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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

Need help on my eye area very self conscious about it

I recommend facial exercises as they look downturned. Try looking at youtube for better advise as I cant explain it in words but always apply a moisturizer/oil before doing the exercises. Also always hydrate ur eyes and ice them in the morning to prevent eye bags.
Random ADHD question: What'd you get that medal in the background for?
Actually no!! It doesnt change everything but it helps to a certain extent with consistency? There not permanent but you still see change if u keep up w it. Why r u so pressed i worded it differently
Quit coping
Whats the certain extent? It gave u a positive canthal tilt or what?
Your tear ducts, fat pads, orbits and eye color determine your eye area. Instead of doing bs excersises that won't change any of those things, its better to grow out your eyebrows and lashes and that could actually have a positive affect on your eye area
Then what changed
It lifted my eyes by a little so instead of them being downturned they were more balanced. When i stopped doing them they went “back to normal” its not a proven fact and scientifically proven that they actually help i just noticed change with consistency over a few weeks my bad 🤦‍♀️
You can temporarily debloat your puffy face with massage but thats all
And thats more what i was getting at, im not trying to say you can change everything about ur eyes im saying that u can see some change within a couple weeks at most. im sorry i worded it differently im not good with typing
Actually no!! It doesnt change everything but it helps to a certain extent with consistency? There not permanent but you still see change if u keep up w it. Why r u so pressed i worded it differently
I made a video about this on my TikTok and even I have to say, it’s cope.

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