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Serious Nose Filler


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
Has anyone here gotten nose filler or knows anything about it?

Before I say all this, please shut the fuck up and don’t be a bluepilled bitch. Don’t try and lecture me with some bullshit “oh filler is cope just get a rhino”. Just shut the fuck up if that’s what you’re going to say, get out of my thread, i’m only 16 so please none of that bullshit.

But yeah, i’m 16 and I think i’m gonna get nose filler this weekend. There’s a good chance I don’t but my mom told me she’ll let me so I’ll see. As of right now, my nose is pretty hooked. When I morph it to be straight I look a lot less ethnic.

So my questions, what can nose filler control? Can they change the tip? Can they change the nasal bridge? If they do, by how much?

How long do they last? As in how long will my nose be relatively straight until it goes back to my normal nose?

Is it effective, like will there actually be a difference? This is my first time getting any filler by the way.
Unfortunately, I dont have anything to really add. But really you can get it at 16? I think it just pretty much adds volume and straightens out the nasal bridge? idk
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  • #3
Unfortunately, I dont have anything to really add. But really you can get it at 16? I think it just pretty much adds volume and straightens out the nasal bridge? idk
Adds volume to what? And i’m not sure that’s why i’m gonna find out. I’m pretty sure my mom is just bullshitting me, but in the chase she isn’t i’ll def take nose filler. Quick and easy mini ascension.
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  • #4
Adds volume to what? And i’m not sure that’s why i’m gonna find out. I’m pretty sure my mom is just bullshitting me, but in the chance she isn’t i’ll def take nose filler. Quick and easy mini ascension.
Adds volume to what? And i’m not sure that’s why i’m gonna find out. I’m pretty sure my mom is just bullshitting me, but in the chase she isn’t i’ll def take nose filler. Quick and easy mini ascension.
the nasal ridge mostly
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  • #6
the nasal ridge mostly
Why would I want volume there though? But thanks though, i’ll check my morphs again with only a change to the nasal bridge and see if it still looks fine.
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  • #8
ive never had it

but wont filler make the nose bigger? it might make it straight but it will be big
i tried to do a morph
View attachment 36978
Relally? I thought it was supposed to just straighten out the nasal bridge. Either way i’ll still have a jew nose but I might aswell have a str8 and big nose rather than a hooked and big one.
Relally? I thought it was supposed to just straighten out the nasal bridge. Either way i’ll still have a jew nose but I might aswell have a str8 and big nose rather than a hooked and big one.
i dont think it can straighten the bridge down to the same level as the other parts of the nose. because you are adding mass not removing it
ofc be careful with fillers
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  • #10
i dont think it can straighten the bridge down to the same level as the other parts of the nose. because you are adding mass not removing it
ofc be careful with fillers
Bruh I didn’t know this. Maybe I won’t get it then and just wait for a rhino once i’m older. Thanks man
Has anyone here gotten nose filler or knows anything about it?

Before I say all this, please shut the f**k up and don’t be a bluepilled b***h. Don’t try and lecture me with some bullshit “oh filler is cope just get a rhino”. Just shut the f**k up if that’s what you’re going to say, get out of my thread, i’m only 16 so please none of that bullshit.

But yeah, i’m 16 and I think i’m gonna get nose filler this weekend. There’s a good chance I don’t but my mom told me she’ll let me so I’ll see. As of right now, my nose is pretty hooked. When I morph it to be straight I look a lot less ethnic.

So my questions, what can nose filler control? Can they change the tip? Can they change the nasal bridge? If they do, by how much?

How long do they last? As in how long will my nose be relatively straight until it goes back to my normal nose?

Is it effective, like will there actually be a difference? This is my first time getting any filler by the way.
I thought you were 17-19 ngl

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