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Discussion opinion on lipolab


if you can’t join them, rise above them
Established Member
Dec 21, 2023
14M 15% bf
I’m seriously considering buying lipolab online

I am going to continue to get leaner first, down to about 12-13%

i’ll inject in the buccal fat pad and below my chin

probably only 1-2 treatments will do the trick
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  • #4
Bro wait till you are older, like you mentioned as well you still aren’t lean enough to see
is there any actual medical/aesthetic reason for me to wait

i’m going to only do it 1-2 times, and I could always use a temporary agent instead of lipo lab, which is based on a compound that completely eradicates fat cells
is there any actual medical/aesthetic reason for me to wait

i’m going to only do it 1-2 times, and I could always use a temporary agent instead of lipo lab, which is based on a compound that completely eradicates fat cells
At your age, your face isn’t fully developed. I would wait thh
14M 15% bf
I’m seriously considering buying lipolab online

I am going to continue to get leaner first, down to about 12-13%

i’ll inject in the buccal fat pad and below my chin

probably only 1-2 treatments will do the trick
Your literally being dumb focusing on this at 14. Believe it not your buccal fat pad gets thinner when your 20 and beyond. What they don't tell you is removing fat from your face will age you very very badly into your 30s even if you did it at 17 or so. Your gonna look like a meth addict over the long term. You want as much natural fat pads in your face for as long as possible to look as youthful as possible. Don't fall for the guys who are doing it fraudung their results with filters and smoothing filters to hide how aged they now look. If you want to lose fat in your face. Get as lean as possible and work out. Your face if you mew and do all the right stuff will get lean and you will ascend. Don't focus on this stuff that is reserved for peolle who have no other option. Your 14. Your thinking backwards. You need BONE. You need a well developed occlusional plane and forward growth. If you are able to improve your face through this and still have zero definition in your face.THEN consider the last step which is possibly your genetically fat in the face. Often Latinas. And other ethentic origins have this trait but iv seen plenty of people still manage to over come this with what i just said. Sure you can remove your fat pads but if your boneless and not in a more ideal range. It's pointless. All it will do is age you in a bad way.

All the guys injecting this shit in their face achieving a temporary hollow look will come to regret it when they finally hit 27 and see how old they look now. Fat pads are good thing. Especially near the eyes. And zygos. And malar area ( to a point

Jordan a male model removed his fat pads and the only reason. He doesn't look horrible is he also spends likely 1000s of dollars on other things like face lifts ( lifts the fat pads back in place and fillers to remove facial volume loss) unless your willing to do the same don't do this
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Believe it not your buccal fat pad gets thinner when your 20 and beyond. What they don't tell you is removing fat from your face will age you very very badly into your 30s even if you did it at 17 or so.
This is legit

The difference in my face from 15-17 is insane

The issue in looksmax is they want it NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. It's literally short term gratification .me. nothing makes them.more angry than being told they gotta wait. They think they I'll be old cel by the time they get results. YOUR PRIME is 25 and beyond. It pisses me off everytime I see a kid wanting to f**k himself up for the short term because soms.tiktok convinced them they gotta look like a primed out adult when they are 14 ! Right now kids at that age should be natural maxxing. Mewing. Eating a f**k ton nutrition maxxing. Getting sun. And blooming like a caterpillar into a butterfly. .not surgery maxxing

Do people not realize YOU grow into your face?? Your skull gets bigger? Ĺ
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  • #9
Your literally being dumb focusing on this at 14. Believe it not your buccal fat pad gets thinner when your 20 and beyond. What they don't tell you is removing fat from your face will age you very very badly into your 30s even if you did it at 17 or so. Your gonna look like a meth addict over the long term. You want as much natural fat pads in your face for as long as possible to look as youthful as possible. Don't fall for the guys who are doing it fraudung their results with filters and smoothing filters to hide how aged they now look. If you want to lose fat in your face. Get as lean as possible and work out. Your face if you mew and do all the right stuff will get lean and you will ascend. Don't focus on this stuff that is reserved for peolle who have no other option. Your 14. Your thinking backwards. You need BONE. You need a well developed occlusional plane and forward growth. If you are able to improve your face through this and still have zero definition in your face.THEN consider the last step which is possibly your genetically fat in the face. Often Latinas. And other ethentic origins have this trait but iv seen plenty of people still manage to over come this with what i just said. Sure you can remove your fat pads but if your boneless and not in a more ideal range. It's pointless. All it will do is age you in a bad way.

All the guys injecting this shit in their face achieving a temporary hollow look will come to regret it when they finally hit 27 and see how old they look now. Fat pads are good thing. Especially near the eyes. And zygos. And malar area ( to a point

Jordan a male model removed his fat pads and the only reason. He doesn't look horrible is he also spends likely 1000s of dollars on other things like face lifts ( lifts the fat pads back in place and fillers to remove facial volume loss) unless your willing to do the same don't do this
thanks for the advice
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  • #10
The issue in looksmax is they want it NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. It's literally short term gratification .me. nothing makes them.more angry than being told they gotta wait. They think they I'll be old cel by the time they get results. YOUR PRIME is 25 and beyond. It pisses me off everytime I see a kid wanting to f**k himself up for the short term because soms.tiktok convinced them they gotta look like a primed out adult when they are 14 ! Right now kids at that age should be natural maxxing. Mewing. Eating a f**k ton nutrition maxxing. Getting sun. And blooming like a caterpillar into a butterfly. .not surgery maxxing

Do people not realize YOU grow into your face?? Your skull gets bigger? Ĺ
thank you man

if I do what I can naturally and keep my test high, will that affect facial fat distribution
14M 15% bf
I’m seriously considering buying lipolab online

I am going to continue to get leaner first, down to about 12-13%

i’ll inject in the buccal fat pad and below my chin

probably only 1-2 treatments will do the trick
dont need to use money, just eat less and workout more. You are doing extra due to anxiety.

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