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New in the forum old in the making!


New member
Mar 28, 2023
Hello i have tryde to lookmax since i was 15 years old now im soon turning 20. I have Done all the basic things haicut/all other hair ,bodyproducts, went to the gym 5years, clouth etc..

Now what i have done to in my mind is to have surgery and roidmax
I have taken aas since i was 18 with good resultat so good that my mom find it all.. i was risking 1 year in prison for the roids if police testet me. But want do you dont to for the gains ;). Now when i cant take roids before i move out i Will start my first surgery

List what to do know
1. Ear surgery 5k$
2. Gros a good facil hair
3. Take roids agine when i move out go to 110kg lean

I have the lenth 190cm i have the dick and i have many more things. Good luck to all and i hope i can help with something💯
Hello i have tryde to lookmax since i was 15 years old now im soon turning 20. I have Done all the basic things haicut/all other hair ,bodyproducts, went to the gym 5years, clouth etc..

Now what i have done to in my mind is to have surgery and roidmax
I have taken aas since i was 18 with good resultat so good that my mom find it all.. i was risking 1 year in prison for the roids if police testet me. But want do you dont to for the gains ;). Now when i cant take roids before i move out i Will start my first surgery

List what to do know
1. Ear surgery 5k$
2. Gros a good facil hair
3. Take roids agine when i move out go to 110kg lean

I have the lenth 190cm i have the dick and i have many more things. Good luck to all and i hope i can help with something💯
didn't understand anything but sure man, keep us updated

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