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If i am a Curry ur a Hamburger
Mar 29, 2024
Bruh y my face and hair folicles secrets so much oil, its like i clean my face with water and towel and after some minutes my face is oily again and my hair gets oily without any oil application like how can i stop this shit:unsure:
Bruh y my face and hair folicles secrets so much oil, its like i clean my face with water and towel and after some minutes my face is oily again and my hair gets oily without any oil application like how can i stop this shit:unsure:
this can be caused by washing your face with hot water, because when you wash your face with hot water you take all the oils and your skin produces way more oils than how much there should be and so it results in having a really oily face

Stop using hot water -> use cold water
Apply ice and mousturizers
Bruh y my face and hair folicles secrets so much oil, its like i clean my face with water and towel and after some minutes my face is oily again and my hair gets oily without any oil application like how can i stop this shit:unsure:
Use shampoo to stop oiliness; although, you should only use it once a week! It’s good sometimes to have oily hair as it gives volume and removes frizziness! :)
Bruh y my face and hair folicles secrets so much oil, its like i clean my face with water and towel and after some minutes my face is oily again and my hair gets oily without any oil application like how can i stop this shit:unsure:
Another reason why could be humidity or genetics sadly. You just have to keep icing your face and using face wash so that oil don’t break up into acne! I have that sadly also.
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Yes India is humid fr Justin Bieber came to perform here but didn't complete his concert because of the humidity 🤣(I think his acne also break out cuz of that I saw one picture from the news)
Or it could be smtg else
Bruh y my face and hair folicles secrets so much oil, its like i clean my face with water and towel and after some minutes my face is oily again and my hair gets oily without any oil application like how can i stop this shit:unsure:
hop on accutane and reduce sodium and refined sugars plus a skincare routine
