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Theory Nutrigenomics, Paleo Diet And human evolution.


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
Some people suggest that we should all follow a diet that respects where we originate from and that the optimal diet for us is one that aligns with this etc. More

It's not "ancestral eating" if your ancestors ate peasant food (plants, grains, inferior oils, unsaturated fats) and, as a result, grew up short in stature, low IQ, with an unattractive phenotype.

Imagine that we never migrated from the Saharan climate to colder European climates or that we never upgraded our diet from grains and plants (as some low IQ tribes still do) to raw milk and ruminant meat....

It seems to be universal that eating a ***specific** diet, not necessarily based on your ancestry, that only certain conditions allow, produces more attractive, higher IQ and taller people.

It's not an "eat for your genes".

It's eating like you're in abundance, in the best geographical area in the world, with the highest odds of survival; what are the odds of you surviving in Italy versus the Saudi Arabian desert?

This is what our brain thinks

This raises a fundamental question:

So we discovered raw milk and beef cattle; which we needed to evolve; what is the next discovered food of the rise of the human species?

I think it will be like the diet of the Dutch. Or, lots of fresh milk and dairy everywhere (less kefir, less yogurt, less sauerkraut), with less fermented foods as they are a sign of the past and lack of resources.

Gradually, the average person will become a 7 "giga jaw Chad, and natural selection is already starting to pull out the ugly genes.

This is what we'll all look like.... Will personalities reign? You never know. New standards will emerge

European eating.


It is crazy to think that the most beautiful people of today will be surpassed/emulated by our future populations.

With this theory I want to point out that the main contributing factor to appearance is the ability to signal survival, which they will have in abundance. (This leads to low cortisol, inflammation etc... What you already know).

Let me know what you guys think about this.

@Nihilus @Donsa @Whaol @quepasta
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This isn’t referring to hundred of thousands of years of evolution.

This can take place within the same group of people who are a village away from one another.

And over a couple of generations not thousands of years.

In the levant those who’s village is known for 3ds (lentils) and bamya are also known to be short, those in the north and those with land and cattle are known to be taller, lighter and smarter. Incomplete proteins and lack of certain vitamins and minerals will be manifested in the soft and hard tissue.

It’s a combination of weather, altitude and diet.

Take twins and place each in a different environment and it’s pretty clear ones with meat, dairy and heavy chewing materials develop the most forward and compact faces, and those in colder climates adapt to the sun by being more sensitive to it with lack of melanin = lighter skin

Extract a couple of teeth and retract a couple of jawlines and you’ll slowly see it naturally in your children

A few generations can make or break your appearance

we’re already breastfeeding our children glyphosate , it doesn’t take much.
Some people suggest that we should all follow a diet that respects where we originate from and that the optimal diet for us is one that aligns with this etc. More

It's not "ancestral eating" if your ancestors ate peasant food (plants, grains, inferior oils, unsaturated fats) and, as a result, grew up short in stature, low IQ, with an unattractive phenotype.

View attachment 33859

Imagine that we never migrated from the Saharan climate to colder European climates or that we never upgraded our diet from grains and plants (as some low IQ tribes still do) to raw milk and ruminant meat....

It seems to be universal that eating a ***specific** diet, not necessarily based on your ancestry, that only certain conditions allow, produces more attractive, higher IQ and taller people.

It's not an "eat for your genes".

It's eating like you're in abundance, in the best geographical area in the world, with the highest odds of survival; what are the odds of you surviving in Italy versus the Saudi Arabian desert?

This is what our brain thinks

This raises a fundamental question:

So we discovered raw milk and beef cattle; which we needed to evolve; what is the next discovered food of the rise of the human species?

I think it will be like the diet of the Dutch. Or, lots of fresh milk and dairy everywhere (less kefir, less yogurt, less sauerkraut), with less fermented foods as they are a sign of the past and lack of resources.

Gradually, the average person will become a 7 "giga jaw Chad, and natural selection is already starting to pull out the ugly genes.

This is what we'll all look like.... Will personalities reign? You never know. New standards will emerge

European eating.

View attachment 33858

It is crazy to think that the most beautiful people of today will be surpassed/emulated by our future populations.

With this theory I want to point out that the main contributing factor to appearance is the ability to signal survival, which they will have in abundance. (This leads to low cortisol, inflammation etc... What you already know).

Let me know what you guys think about this.

@Nihilus @Donsa @Whaol @quepasta
your threads never fail me good job brosky

tag me in your next one
There is some level of healthy were further changes wont produce bigger effects. In those circumstances, the looksmaxxing theory have been terribly equivocate.
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