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old money or y2k

I want the basic fashion back in the 60s-80s southern American era where beautiful sundresses were not something you’d be made fun of
Depends on ur age just be yourself at the end of the day a lotta goofy try hards look worse
Yes and the dotted white and blue ones
When I was in whimberly Texas I loved wearing such dresses but sometimes people make fun,I love old fashion
I really hope my gf have some floral sundresses for this summer, best looking dresses on women imo
I really hope my gf have some floral sundresses for this summer, best looking dresses on women imo
Ofc sundresses are my favorite ones nowadays they’re called old fashioned but I just realized I can go back to Texas next summer like it’s so beautiful
In whimberly there’s a part of the town that still has old southern wild western buildings like saloons etc yay