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.org always hates on .com

Dude doesn’t represent all .org members idk what you mean
Most .org members are braindead and type like 10 year olds. If your life isn’t perfect, they’ll always be toxic. Your girlfriend doesn’t reply within 5 seconds? Some r****d on .org will be the quickest to say “You’re a cuck, shes fucking Chad bro!”. Their obsessions with cucks and dicks are actually sad. I hope all the members of that forum seek help.
Most .org members are braindead and type like 10 year olds. If your life isn’t perfect, they’ll always be toxic. Your girlfriend doesn’t reply within 5 seconds? Some r****d on .org will be the quickest to say “You’re a cuck, shes f*****g Chad bro!”. Their obsessions with cucks and dicks are actually sad. I hope all the members of that forum seek help.
Right, they're so fucking retarded. I refuse to believe that there are actual real human beings with a brain on there and these aren't just bots.
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  • #10
Why isn't it allowed here? Is this forum for children? It literally censors swear words jfl
Because who wants to see that while trying to looksmax or just chatting whatever it will ruin the forum you're already self conscious about looks so why have gore and porn it will make you insane
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  • #20
Ehh..almost all the men I talked to who groomed me were chads, so I think it's more of a desire to have control in a relationship or to lead the dominant role by having a younger partner.
It's low t then our ancestors who where high t went for developed women with high e bodies that has the nutrients and vitamins to provide a child
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  • #23
Degen megathread is some interesting shit. Best compilation of gore to be found on the internet hands down. I go back and scroll through all the videos I've missed ever few months.
Gore makes me lightheaded I will never watch again after seeing the zacatezas flaying video
Gore makes me lightheaded I will never watch again after seeing the zacatezas flaying video
I mean, I started playing on the internet in the late 90's and early 2000's. Running into gore was hard to avoid back in those days. Got used to it. With the cartels there are a lot more brutal videos to be seen nowadays though. The sheer volume is crazy. It does make you appreciate life too. And teaches you to be careful. I've seen a lot of clips of people dying by accident that I never would have thought of.

Don't ever go near any street light poles if you get caught in a flood. And don't ever try to help anyone by pulling them out of the water if they're face down in it near a street light pole. They're gone and you will be too if you try to help.
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  • #31
I mean, I started playing on the internet in the early 90's and early 2000's. Running into gore was hard to avoid back in those days. Got used to it. With the cartels there are a lot more brutal videos to be seen nowadays though. The sheer volume is crazy. It does make you appreciate life too. And teaches you to be careful. I've seen a lot of clips of people dying by accident that I never would have thought of.

Don't ever go near any street light poles if you get caught in a flood. And don't ever try to help anyone by pulling them out of the water if they're face down in it near a street light pole. They're gone and you will be too if you try to help.
When i was little there was a video of a guy getting split in 2 by a f1 car it was the south African grand prix with tom pryce getting decapitated and the guy that got hit was von van vuerenn it taken down now but the fact it was on yt the early internet was free for all
When i was little there was a video of a guy getting split in 2 by a f1 car it was the south African grand prix it taken down now but the fact it was on yt the early internet was free for all
Yeah, non English titled videos on YouTube went unchecked back then. I remember seeing a lot of videos of Chechens beheading captured Russian soldiers during the Chechen conflict on there.
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  • #33
Yeah, non English titled videos on YouTube went unchecked back then. I remember seeing a lot of videos of Chechens beheading captured Russian soldiers during the Chechen conflict on there.
Some are still on yt in documentaries or try not laughs or factory accidents like the bread factory one
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #34
Yeah, non English titled videos on YouTube went unchecked back then. I remember seeing a lot of videos of Chechens beheading captured Russian soldiers during the Chechen conflict on there.
I think I saw that in a try not laugh before it was mixed in somehow
I would say you clearly don’t use the forum and look at the threads to see that you are incorrect, but you racked up 2k posts within only a few months. You post there often for someone who doesn’t like the site…
i like offtopic
its interesting
i go there when this and .net is inactive to rot
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