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Never become an Incel

Dr. Vozcuk [Unblocked]

United Ph.D doctors
Aug 20, 2019
Once you become or act like incel its over you will be the most hated creature in this world

never lose hope like incels keep looksmaxing like crazy

Never hate on woman publicly
Act like a progressive dont be based or right wing its seen as a loser incel thing and pushes woman away
lie about your lay count
Go to whores if you have enough money and dominate them slap them around

Be positive and allways think at how to improve your temple( body) and life,never get stuck in the incel mindset and lifestyle, because ultimately that's what you need to do in order to fuck women
also jfl at ur 180 from accepting its over to wanting to looksmax and shitting on incels
Did you saw my last thread regarding this
yes i accepted it's over (For women), recently for looksmax, i will never be next ellias girls are wetting on, if i find my girlfriend, i found it. If i don't then nothing basically, just cope then i guess
Did you saw my last thread regarding this
yes i accepted it's over (For women), recently for looksmax, i will never be next ellias girls are wetting on, if i find my girlfriend, i found it. If i don't then nothing basically, just cope then i guess
i would reject the hottest JB if she genuinely approached me since I know its just a waste of a few weeks/months in which she will be with me while lusting for better looking chads after which ill get dumped for someone taller and better looking than me

or id accept and dump her to get some dopamine

its basically a worthless painful experience having a gf as a blackpilled incel, if you are truly blackpilled that is
i would reject the hottest JB if she genuinely approached me since I know its just a waste of a few weeks/months in which she will be with me while lusting for better looking chads after which ill get dumped for someone taller and better looking than me

or id accept and dump her to get some dopamine

its basically a worthless painful experience having a gf as a blackpilled incel, if you are truly blackpilled that is
I would also like to have sex everyday, have loving and caring wife, and all that you already know. It just wasn't happening in this world, i couldn't help you, but you can cope with masturbation, sex dolls, maybe looksmax would help if you have body dysmorphia, and such.. If you ever decide to go suicidal, why don't you kill all the people behind the scenes who are controling this bullshit out of world first
why wouldnt i be hateful when i was an accident incel birth that is treated like crap by everyone and cannot experience what others do
Personally i enjoy doing some other things in life, it still have meaning to me. I mean just love and respect others on a human level, i don't have reason to hate because who am i to change something? You are as equally as powerless as everyone else, so my hate won't impact anyone and it will be worse for me
I would also like to have sex everyday, have loving and caring wife, and all that you already know. It just wasn't happening in this world, i couldn't help you, but you can cope with masturbation, sex dolls, maybe looksmax would help if you have body dysmorphia, and such.. If you ever decide to go suicidal, why don't you kill all the people behind the scenes who are controling this bullshit out of world first

Personally i enjoy doing some other things in life, it still have meaning to me. I mean just love and respect others on a human level, i don't have reason to hate because who am i to change something? You are as equally as powerless as everyone else, so my hate won't impact anyone and it will be worse for me
sadly man ill probably just stick to coping with drugs, but indeed the days of loyal wives are over for good, all round the world. i thought there was hope left for my EE country but thats over

as for the second thing u said, nothing to say there, we just think differently

here is some lifefuel:

I would also like to have sex everyday, have loving and caring wife, and all that you already know. It just wasn't happening in this world, i couldn't help you, but you can cope with masturbation, sex dolls, maybe looksmax would help if you have body dysmorphia, and such.. If you ever decide to go suicidal, why don't you kill all the people behind the scenes who are controling this bullshit out of world first

Personally i enjoy doing some other things in life, it still have meaning to me. I mean just love and respect others on a human level, i don't have reason to hate because who am i to change something? You are as equally as powerless as everyone else, so my hate won't impact anyone and it will be worse for me
@NickWithoutRestriction is like - n***a you expect me to read this shit 😂
sadly man ill probably just stick to coping with drugs, but indeed the days of loyal wives are over for good, all round the world. i thought there was hope left for my EE country but thats over

as for the second thing u said, nothing to say there, we just think differently

here is some lifefuel:

Are you balkancel? I am from Serbia, and you can still find women for marrying (Which is rare) in southern region of Serbia, they are raised specifically to serve to their husbands, you can also look up Albania, but they aren't easily accessible
Are you balkancel? I am from Serbia, and you can still find women for marrying (Which is rare) in southern region of Serbia, they are raised specifically to serve to their husbands, you can also look up Albania, but they aren't easily accessible
I live in Romania son, and even my femorrhoid classmates are being taught by our teachers that divorce is good and you can always just "start over"

its brutally over
I live in Romania son, and even my femorrhoid classmates are being taught by our teachers that divorce is good and you can always just "start over"

its brutally over
Strange, i though countries around Serbia aren't liberal alike. I found about this when my church friend told me that you can marry girl who behaves moraly. You should look up this, if you're interested i can explain it detailed
Strange, i though countries around Serbia aren't liberal alike. I found about this when my church friend told me that you can marry girl who behaves moraly. You should look up this, if you're interested i can explain it detailed
jfl if you think any country is safe from the jewish brainwashing, its only a matter of time until the entire world will be brainwashed

its already over for us eastern europecels
i would reject the hottest JB if she genuinely approached me since I know its just a waste of a few weeks/months in which she will be with me while lusting for better looking chads after which ill get dumped for someone taller and better looking than me

or id accept and dump her to get some dopamine

its basically a worthless painful experience having a gf as a blackpilled incel, if you are truly blackpilled that is