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Guide Official Guide to Lens Distortion and It's Effects on The Face.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42181
  • Start date

Deleted member 42181

For a long time I was wondering why I looked so much better in the mirror than in selfies. I already that when I took pictures from back camera that I was because I wasn't used to seeing my face flipped. But, I soon also realized that I look equally bad in selfies with the front camera. How could this be? How can I take a good picture?

First, I had to see if I was just seeing things when seeing how weird I looked in selfies. I studied pictures and learned the importance of ratios. I will outline five important ratios that are affected by lens distortion:

FWHR - Face width to height ratio: Calculated by dividing the width of the widest part of your face (bizygos) by the height of the midface (middle of eyebrows to the top of the upper lip) (ideal range is 1.75-2.05)
Midface ratio: Calculated by distance of the pupils divided by the distance from the middle of the distance between pupils down to the top of the upper lip. ("ideal" range is 0.95-1.15) (0.95-0.99 aren't ideal but they are still ok and are important for understanding the effects lens distortion)
Es Ratio: Calculated by the distance of the pupils divided by the distance of the widest part of your face (bizygos) (ideal range is 0.45-0.48)
Philtrum to chin ratio: Calculated by the height of your philtrum (the area between your nose and upper lip) divide with the height of your chin. (ideal is 1:1.8-1:2.75)
Chin to midface ratio: Calculated by the ratio of the height of your chin divided with the height of your previously mentioned midface. (ideal range is 0.55-0.65)
The reason why these ratios matter is because lens distortion kills them. You will look more narrow with more elongated facial features. (The elongated facial features will in turn pop out your features like nose and eyelid exposure out more, I have even noticed that it makes my lips thinner also). These ratios are all the crucial aspects of what makes a face harmonious, and the distortion of multiple ratios is a Legitimate PSL dropper. It's not in your head.

Examples of the effects of lens distortion on a subject:




Es Ratio:


Philtrum to chin ratio:


Chin to midface:


My examples of these ratios on my face being fucked over by distortion:

1.58-1.63 in selfies (peanut/horse hybrid tier). 1.81 in real life (good)

Midface -
0.87-0.91 in selfies (legit horse tier). 0.95 in real life (eh)

Es ratio -
0.485-0.49 in selfies (dolphin tier). 0.455 in real life (ideal)

Philtrum to chin ratio -
1:1.65-1:1.8 in selfies (decent). 1:1.9-1:2.1 in real life. (ideal)

Chin to midface ratio -
0.48-0.51 in selfies (decent). 0.56-0.58 in real life (great)

Next time you are worried about how you in selfies, remember that your facial ratios that make the balance and harmony of your face are getting fucked over by the lens distortion.

If you guys want to measure the differences in ratios and say them in the comments, then use this measuring website I used:

NOTE: The question to if you will look worse or better with lens distortion is entirely up to how high or low your ratios are. If you are wide and compact, you can look better with lens distortion due to it normalizing your features if the ratios are too high. If you are a narrow and long, you can look worse with lens distortion due to it making you even more long and narrow.


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