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Motivation Neckmaxxing is a Must

My dad naturally has a wide neck but I was cursed
Especially if u have a wide jaw/ face it’s essential even if u aint gymcelling
Exactly. My jaw has actually widened since looksmaxxing, and although I don't gymcell anymore, I still train my neck to keep it looking masculine and proportionate.
Why not u had a pretty good physique
Just because I don't gymcel doesn't mean I NEVER workout. Just not stressing myself to death in the gym these days.
I was actually at the gym the other day. Here's the recent physique.
You tell me how it looks.
Just because I don't gymcel doesn't mean I NEVER workout. Just not stressing myself to death in the gym these days.
I was actually at the gym the other day. Here's the recent physique.
You tell me how it looks.
View attachment 76423
Looks great man I guess you don’t need it
Looks great man I guess you don’t need it
my main goal is not a gymcell physique. I wanna be lean with adequate muscle. I'm about 14 - 15% bf right now, and I aim for 10 -12% soon.