because fire was originally for light and heat when humans first used it, and later for tools, social activies, etc.
Scientists have found that among several primates, the restriction of feeding to raw foods during daylight hours limits the metabolic energy available.[51] Genus Homo was able to break through the limit by cooking food to shorten their feeding times and be able to absorb more nutrients to accommodate the increasing need for energy.[52]
In general the Homo genus has had larger brains than other primates, not just Sapiens.
"Before the advent of fire, the hominid diet was limited to mostly plant parts composed of simple sugars and carbohydrates such as seeds, flowers, and fleshy fruits. Parts of the plant such as stems, mature leaves, enlarged roots, and tubers would have been inaccessible as a food source due to the indigestibility of raw cellulose and starch. Cooking, however, made starchy and fibrous foods edible and greatly increased the diversity of other foods available to early humans. Toxin-containing foods including seeds and similar carbohydrate sources, such as cyanogenic glycosides found in linseed and cassava, were incorporated into their diets as cooking rendered them nontoxic.[54]

Cooking could also kill parasites, reduce the amount of energy required for chewing and digestion, and release more nutrients from plants and meat. Due to the difficulty of chewing raw meat and digesting tough proteins (e.g. collagen) and carbohydrates, the development of cooking served as an effective mechanism to efficiently process meat and allow for its consumption in larger quantities. With its high caloric density and content of important nutrients, meat thus became a staple in the diet of early humans.[55] By increasing digestibility, cooking allowed hominids to maximize the energy gained from consuming foods. Studies show that caloric intake from cooking starches improves 12-35% and 45-78% for protein. As a result of the increases in net energy gain from food consumption, survival and reproductive rates in hominids increased.[56] Through lowering food toxicity and increasing nutritive yield, cooking allowed for an earlier weaning age, permitting females to have more children.[57] In this way, too, it facilitated population growth."

Fire has also caused easier chewing (noticeable today as well, via sapien micro-evolution): Before their use of fire, the hominid species had large premolars, which were used to chew harder foods, such as large seeds. In addition, due to the shape of the molar cusps, the diet is inferred to have been more leaf- or fruit-based. Probably in response to consuming cooked foods, the molar teeth of H. erectus gradually shrank, suggesting that their diet had changed from tougher foods such as crisp root vegetables to softer cooked foods such as meat.[59][60] Cooked foods further selected for the differentiation of their teeth and eventually led to a decreased jaw volume with a variety of smaller teeth in hominids. Today, a smaller jaw volume and teeth size of humans is seen in comparison to other primates.[61]

Basically, without fire cooking, we would've been dumb apes.

There are obviously criticisms to this theory, which, all theories have some form of criticism. But overall, I find this theory strong.

IDK if you read any of this, so TLDR; fire made humans high IQ ;)
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  • #12
No problem.
This morning when I was eating, I remembered something important regarding fire and wanted to tell you once I hopped on.

There was a point in history, where homo sapiens could've gone down the route of either evolving their brains or evolving their stomach.
Not both. Why? Because both are extremely high energy to spend resources on. So it was either or.
With the advent of fire, our stomachs had easier times digesting (although I can see that you disagree with this).
Cooking food chemically breaks down parts of the meat. Our stomachs also chemically break down parts of the meat to digest. So if the fire does it for you, then your stomach has less work.
So, we did not need the evolutionary trait for a better stomach.
Instead, our resources went to our brain. That's how we are so smart.
Homo Erectus may have done fire before us, but we are not sure if it was for cooking. Because fire was originally for light and heat when humans first used it, and later for tools, social activies, etc.
Scientists have found that among several primates, the restriction of feeding to raw foods during daylight hours limits the metabolic energy available.[51] Genus Homo was able to break through the limit by cooking food to shorten their feeding times and be able to absorb more nutrients to accommodate the increasing need for energy.[52]
In general the Homo genus has had larger brains than other primates, not just Sapiens.
"Before the advent of fire, the hominid diet was limited to mostly plant parts composed of simple sugars and carbohydrates such as seeds, flowers, and fleshy fruits. Parts of the plant such as stems, mature leaves, enlarged roots, and tubers would have been inaccessible as a food source due to the indigestibility of raw cellulose and starch. Cooking, however, made starchy and fibrous foods edible and greatly increased the diversity of other foods available to early humans. Toxin-containing foods including seeds and similar carbohydrate sources, such as cyanogenic glycosides found in linseed and cassava, were incorporated into their diets as cooking rendered them nontoxic.[54]

Cooking could also kill parasites, reduce the amount of energy required for chewing and digestion, and release more nutrients from plants and meat. Due to the difficulty of chewing raw meat and digesting tough proteins (e.g. collagen) and carbohydrates, the development of cooking served as an effective mechanism to efficiently process meat and allow for its consumption in larger quantities. With its high caloric density and content of important nutrients, meat thus became a staple in the diet of early humans.[55] By increasing digestibility, cooking allowed hominids to maximize the energy gained from consuming foods. Studies show that caloric intake from cooking starches improves 12-35% and 45-78% for protein. As a result of the increases in net energy gain from food consumption, survival and reproductive rates in hominids increased.[56] Through lowering food toxicity and increasing nutritive yield, cooking allowed for an earlier weaning age, permitting females to have more children.[57] In this way, too, it facilitated population growth."

Fire has also caused easier chewing (noticeable today as well, via sapien micro-evolution): Before their use of fire, the hominid species had large premolars, which were used to chew harder foods, such as large seeds. In addition, due to the shape of the molar cusps, the diet is inferred to have been more leaf- or fruit-based. Probably in response to consuming cooked foods, the molar teeth of H. erectus gradually shrank, suggesting that their diet had changed from tougher foods such as crisp root vegetables to softer cooked foods such as meat.[59][60] Cooked foods further selected for the differentiation of their teeth and eventually led to a decreased jaw volume with a variety of smaller teeth in hominids. Today, a smaller jaw volume and teeth size of humans is seen in comparison to other primates.[61]

Basically, without fire cooking, we would've been dumb apes.

There are obviously criticisms to this theory, which, all theories have some form of criticism. But overall, I find this theory strong.

IDK if you read any of this, so TLDR; fire made humans high IQ ;)
Did read. Interesting take, and I see the merit to the concept, although there are still some arguable points that I disagree with, I can agree with us getting more intelligent due to less processing of food ourselves. I'd still argue that cooking meat will decrease its protein, calories, and nearly all water soluble vitamins. I also agree that the cooking of things like seeds made them nontoxic, but the argument there is that in their natural state, they are, and we shouldn't eat them because we wouldn't naturally. Overall good point, however I still believe that we as people would be better off not cooking our meats.
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Did read. Interesting take, and I see the merit to the concept, although there are still some arguable points that I disagree with, I can agree with us getting more intelligent due to less processing of food ourselves. I'd still argue that cooking meat will decrease its protein, calories, and nearly all water soluble vitamins. I also agree that the cooking of things like seeds made them nontoxic, but the argument there is that in there natural state, they are, and we shouldn't eat them because we wouldn't naturally. Overall good point, however I still believe that we as people would be better off not cooking our meats.
I see, agree to disagree.
I most lightly cook my eggs (basically the only food ik how to make)
I would be interested in seeing brain activity follow a change to raw diet. I wonder if it would decline, given more energy being expended on the stomach. Would it remain the same, given the counterarguments? I doubt it would increase. Unless the switch to a raw diet comes from an originally ultra processed diet.
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I see, agree to disagree.
I most lightly cook my eggs (basically the only food ik how to make)
I would be interested in seeing brain activity follow a change to raw diet. I wonder if it would decline, given more energy being expended on the stomach. Would it remain the same, given the counterarguments? I doubt it would increase. Unless the switch to a raw diet comes from an originally ultra processed diet.
Seeing how most people eat poorly, the switch would be beneficial.
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