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Discussion Need help with weight loss plateau


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
For the past like 9-12 days, my weight has somehow gone UP. I took advice from @quepasta and @Wilk to up the calories, so I did from around 1400 to 1750 and this is when my weight loss started plateauing. Any idea why? Should I keep trusting the proccess? Please help
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bump please
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can you tell me your weight, height and age also are u male or female. in going to calculate your BMR which is basically how much your body burns just to exist.
Also how much sleep?
8 hours daily, and no I know my maintenance is around 2300.
Could try getting more sleep I guess, how have steps and activity been?
bro steps dont matter he js needs to be in a calorie deficit, if he eats low calories he could even lose weight without moving his ass.

for example right now if I dont go to the gym I still lose 1kg a week but it is because I am on an intense calorie deficit, I only consume 1000 calories a day. With gym i am losing 2kgs a week.

its either your counting ur calories wrong or eating things thinking it wiuldnt matter but they would for example a handful of nuts (around 50 grams) is 300 calories, u could eat 50 grams of nuts and think they wouldnt matter but they would.

Also about ur BMR, make sure to recalculate it every month or so because when ur weight changes ur BMR also changes so you might have to adjust ur calorie deficit as well.
bro steps dont matter he js needs to be in a calorie deficit, if he eats low calories he could even lose weight without moving his ass.

for example right now if I dont go to the gym I still lose 1kg a week but it is because I am on an intense calorie deficit, I only consume 1000 calories a day. With gym i am losing 2kgs a week.

its either your counting ur calories wrong or eating things thinking it wiuldnt matter but they would for example a handful of nuts (around 50 grams) is 300 calories, u could eat 50 grams of nuts and think they wouldnt matter but they would.

Also about ur BMR, make sure to recalculate it every month or so because when ur weight changes ur BMR also changes so you might have to adjust ur calorie deficit as well.
Steps do matter jfl. Makes it much easier to lose weight, that’s why most Americans are fat as fuck
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  • #14
Could try getting more sleep I guess, how have steps and activity been?
Averaging 9.2k steps, light weight lifting, and I’m not sleeping more than 8 hours. I will say though, the plateau started when I had covid, maybe that has something to do with it.
bro steps dont matter he js needs to be in a calorie deficit, if he eats low calories he could even lose weight without moving his ass.

for example right now if I dont go to the gym I still lose 1kg a week but it is because I am on an intense calorie deficit, I only consume 1000 calories a day. With gym i am losing 2kgs a week.

its either your counting ur calories wrong or eating things thinking it wiuldnt matter but they would for example a handful of nuts (around 50 grams) is 300 calories, u could eat 50 grams of nuts and think they wouldnt matter but they would.

Also about ur BMR, make sure to recalculate it every month or so because when ur weight changes ur BMR also changes so you might have to adjust ur calorie deficit as well.
My BMR is around 1900 calories, and light weight lifting and 9.2k steps is certainly around 400-500 calories, otherwise i’m entirely sedentary. I don’t count wrong and I don’t mis track information, I have a weight scale and weigh everything in grams that need to be. If the serving size is for example (1 bar), I won’t measure it since it’s unnecessary.
Averaging 9.2k steps, light weight lifting, and I’m not sleeping more than 8 hours. I will say though, the plateau started when I had covid, maybe that has something to do with it.

My BMR is around 1900 calories, and light weight lifting and 9.2k steps is certainly around 400-500 calories, otherwise i’m entirely sedentary. I don’t count wrong and I don’t mis track information, I have a weight scale and weigh everything in grams that need to be. If the serving size is for example (1 bar), I won’t measure it since it’s unnecessary.
Need more steps brah
Averaging 9.2k steps, light weight lifting, and I’m not sleeping more than 8 hours. I will say though, the plateau started when I had covid, maybe that has something to do with it.

My BMR is around 1900 calories, and light weight lifting and 9.2k steps is certainly around 400-500 calories, otherwise i’m entirely sedentary. I don’t count wrong and I don’t mis track information, I have a weight scale and weigh everything in grams that need to be. If the serving size is for example (1 bar), I won’t measure it since it’s unnecessary.
of ur only burning 500 calories from 9.2k steps i think ur walking on a low speed without an incline, try setting the treadmill on 5km/h and 6% incline.

also i discovered that cycling is acc a cheatcode, you dont get as tired as walking on the treadmill and you burn about 70-80% of the calories for example if ur burning 500 calories in an hour on the treadmill u would burn 400 on the cycling machine with way less effort.
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Need more steps brah
No, because Dominican Republic born MLB superstar Julio Rodríguez.
of ur only burning 500 calories from 9.2k steps i think ur walking on a low speed without an incline, try setting the treadmill on 5km/h and 6% incline.

also i discovered that cycling is acc a cheatcode, you dont get as tired as walking on the treadmill and you burn about 70-80% of the calories for example if ur burning 500 calories in an hour on the treadmill u would burn 400 on the cycling machine with way less effort.
I walk outside in my back yard, not in a treadmill lol. Wish I did have a treadmill though.
No, because Dominican Republic born MLB superstar Julio Rodríguez.

I walk outside in my back yard, not in a treadmill lol. Wish I did have a treadmill though.
hmm try walking in an elevated place then where you go up then, it burns way more calories than normal walking
No, because Dominican Republic born MLB superstar Julio Rodríguez.

I walk outside in my back yard, not in a treadmill lol. Wish I did have a treadmill though.
Walk outside brah
I just go places and get 10-11k
and also if you have the self disciplene trye consuming only 1000 calories a day ik its so hard and you would starve half ur day but its worth it you lose 1 kg if you sit on the couch all day. also drink soem coke zero its 0calories and fills up ur stomach so u can temporarly not feel hunger.

one more thinf buy some protein powder and consume 1.6 grams to 2.2grams of protein for every kg you weigh, for example if ur 100kg consume 160 to 220 grams of protein everyday.
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  • #22
I just go places and get 10-11k
JFL it’s literally 800 steps bro stop being petty 😭
and also if you have the self disciplene trye consuming only 1000 calories a day ik its so hard and you would starve half ur day but its worth it you lose 1 kg if you sit on the couch all day. also drink soem coke zero its 0calories and fills up ur stomach so u can temporarly not feel hunger.

one more thinf buy some protein powder and consume 1.6 grams to 2.2grams of protein for every kg you weigh, for example if ur 100kg consume 160 to 220 grams of protein everyday.
Brother I have discipline to do that, I used to do it very often but stopped because people on this forum told me it was better to eat in higher calories. That’s why I upped my calorie count, hoping they respond since they’re the ones who told me to. I don’t see how my weight could fluctuate this badly for 2 weeks, something is wrong because the most stagnant my weight got was for like 4-5 days. It’s now been triple that.
JFL it’s literally 800 steps bro stop being petty 😭

Brother I have discipline to do that, I used to do it very often but stopped because people on this forum told me it was better to eat in higher calories. That’s why I upped my calorie count, hoping they respond since they’re the ones who told me to. I don’t see how my weight could fluctuate this badly for 2 weeks, something is wrong because the most stagnant my weight got was for like 4-5 days. It’s now been triple that.
Lower calorie count then i guess if its really causing you to not lose weight
what weight are you cutting to brah
JFL it’s literally 800 steps bro stop being petty 😭

Brother I have discipline to do that, I used to do it very often but stopped because people on this forum told me it was better to eat in higher calories. That’s why I upped my calorie count, hoping they respond since they’re the ones who told me to. I don’t see how my weight could fluctuate this badly for 2 weeks, something is wrong because the most stagnant my weight got was for like 4-5 days. It’s now been triple that.
okay just do 1000 calories a day, try consuming proein 2 times ur bordy weight and you will lose weight. but be careful do not cut out sugar, fat and carbs ur body still needs them for fuel to lose weight so eat everything but focus mostly on protein
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what weight are you cutting to brah
I’m 188 right now, planning on cutting to until i’m 15% body fat. Could be any weight but I assume it’ll be low, like 155-160 pounds.
okay just do 1000 calories a day, try consuming proein 2 times ur bordy weight and you will lose weight. but be careful do not cut out sugar, fat and carbs ur body still needs them for fuel to lose weight so eat everything but focus mostly on protein
Bruh wants me to consume 400 grams of protein in 1000 calories 😭
I’m 188 right now, planning on cutting to until i’m 15% body fat. Could be any weight but I assume it’ll be low, like 155-160 pounds.

Bruh wants me to consume 400 grams of protein in 1000 calories 😭
just get lean dw about getting allat protein, also 400g of protein is way too much
I’m 188 right now, planning on cutting to until i’m 15% body fat. Could be any weight but I assume it’ll be low, like 155-160 pounds.

Bruh wants me to consume 400 grams of protein in 1000 calories 😭
no bro two times ur body weight in kg not pounds, if ur 188 pounds consume like 150 to 180 grams of protein
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no bro two times ur body weight in kg not pounds, if ur 188 pounds consume like 150 to 180 grams of protein
minor miscalculation
Yeah, I thought you meant in pounds lol. I’ll up the steps to 10.5k but i’ll stay at 1750 calories just a week or 2 longer to make sure. If the weight doesn’t move though fuck that, it’ll be time to starve for sure.
Uh oh. Your basal metabolic rate may have adjusted to the extreme deficit, which would actually lower your maintenance calories. If you have been in a large deficit for a while, this is definitely the case.
Yeah but if he have a normal exercise to raise it in the same level os sedentary americans, he would still be skinny by starving
Yeah but if he have a normal exercise to raise it in the same level os sedentary americans, he would still be skinny by starving
true but who wants to live their life with a messed up metabolism and have to starve just to not be fat?
true but who wants to live their life with a messed up metabolism and have to starve just to not be fat?
Shure not his entire life, just a fast time to loose weight efficiently.
If you're in a big caloric defecit, your body's metabolism can slow down. Along with maybe water weight. Also considering other things, if you are in puberty or even late puberty maybe 20's, It's possible to get bone mass changes, just overall increase in weight due to new tissue.Whatever it is, calories in, calories out, dont go beyond 40% deficit in calories, also keep in mind that height ,weight exercise play in so use a calorie calculator.
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  • #38
If you're in a big caloric defecit, your body's metabolism can slow down.
Uh oh. Your basal metabolic rate may have adjusted to the extreme deficit, which would actually lower your maintenance calories. If you have been in a large deficit for a while, this is definitely the case.
What do I do now to fix the BMR thing?
What do I do now to fix the BMR thing?
i really dont know what it means :cry: i like your validation when you give me likes 🥺 sorry for not being a good dog to know what bmr is,i act dumb sometimes :popcat:
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  • #41
i really dont know what it means :cry: i like your validation when you give me likes 🥺 sorry for not being a good dog to know what bmr is,i act dumb sometimes :popcat:
It’s the amount of calories your body naturally burns without any added exercise or movements.
Physical exercises, of course, specially the ones who make you use strength in most of your body, but it is less efficient then starving if you dont have a good muscle base
Some hight stressful brain activities such as professional ches helps to burn as many calories as hours running, but i am not shure if it increases the passive burning
Anyway, if you want to build muscle, your point shouldn't be in consuming too much carbs, but rather making shure yu eat MEAT instead of whey protain.
Whey protain fastly exit the body, providing protein for just some hours while meat stay for days. So you can eat 10000 whey protain and still have no protain when sleeping...
What do I do now to fix the BMR thing?
Have a good diet for maintenance, consider hitting legs for more muscle packing but also keeping a lean aesthetic look. You basically want more tissue but not fat in order to have a better BMR. Oh and also sprint instead of running, keeps a lean muscular build without anorexia skinny lanky build.
Have a good diet for maintenance, consider hitting legs for more muscle packing but also keeping a lean aesthetic look. You basically want more tissue but not fat in order to have a better BMR. Oh and also sprint instead of running, keeps a lean muscular build without anorexia skinny lanky build.
And also a little cheat code could be using the sauna after gym.
its normal to gain some weight when increasing calories, your previous deficit was too low
also metabolism takes some time to adjust
focus on muscle mass

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