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Need to glow up in 7 days


Mar 14, 2025
Encased in iridescent slime
Instagram: Blank
For my friend's birthday party I rly wanna go but I still look half-dead and like


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Deathnic curse. You can't ascend in 7 days, you'd still be bloated and inflamed from even invasive surgery lol. Fillers or makeupmaxxing yourself to death is all you've got
No idea what a deathnic curse is, but I ca ntry to mask the inflammation and bloat by taking lots of lax and diuretics to purge everythig in my system
No idea what a deathnic curse is, but I ca ntry to mask the inflammation and bloat by taking lots of lax and diuretics to purge everythig in my system
Won't fix anything, you simply can't ascend notably in 7 days lol. Furosemide might give you a slight edge, but that's it.

I was referring to the bloat and inflammation you would get from getting cosmetic surgery, which wouldn't even die down within 7 days, so why would you think you could look notably better within 7 days anyway else?
Won't fix anything, you simply can't ascend notably in 7 days lol. Furosemide might give you a slight edge, but that's it.

I was referring to the bloat and inflammation you would get from getting cosmetic surgery, which wouldn't even die down within 7 days, so why would you think you could look notably better within 7 days anyway else?
Yeah, well this is what I get for binging the last few months away also why the fuck would I get plastic surgery on a week's notice? Im not a Kardashian Jenner member. But I can try to improve my skin quality and wear a nice wig along with drowing my face in some foundation, plus try to do something about the green tint.
Yeah, well this is what I get for binging the last few months away also why the fuck would I get plastic surgery on a week's notice? Im not a Kardashian Jenner member
Listen up, foid, it's a fucking reference to how long it takes to ascend, even if you get invasive, cosmetic surgery. I am trying to get it in your foid brain that you are stuck as deathnic and won't ascend within 7 days. You need to dedicate much more time to it.

Simply answer, you can't
Listen up, foid, it's a fucking reference to how long it takes to ascend, even if you get invasive, cosmetic surgery. I am trying to get it in your foid brain that you are stuck as deathnic and won't ascend within 7 days. You need to dedicate much more time to it.

Simply answer, you can't
Ah sorry, anyways now its time to cancel going there
Makeup tips yes, thank you very much
Okay this is what you should do in preparation:
  1. Like you said, try to debloat.
  2. Find one of the following dress types that suit the ectomorph body you have: 1. Fit-and-Flare Dresses, 2. Peplum Dresses, 3. Wrap Dresses, 5. Off-Shoulder or Boat Neck Dresses -But I would most recommend a fit and flare dress.
  3. If you can afford it, go to an eyebrow salon, depending on where you live, they're usually not too expensive and get your eyebrows threaded/ shaped -If you cannot do this you should clean up/ trim your own eyebrows but make sure that you map out your face and do research on what eyebrow shape suits you face the best. There's many tutorials on this online.
  4. The night before the party try dermaplaning (shaving your face with a single-bladed razor) this helps makeup to sit more smooth on the skin -I would be careful or cautious about this if you are highly prone to acne and make sure the razor is 100% clean.
  5. Makeup:
  6. Brush out your eyebrows, you don't need to fill them in with anything as you already have very good, thick and full eyebrows.
  7. Find a good foundation shade, and mix it with a small amount of moisturizer, but make sure they are both water-based or both silicone-based products so they are able to mix together without pilling. Alternatively, use a BB Cream.
  8. Next, lightly contour using a cream-contour and remember - never mix powder with liquid (what i mean by this is power-products are for the end, use all liquids first otherwise they will clump up and look cakey) you should apply the contour on your jaw area, under the chin and forehead - contour more where you want to look smaller and vice versa. For nose contour, you should make sure you watch a few tutorials before doing it and make sure the person's tutorial you're watching has a similar nose shape to you. also apply some contour to your eyelids for a sultry look.
  9. Then apply concealer to under eyes/ problem areas but I would really try to stay away from applying a lot, or if any makeup to the T Zone of your face. -always looks cakey. Let the concealer dry in a bit and then blend, i forgot to say this earlier but make sure evvverryhing is blended well.
  10. Apply setting powder to your under eyes and at your smile lines and where the kind of crack is between the nostril and cheek (hard to explain, hope you know what I'm talking about)
  11. Before brushing off excess setting powder, curl your eyelashes and either apply mascara or false ones, make sure if you use false ones, they're not extremely big- it never looks good.
  12. Optional: Highlighter- I would recommend that you apply highlighter to the tip of your nose and downwards from the bridge of your nose (be careful not to go too heavy-handed on it, though) and also in the inner corners of your eyes- I think this gives a very pretty look. You can also apply a small amount of brown eye shadow or top up on the contour on your eyelid this also looks very nice in my opinion.
  13. Then apply setting spray and perfume!
Hope this helps and I would be happy to give more advice if you want and feel free to PM me if u want any more help :)
Okay this is what you should do in preparation:
  1. Like you said, try to debloat.
  2. Find one of the following dress types that suit the ectomorph body you have: 1. Fit-and-Flare Dresses, 2. Peplum Dresses, 3. Wrap Dresses, 5. Off-Shoulder or Boat Neck Dresses -But I would most recommend a fit and flare dress.
  3. If you can afford it, go to an eyebrow salon, depending on where you live, they're usually not too expensive and get your eyebrows threaded/ shaped -If you cannot do this you should clean up/ trim your own eyebrows but make sure that you map out your face and do research on what eyebrow shape suits you face the best. There's many tutorials on this online.
  4. The night before the party try dermaplaning (shaving your face with a single-bladed razor) this helps makeup to sit more smooth on the skin -I would be careful or cautious about this if you are highly prone to acne and make sure the razor is 100% clean.
  5. Makeup:
  6. Brush out your eyebrows, you don't need to fill them in with anything as you already have very good, thick and full eyebrows.
  7. Find a good foundation shade, and mix it with a small amount of moisturizer, but make sure they are both water-based or both silicone-based products so they are able to mix together without pilling. Alternatively, use a BB Cream.
  8. Next, lightly contour using a cream-contour and remember - never mix powder with liquid (what i mean by this is power-products are for the end, use all liquids first otherwise they will clump up and look cakey) you should apply the contour on your jaw area, under the chin and forehead - contour more where you want to look smaller and vice versa. For nose contour, you should make sure you watch a few tutorials before doing it and make sure the person's tutorial you're watching has a similar nose shape to you. also apply some contour to your eyelids for a sultry look.
  9. Then apply concealer to under eyes/ problem areas but I would really try to stay away from applying a lot, or if any makeup to the T Zone of your face. -always looks cakey. Let the concealer dry in a bit and then blend, i forgot to say this earlier but make sure evvverryhing is blended well.
  10. Apply setting powder to your under eyes and at your smile lines and where the kind of crack is between the nostril and cheek (hard to explain, hope you know what I'm talking about)
  11. Before brushing off excess setting powder, curl your eyelashes and either apply mascara or false ones, make sure if you use false ones, they're not extremely big- it never looks good.
  12. Optional: Highlighter- I would recommend that you apply highlighter to the tip of your nose and downwards from the bridge of your nose (be careful not to go too heavy-handed on it, though) and also in the inner corners of your eyes- I think this gives a very pretty look. You can also apply a small amount of brown eye shadow or top up on the contour on your eyelid this also looks very nice in my opinion.
  13. Then apply setting spray and perfume!
Hope this helps and I would be happy to give more advice if you want and feel free to PM me if u want any more help :)
w help becky 😍
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