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Discussion Need help starting my Journey

mainly just trim and thicken them, might also want to start frauding that mouth a lil jfl
Get an Edgar and ur chillin brah
pretty much all the edgars I see are overweight drug addicted kids
I'm not aware of terminology just yet, what do you mean by this?
frauding is where you change your appearance in that moment, for example squinting for hunter eyes. You can try featuring your mouth to keep it in a more neutral position in order to prevent the frown it forms and jfl is pretty much just like lol
Get Lean
but build some muscle first1000005205.jpg

Then darken your eyebrows they look ideal in thickness so just work on getting them darker I recommend using castor oil and coconut oil with aloe vera gel 1000005267.jpg1000005265.jpg1000005266.jpg
also change your hair find something that would fit your facial features medium length hair or slightly long will work well in my opinion

For your skin eat more clean especially things with vitamin c like oranges I'm not familiar with Accutane but you can use it I heard people say great things about it 1000005268.jpg
But focus on building some muscle and getting lean

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