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Method Not shaving face till I get lean

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  • #6
I did this over the summer, and I'll tell you it isn't worth doing it. If it motivates you that much, or you have good facial hair growth, then go ahead. But for me it made me look like a bum.
I think it can motivate me, probably will make me look like a bum though
At 16 there's no way you are growing facial hair anywhere close to respectable. It's gonna make you depressed and probably get bullied more. Maybe during the summer it would have been a good idea but I wouldn't recommend it now
At 16 there's no way you are growing facial hair anywhere close to respectable. It's gonna make you depressed and probably get bullied more. Maybe during the summer it would have been a good idea but I wouldn't recommend it now
At the end of the day; clean shaven mogs unless you have godly facial hair density for a stubble.
Beard growing is most of the time a massive cope. Just for hiding a double chin and poor jawline.

I would say, continue to shave multiple times per week, especially at 16-17yo most beards are shitty and makes you worse.

Fat loss is easier for a small caloric deficit, walking and targeting long-term (6+ months instead of 3)
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  • #22
You sound like an anorexic teenage girl shave your face and get lean
Not anorexic by any measures I’m just pissed by how long this shit is taking
Probably not , what's stopping you from giving up and shaving your face? Just stop being a r****d about it workout and eat well
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  • #25
do not say cunt
Probably not , what's stopping you from giving up and shaving your face? Just stop being a r****d about it workout and eat well
Just asking if it was a motivation worthy thing you cunt
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  • #26
I shaved because it won’t make a difference tbh
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  • #29
I was just being realistic :confused: if you wanna look like a bum go for it .That aside don't look for motivation it won't help you in the long run.
I already shaved this morning , sorry for misunderstanding you
Nice idea, the beard probably will make an illusion for good

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